It basically started when i was about 4. I had a mind of my own and saw things differently from others. My favorite place in the whole world was to be underwater. I felt as if water nymphs (sorry if i mispell stuff) were watching me and laughing with me. Trees looked like old friends, like my substitute grandparents since one pair lives in ohio (i live in Texas) and the other pair had recently died. They watched me grow, learn, and laugh. When i rode my bike, i would talk to the trees and tell them jokes. But as i grew older and got busier i had to abandon my "treeparents" and water friends. We were learning about the colonial times and about witch trials in social studies a few moths ago. This intrigued me so i looked up witchcraft on google. When i started learning more and more about Wicca not only did the information come together but i felt myself coming together again. I have always went to church and i have always believed in God as well. But i have never felt like i belonged in church. Never, not even when i was little. Once i started to learn more about Wicca i started to learn more about myself. These events are what leaded me to where i am right now. I have been planning my initiation in secret and i am very excited for it

Now that you know more about me, i will tell you about christians from inside a church. i have a feeling that many of you believe that christians are head strong and are not open to other religions. Obviously this is not true because i am a member of this website. I will admit that there are MANY christians who are head strong about the idea of other religions or if you are not a Christian. But i have to remind you that there are MANY witches who are head strong about other religions as well. you also need to know that you do not have to believe completely in the bible to be a christian. The most important thing is that you believe in Jesus and the ten comandments. Thats it. As a christian witch i still believe in the Goddessess and Gods. I see God as a tree, and the gods and goddesses are branches off the tree. they are connected. I would say more but i dont want to write a book. i hope for feedback!!! Blessed Be.