This post is full of very important information that every person shoud know.
I have therefore set this post as "sticky".
One of the major mental health problems that some people have is PSSD / PSS.
Those abbreviations stand for "Post-SRI Sexual Dysfunction", and the alternate term
"Post-SRI Syndrome". The latter term was invented at a later time than the former,
because the symptoms are broader than only sexual symptoms.
PSSD / PSS is a permanent condition that is caused in some people who consume
SRI drugs, which include the SSRIs, SNRIs, and some other types.
One relatively reliable source states that the prevalence of PSSD/PSS is about 0.5 percent
of people who have consumed SRIs- around 1 in 200, whereas a fraudulent source claims
an extremely minuscule percentage, which belies the prevalence of people with PSSD/PSS
on the internet.
PSSD/PSS is caused by the excess serotonin in the synapses permanently desensitizing
presynaptic 5-ht1a receptors, and postsynaptic 5-ht2a, 5-ht2b, and 5-ht2c receptors,
in parts of the brain and the spinal cord. Consequently, functions of dopamine (the
pleasure neurotransmitter) and oxytocin (the neurotransmitter of amorosity and sexuality,
among other things) are impaired. Symptoms of PSSD / PSS include physical sexual
anhedonia, psychological sexual anhedonia, amorous anhedonia, general anhedonia,
avolition (non-motivation), and chronic fatigue, though there are variations in the symptoms
between individuals. Those symptoms are very common among people who are actively
consuming an SRI, but only in the case of PSSD / PSS do they remain permanently.
PSSD / PSS has caused many suicides.
SRIs are not even the best drugs with which to counteract mental health problems in
the first place, because SRIs have little effect against depression; soluble magnesium
or selegiline is far more effective against depression; riluzole is more effective against
OCD; and benzodiazepines are more effective against anxiety. Although SRIs have some
efficacy against anxiety and OCD, they are nearly worthless against depression, aside
from the placebo effect. It is precisely because of that near-worthlessness against
depression that the corporate psychopathic marketeers call them "antidepressants"
ad nauseam, and tell psychiatrists to do the same, as if, by that perpetual linguistic
gaslighting, people will believe that SRIs are antidepressants.
Something that is important, yet not commonly known among non-physicians who are
familiar with PSSD / PSS, is the psychological profile of the typical PSSD / PSS victim.
People who get PSSD / PSS, as contrasted with people who consume an SRI but
do not get it, are far more likely to be introverts and nerds, probably in part due to
such people having higher baseline serotonin to begin with.
Of course, the SRI-manufacturing companies don't want people to know about any of this,
nor do the drug-distribution companies such as United Pharma. The major newsmedia
networks CBS, NBC, and ABC, won't speak a word about PSSD / PSS, because
Pfizer and Lilly (SRI-manufacturing companies) are their biggest sponsors. Pfizer is the
single largest sponsor of "60 Minutes", in exchange for 60 Minutes not doing an
investigative report on PSSD / PSS.
Psychiatrists of psychopathic temperament, and thus the APA (American Psychiatric
Association, which produces the DSM) and the staff of powerful psychiatric journals,
and other physicians of psychopathic temperament, and thus the AMA (American
Medical Association) and CMA (Canadian Medical Association), and the staff of other
powerful medical journals, don't want the general public to know about any of this, and
thus refuse to officially acknowledge the existence of PSSD / PSS, because doing so
woud impede their power to inflict PSSD / PSS upon introverted nerds.
Wikipedia allows only a very brief and minimally informative mention of PSSD (no mention
of the later term PSS), due to Wikipedia having received large donations from James
Heilman ("Doc James")- a wealthy and psychopathic canadian physician and
PSSD-suppresser, who deleted the PSSD article. That has led to Wikipedia having a
corrupt sub-policy within the larger "MED:RS" (medical "reliable sources") policy, which
discounts all of the work of research scientists (and thus the PSSD / PSS research),
and that corrupt sub-policy has been repeatedly cited by one or more psychopaths on
Wikipedia, for the purpose of removing information about PSSD / PSS.
Therefore, it is the obligation of people in the general population to spread this
knowledge among eachother, and especially so in any venues that relate to mental
health and/or psychiatry, such as this subforum. I have also attached a "PSSD / PSS
awareness" graphic, which is 100-by-100 pixels, and can therefore be used as an
PSSD / PSS Awareness
Discuss mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts, here.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:46 am
- Gender: Male
- Location: U.S.
PSSD / PSS Awareness
Post by HardOccult »
- Attachments
- pssd-pss_awareness_100px.png (4.2 KiB) Viewed 2332 times
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