BEFORE requesting Free Reading READ THIS

If you'd like to have a reading, you're welcome to post your question here and if there is a member available who feels like answering then they might help you. Please note that most of our readers are somewhat new to this and are using this forum as a way of improving their skills. They are not professional psychics. Anyone who would like to offer their skills to read other members are also welcome to do so here.
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BEFORE requesting Free Reading READ THIS

Post by Firebird »

Welcome to EUTM's free readings section, please read this notice if you are new to the board, have only made one or 2 posts or none at all. Free readings are for folks that have been members for some time or who have contributed to the community in a conscientious way.
If you have just joined the board to get a free reading, it isn't going to happen, so please do not ask. This section is set up with a notification system that alerts the mods to this, your request will be denied and you will receive this (or similar) message.
Our readers volunteer a great deal of time and energy to provide free readings to our members. In order to prevent potential abuse, we ask that those interested in requesting a reading be a contributing member of the forum either for a significant period of time and that they have made thoughtful, helpful, quality posts. These requirements have not been met by the requesting member, therefore, their request is disapproved. They may resubmit a request at a later date, preferably once one or both of these requirements have been fulfilled. Thank you for understanding!
EUTM Staff

Understand that this is not meant to be mean or rude but a safeguard for our members who have been kind enough to offer this service. It has been our experience that free readings is the only reason some people join. When they read the following message very few stick around, so if you feel you may be one of these people,
this may save you the time and trouble of signing up. Thanks.

If you wish to become a relatively productive and long standing member of the board, requesting a reading will not be a issue at all. :fairy:
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

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