How do you apologize to a tree?

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How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I posted this on my blog, but since I'm looking for an answer to a question, I thought I would post here. To save you time on reading if you short on it, how do you make amends with a tree that you tore a limb from?

This is a story about me and the tree in my back yard.. I hurt it.. I've never really been one to tap into plant consciousness. I tend to tap into inanimate objects consciousness, mostly machines and furniture, but not really plants. I know about plant consciousness, but like I said I don't tap into it a lot.

So, I have this tree in my back yard. It sits right in an area where it floods and it's the only tree in the yard. It grows crooked and it's branches seem brittle. About a month ago, before the spring had officially arrived, I decided to build a fire in the fire pit, despite the fact that I had no kindle or lighter fluid. I had a couple of medium sized logs.

I scanned my yard for some twigs, and I picked up every fallen branch under the tree. It wasn't enough. I looked at the tree and the second highest brand was a decent size, but small enough to break. The tree was so brittle from winter I was able to easily pull down on the limb and rip it from the tree.

This made me feel good! I was feeling very "primitive". "I am woman, watch me build FIRE" type of feeling. I needed to cut the wood but I had so saw, so I held the limb in my hand and put the other end on the ground and lifted my foot up to stomp on the branch and break it in two. I had on large working boots, so I thought this seemed logical at the time. However, the branch didn't want to break, so it pulled across my hand and cut me pretty bad.

This sort of brought me back to reality. The more I thought about it later the more I tapped into the trees consciousness and realized that I ripped off one of it's arms! And, to pay me back it scratched me.

Now, that spring is here the tree is alive again and green and beautiful. I bet the limb I tore off would have been pretty and helped provide more shade in my yard, but I selfishly tore off it's limb. I still look at the spot where I tore the limb off and cringe. I feel bad. I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to apologize to the tree? I mean, if it were human you couldn't just say sorry for tearing off someone's arm, it just wouldn't be enough. So what would be enough to make up for what I have done?

Thanks for any responses!

Rosie Moonflower

Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by EloquentElephant »

You recounted almost exactly what happened to me recently, so much similarity it is almost frightening :). Anyway, I think I have made amends with my tree, and so maybe I can help you do the same. Firstly, walk outside to the tree you harmed. Touch your finger to your tongue and put the finger onto the place where you tore off the branch, as you hold it there, visualize your energy flowing into the tree and intermingling with the tree's. I see this as a way to give back the energy you took in a sort of way, and to make an offering to the tree.

When you feel you are connected to the tree, take your hand off the branch and lay it on the trunk, and actually apologize to the tree. After this I sat under it, leaning back against the trunk, and just allowed myself to coexist with it for awhile. Just take a little extra care with the tree for the next couple days, and eventually it will forgive you. Or at least mine did. If you feel it still dislikes you after this, I have another idea that may help, and will be happy to share if you need it.

Good luck,
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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by Firebird »

I like what Elly said,
I would add that for the health of tbe tree ...give it a clean cut...if it is ragged it can draw disease through that break....get a saw and cut flush with the trunk ...or to the next nearest large limb, whichever is closest. Offer incense or smudge and let the tree know what you intend to do.
In addition to your connection exercise, offer the tree some flowers milk or honey.
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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by crescent »

Trees are generous..."The Giving Tree" comes to mind. Never too late to thank it for giving you the branch and let it know that you'll take care of it. Like the prior post said, find the proper place to prune, and make a new, clean cut. Perhaps it was in need of more pruning anyway. Pruning can be an "art" and your intention is beneficial.
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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thank you all so much for your responses! How interesting you had a similar experience EloquentElephant! The tree took it's revenge on me right then and there and I almost didn't realize it until I have it second thought. Thanks for all the great ideas on how to apologize. When thinking about it this morning, I was wondering if singing it a song is way to please it?

Firebirdflys, thank you also for the information on cutting the break flesh against the trunk. I will need to borrow a tall step ladder to reach it but I think I can do that.

As far as offering the tree flowers, milk, or honey, how should I feel about plucking flowers? Will I not be doing to flowers what I did to the branch? I have a beautiful rose bush in my front yard. My mother showed me how to prune it and I did and it's gorgeous! I could cut some roses off. Should I wait until those roses NEED cutting off though?

And, yes, crescent, I just moved into this house in feb. But I plan to be here 25 years or more, it will take me that long to pay it off.. I'll definitely take care of this tree from now on. I'm working on getting the builder to put in a French drain. I imagine the tree will like not having to sit in water every time it rains.

