Christian Witch?

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Christian Witch?

Post by Serendipity »

I’ve always believed the term Christian Witch to be something of an oxymoron. The tenants of the Christian faith are pretty clear on their stance on witches lol.

I have however met a few Christian Magical Practitioners.

In each case they practiced their Christian faith without pushing it onto others and they practiced magic quietly but with great dedication to it.

One of my favorite Christian magical practitioners was a lady who owned an herbal shop in a small town near where I used to live. She knew I wasn’t a Christian and she knew I practiced magic but we never discussed witchcraft, though I did occasionally go into her shop while wearing my pentagram. Sometimes when I went in she’d be wearing a talisman, or amulet, or “mojo bag” of some kind. These obviously were not jewelry items as they were homemade from ribbon and cotton or felt cloth or such and usually contained some herb or other that you could often get a slight whiff of.

I enjoyed knowing this lady and enjoyed visiting her shop very much. Sure there are lots of Christians who are… ummm… less than enthusiastic about having our kind around lol, but there are those who while I wouldn’t say they’re walking our path are certainly walking one we can respect. And one that occasionally intersects with ours even.

Post by bluemoon »

she sounds like she was a very interesting person to know
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Post by Serendipity »

Interesting, plesant and fun too. I miss her and her little shop.
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Post by WitchyLady506 »

I've actually know quite a few who practice witchcraft in the name of the Lord. The will tell you they are very much walking the path of the Lord and doing as he did, which when you read several passages of the bible, you will find it to be true. Christianity also has a lot of ceremonial magic in it's practices and services, it's just that the people practicing them don't know or won't admit to it, though even at 5 I knew that asking Jesus into your heart seemed a lot like invocation, but I was a strange child:P
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Re: Christian Witch?

Post by Singlemom73 »

Ok I'm new to this forum and really confused. There seems to be a LOT of HATE for Christians/God/Jesus in this thread. The witches that are banging God/Jesus and the Bible, I don't see why you are being so mean. Salem Witch Trials and TODAY if people know you're a witch you were hung, shunned and today you are fired, disowned, just not convicted by a jury. Why fight so hard to be heard and not hated and then on here lash out at someone b/c of how they feel?

If you believe in God then there is no other God. But someone said if you're a witch then you are GOD. OK so what about Earth, Air, Fire, Water? When you cast a spell don't you ask for something/someone to make it come true? Look at your spells that you cast.
Just my opinion, I don't mean any disrespect on any religon or practic. Thanks for reading.
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