(Trans-) planting in autumn?

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(Trans-) planting in autumn?

Post by blue_moon »

I walked through my future-front yard today; it's a total mess! I have three magnolia trees on the front and a birch and cherry tree on the side.

Even though we live on the main street its actually pretty relaxing to sit under the magnolia! This area deserves a bit more attention.

On my recent balcony I have echinacea and passiflora; thyme, lemon balm and 2 different kinds of mint. Some tulips and small iris.

Since there isn't much weed growing below the trees I'm a bit concerned. . On the other hand - this area was only watered by nature this year. So no wonder if the soil is dry...

What do you think? I'd like to transplant my balcony lovelies into my new front yard to bloom it up and prepare it for the next blooming and growing season. It's still pretty warm here and if I provide enough water ?

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Re: (Trans-) planting in autumn?

Post by blue_moon »

Wanted to show you what i did so far...

This is what i started with

I cleaned it all up...


Then we dug out a little creek bed to make a stone filled dry creek bed. (The kids thaught it needed water so it's not dry on this picture)


I'm still adding stones - a few at a time - and i planted some hyacinths and daffodils, my kids had a hand full of seeds from calendula and all.kinds if bee attracting flowers - all spread in that area.
I planted my echinacea and wild strawberries, semperviva and different sedum.


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Re: (Trans-) planting in autumn?

Post by SnowCat »

Autumn is typically bulb planting season in the Rockies, so the tulips and iris should do well. Mint grows wild around here, and doesn't seem too picky, so I imagine that would do well too. I'm not familiar enough with the others to say one way or the other. What you've done so far looks good. I have a number of ideas for what I want to do. I just need energy and money.

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Re: (Trans-) planting in autumn?

Post by blue_moon »

I only bought the two packs of bulbs. The stones I got for free, the plants were around the house and/or on my balcony. I've been checking f.book and a german craigs list for free give aways and was surprised how many things people just give away.

Also got a whole bunch of pretty pretty plants and orchids for my new living room. It's really worth the time to check.

Blue Moon
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