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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by Firebird »

I think fowers are going to come and go long as you use a sharp knife or clipers, always speaking and in communication with the plant, and letting them know of your intentions, they are more than happy to share their bounty with us. Roses need to be trimmed anyway.
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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Okay, just to update you. I have started making my apologies to the tree. I have put more energy than I have into getting the drain put in, but I have had no luck. I have finally made contact with someone from the city who has asked for me to send pictures. I'm hoping they can make the builder who sold me the property pay for the drain. As you can see, it's very very wet. I know this isn't good for the tree. Image


I did, however, clean out my fire pit with all the ash in it and springkled the ash around the base of the tree. (One day when it was dry) Almost, like letting the branch go back where it came from. I cut the branch so it has a clean cut and not a break now. Once the drain is put in, the tree can start healing on it's own, then I'll start bringing it milk and flowers and honey, etc. and maybe even write it a song. :)
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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by Firebird »

Do you know what kind of tree it is? I want to say Ash but I'm not sure.
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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

No, but as soon as I get home I will take picture of the top and leaves and see if you can help identify. It's very tall' it might be the tallest tree in the neighborhood! It's definitely old. It was left when they developed the neighborhood because it fit into the fence I bet.
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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by Firebird »

Here look at these and see if you think your tree has a keaf shape and pattern like those in the link ( there are so many kinds of ash, I have 2 but am unsure of their specific variety.
bb, Firebird
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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Hey FF! So I think our tree is the one in the middle of this photograph. Image

We are STILL fighting the builder of our home to fix the drainage problems in our yard and around our tree. I was wondering if you could help me understand something. I think that this particular tree, because it's often in standing water, has come up out of the ground on one side, making the tree grow sideways and actually correcting itself at the top and growing towards the sun. The builder, who is a complete jerk btw who I had to get snippy with and I don't like to pull that side of me out of people unless I have too and he warranted it, he laughed in my face when I proposed this, before pressing that particular issue further I figured I'd better make sure I was right. So here's a photo: ImageImage

Sorry for the lighting, but I think you can see that the tree roots on the back side is coming out of the ground and the entire trunk is tilted. Do you know if this could be caused by the standing water that often comes and settles directly beneath it? Like this: Image

Thanks for any input. When the builder came by, I stayed inside first and let my fiancé handle it, I didn't realize he had two other men with him, so I was listening through the window and heard the builder say "if you want me to put in a drain, I'll split it with ya". Umm no! That's not good enough! I peel through the blinds see my fiancé is out numbered, put on a shawl and marched right out there and said, "I bought this house at full price and the fence is sitting in standing water and it's molding. If my fence gets ruined I'm gonna f@&$ing sue somebody." The atmosphere changed real fast. He argued with us 6 ways to Sunday! No matter what point I put out, he came up with some crazy reason why it wasn't his fault but the fault of the builder for the subdivision behind us, or blamed it on a 100 year flood, and even offered to move our fence up so the flooded part is behind the fence. Why the heck would I want my yard to become smaller?? But, I didn't back off. I told him all the neighbors are talking and he has put some free drains in some of the neighbors yards, and if he doesn't fix these problems we are all going to get together and sue him. Now we are getting a drain put in and having all of our gutter down spouts tied into it so that the yard will drain properly, finally. Sorry to add that part in but, I wanted everyone to know why I had to get so snippy! [WINKING FACE]
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Re: How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by Vesca »

This thread randomly came into my mind last night for some reason and now it shows up in my unread posts thread. eerie.

I'm glad to see you stood up for yourself and your property and that it yielded successful results. It's a shame how sometimes we need to bring the worst of us out to deal with lazy, cheap, selfish people who really couldn't care less about anyone but themselves. I'm still working my way through alternate methods of finding fair solutions to problems that are caused by someone other than myself.
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How do you apologize to a tree?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Isn't it interesting and a little creepy how intuition works like that. You think about something randomly out of left field and then the next day you experience something to do with it. It happens to me a lot!

And, yes, it would be best to communicate in a less "threatening" way and still yield the same results. But, it was clear to me when he was trying to split the cost with us that he wasn't being honorable in my opinion. And so, I had to bring out my feisty side. I guarantee you he called me a few choice words when he got into his truck and left. But, that's okay, as long as the yard get fixed.
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