Lucky Potion

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Lucky Potion

Post by HonorRose »

I thought it’d be cool to add to this section, and a lucky potion is something I’ve wanted to have ever since reading the sixth Harry Potter book, lol. I don’t see this one being as effective, but I thought it would be fun to try. Plus, this potion is more to draw fortune into your life in general then to give you a few hours of supreme coincidence. Drink it before going on a date with someone you really like, or before going for a job interview or something of the such.

Since the ingredients list is a bit long, I’ve added the meanings of the ‘less general’ herbs, so that you can leave some of it out if you don’t need what the herb is for. Most of these herbs are pretty common, and their main purpose may not be for luck, but can have a lucky side affect. The few herbs used specifically for luck & wishing are pretty rare.

I also apologize in advance for the irrelevance of the spell rhyme. I don’t usually speak out loud during ‘spell casting;’ I find it distracting and I’m not very good at writing spell lyrics anyway. I added it because I know a lot of people who are very into speaking out loud in spells, but if you don’t like the poem I wrote you can always substitute your own. The line ‘I saw a green-gold lizard run’ was taken from a spell to see to see the truth, author unknown to me. I just liked the visual so much I wanted to add on to it.

Lucky Life Potion

*Star Anise
*Four Clovers
*Red Clover (for luck in love/marriage)
*Chamomile (luck with money/gambling)
*Basil (luck in business, draws prosperity)
*Bay Leaves (can grant wishes)
*Aventurine Gemstone
*Bright/light colored green and orange candles (any number)

During the waxing or new or full moon, clean and cleanse your stove/kitchen, or build a fire, light the candles and boil some water. Add the herbs and stir clockwise with an athame while holding the Aventurine in your other hand and saying:

From under a rock and into the sun,
I saw a green-gold lizard run

To me he said, spoke into my head,
These words of kings and mages dead

“All blessings be what are made by thee,
Nothing by gods should be granted for free

Make not to pine or waste away,
Instead look bright into joyful new day

That hoping smile and happy air
Brings you fortune, true and fair

This I insist that you keep in your mind,
Luck is at hand for all seekers to find!”

Strain the water and pour it into a bowl or cauldron. Drop the Aventurine in, and place the container outside in the sun/moonlight and leave it there for 24 hours. It may be bottled and stored or used directly after the time is up.

Re: potion

Post by ShadoWitch »

That's great, I'd like to try it. How do you use it? When I make a potion I use them as sort of a wash. Placed in bathwater, cleaning water, or in place of oil to anoint candles and such. when I make ones to drink, I just call it tea. being a self taught solitary I really don't know the protocol. :D
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Post by HonorRose »

I never thought to hard about the different uses. I always just assumed drink it. But I see no reason why you can't put in on a candle on use it as a wash. Those are actually good ideas... *thinks*

If you make it then it's all yours to do what you will with, I guess.

Re: lucky potion

Post by ShadoWitch »

Thanks. I'm going to try it :D

Re: lucky potion

Post by ShadoWitch »

I finally got all the ingredients to try this. I have a question though. If I have water charged by the full moon to make it, can I make it anytime, or should I just wait for the moon to wax again?
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Post by HonorRose »

*chews lip* Seeing as how it needs to sit out and gather waxing type energies I would recommend waiting for the moon to wax again. But if you want to try it with what you've got that's ok. I'm pro-experimenting!

Re: lucky potion

Post by ShadoWitch »

Thanks, I will try it both ways and let you know how it works out :o
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Post by HonorRose »

Cool, thanks.

Re: Lucky Potion

Post by -BlueRosesGirl- »

quick question, im sort of new to this and i was wondering: can i use anything else other than a athame? being 15, im pretty sure i cant get a hold of one or atleast even have one. please and thank you ^_^
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Re: Lucky Potion

Post by Mazu Sakura »

Same Prob as Bluerose with me
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