I have'nt done astral travel before, any tips?

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
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I have'nt done astral travel before, any tips?

Post by MrNitpicky »

I know we all regulary do subconcsious astral projection if this is dreaming but I have'nt done astral travel
before. Is there a difference between astral travel and astral projection? If i want to to conscious astral
travel or projection do you have any tips for beginners?
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Re: I have'nt done astral travel before, any tips?

Post by Fantasia »

Focus. On. Your. Breathing. At all times think about your breathing if you let your mind wander you have a better chance falling asleep then astral projecting.
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Re: I have'nt done astral travel before, any tips?

Post by corvidus »

MrNitpicky wrote:I know we all regulary do subconcsious astral projection if this is dreaming but I have'nt done astral travel
before. Is there a difference between astral travel and astral projection? If i want to to conscious astral
travel or projection do you have any tips for beginners?
Hey there,

In the tradition which I study, dream consciousness is on the lower end of the Astral. When you dream or have a lucid dream, you aren't actually projecting from your body into the Astral dimension.

Astral Travel and Astral Projection are similar, but different. Astral Travel is similar to what we do in dreams or during scrying-- the astral body stays fixt in the physical body but the consciousness is 'tuned' into the astral dimension. Astral Projection is when your consciousness enters your astral body, and the astral body separates from the physical body.

There is also Mental Travel and Mental Projection. Day-dreaming is a form of mental travel. Mental Projection is the separation of the mental body from the astral and physical bodies.

From what I know about the subject, Mental Projection is much safer than Astral Projection.
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Re: I have'nt done astral travel before, any tips?

Post by Naudia Threng »

In the tradition that I study, the part of the soul that travels and projects, is called the ba. Im not sure about travel or projection, because I don't do that often. But I do know that its possible to get lost, lose connection to your physical body. In my specific tradition, if your ba is separated from your body and your physical body dies, you wont be able to enjoy the afterlife or sleep. My advice would be to find something in the physical world like a necklace. Wear it and use it as an anchor. So that when you need to leave, you can yank yourself back.
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Re: I have'nt done astral travel before, any tips?

Post by corvidus »

Azure Lily wrote: My advice would be to find something in the physical world like a necklace. Wear it and use it as an anchor. So that when you need to leave, you can yank yourself back.

It is good advice! Another technique is to write a contract with yourself, and to have that near you when you attempt to travel.

The contract would read something simple like: "It is the will of [name], that after having finished my astral projection/travel/journey, I return to my physical body as completely, as wholly and as undivided as I was on the day the Creator made me. I will return without attachments in the astral dimension. Let this contract protect me from myself when I am in unfamiliar territory, and may it be a binding contract between my Body, my Soul and my Spirit."

And of course, you need to sign the contract as well with any mundane or magickal names or sigil you identify with.

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