"I've not been able to buy anything yet concerning Wicca & I was wondering if I could get some opinions about what to get first. I'm on a VERY limited budget but I want to start doing rituals, circles & set up my altar ASAP. "
🗝Working supplies -
notebook for writing down your Qs & ideas
any potion cup, heat-safe & water bowls, spoon
incense sticks or DIY incense
🕯 candles & holders; birthday candles in 4 colors & white utility candles cost <$2 at grocery stores
salt,oil & herbs
. Basil - protection in spirit-travel, aids psychism, prosperity, romance
. Bay leaf - aids psychic abilities, use as incense
. Parsley - cleansing
. Rosemary all purpose, use as incense
. Sage - clear cross-currents & banish spirits, use as incense
. Thyme - Ancient Greek temple incense to dispel harm & honor the dead
DIY Incense: roll a 3-inch square of plain paper in a tube like a cigarette; stand it upright in a cup with an inch of sand or salt; fill tube with crushed herb mix; light the top (ref. Annie’s Mirth & Reverence, YT)
DIY aerosol mist: in a 2 oz spray bottle mix 1/2 tsp lemon juice with 1/2 water & 1/2 alcohol or witch hazel; embellish with 2 drops of mint flavoring and vanilla
Print a moon phase calendar for current year, a pentagram & framable images as statues free
Cunningham’s Solitary Wicca is available as a free pdf. https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/relig ... tioner.pdf
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft free pdf https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/relig ... hcraft.pdf
What should I buy first?
Discussion of ritual tools and other items used in the Craft.
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