
Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Post by Peregrine »

If the certificate says you are catholic, I stumbled upon this video while researching another issue:

http://camelswithhammers.com/2010/06/13 ... ic-church/
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

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Robert L
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Re: Un-baptizing

Post by Robert L »

When all is said and done, it's a piece of paper.
It's what you believe that gives it strength.
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One Walker
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Re: Un-baptizing

Post by One Walker »

I believe what Robert says is true. Being baptized is a belief system's physical manifestation of being Baptized In The Spirit. When parents have infants baptized it only means that it represents their desire that their child find and follow the path leading to The Maker. A positive, spiritual path. In the context of Christianity it literally means "to follow the Tenets of Christ". These tenets are the same that have been laid out by every figurehead of every major belief system. If the Bible says that that you will be destroyed for no longer being a Christian it only means that if you turn your back on and reject these tenets you will be destroyed; not by God but by yourself and at the hands of others who have also rejected these tenets. This is where a lot of people draw erroneous conclusions from biblical statements such as that. They envision a vengeful, fire-and-brimstone type of God. A physical punishment exacted by God. This is not the case. What greater vengeance could The Maker exact than to do nothing but leave you to your own fate? Turn your back on the tenets of Peace, Love, and Harmony that are expounded upon in every belief system (such as Christianity and Wicca) and you've cast yourself adrift and laid yourself open to the acts of every other human who has also rejected those tenets (and there are plenty of those as you well know!).

The greatest vengeance of all is to leave you alone and to your own devices under those circumstances, eh? This is the potential pitfall of Free Will. Going to your own Hell in your own hand-basket.

So don't get hung up on the physical aspects of being baptized. You're already on that spiritual path. And all spiritual paths eventually lead to The Maker.

Just my thoughts. Blessings to you along your path!

One Walker. :D
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Re: Un-baptizing

Post by Sythan »

Ha! Christianity in whole is false. Its Paganism with a makeover. When you were baptised, it was a remake of a Pagan ritual that they stole. You have nothing to fear, you were baptized Pagan.
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Re: Un-baptizing

Post by Asch »

In the U.S. your birth certificate will not show your religion. Similarly if you die the persons handling your estate at the funeral home will NEVER see your birth certificate. They will do the paperwork for a death certificate wherein it is sometimes requested that a survivor provide the decedent's religion but that is not a requirement, really all that's absolutely required are the decedent's residence, cause of death, doctor's signature, and a social security number. Persons that die with no estate and no will are part of the coroner's rotation, the state will pay about $400 to a funeral home to cremate the remains. I used to work at a funeral home in WA state and did the paperwork. There may be some variations by state but your religion and your birth certificate are irrelevant, family wishes come first. If you WANT to insure the method of the disposal of your remains you can get a pre-need insurance contract or a will. Those are the only sure methods aside from trusting your family.
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