Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

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Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Nyd »

I have found a few but was hoping to collect even more. If you can suggest any combinations of runes I would be very greatful.

I am also wondering if a reversed rune in a bindrune would be a good idea for pregnancy. Some bindrunes include Berkana reversed, yet the reverse meaning can also be miscarriage.
Nyd byþ nearu on breostan; weorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Kassandra »


Hi Nyd. There are several others here well-versed in runes (I assume you mean Nordic runes) and I'm surprised no one's responded, so I'll hopefully start a discussion with my post (hate to see you left hangin' :wink: ). Was wondering though, are you gathering pregnancy related runes for your own use, or for a gift for someone else, or? Just wondering. Anyway, here's my two cents. I find runes of any sort, Nordic or otherwise, to be very personal. They seem alive to me: they each have their own energy like people, they can heal like medicine, they provide insight like tarot cards. They can be used to curse, bless, create an energetic field on land, in a building or around a person. That's powerful stuff.

It's just me, but I would think it'd be best to work with a rune master to create a customized bindrune that the pregnant person needs. It's almost like doing a psychic reading or healing session. No two pregnancies are alike, so what's needed for one may not be needed for another. From this perspective, then, the bindrunes you "collected" may have been helpful to the people for whom they were made, but not for the person for whom you intend them. Also, really ALL the runes, the whole "alphabet," are potentials for a pregnancy bindrune, you know? I mean, I know Berkana is probably the first"go-to," knee-jerk, automatic rune people associate with this topic. But, personally, I would want to go much deeper. I would want a more personalized approach that speaks to my particular situation, and that will, therefore, empower me in the areas in which I, specifically, need to be empowered.

I don't know, but maybe that's why no one's responded to this post yet: we don't have enough information about the pregnant person's situation to be able to suggest runes for a bindrune. (?) If you're interested in trying to get some responses, perhaps provide some elaboration on the needs of the person for whom the bindrune is. Maybe members need some details before responding. For instance, if I were having some financial difficulties, and therefore unable to buy necessities for the baby, I'd probably need a bindrune that includes a money-drawing aspect. If I were carrying twins and it felt like World War III in my belly and I could not hold down food, nor sleep, I'd want a bindrune that calms and balances their energies so they're not fighting so much. If I were suffering from morning sickness, maybe I'd want a bindrune that brings my digestive system, and my mind, some peace and healing. Maybe I have a guide rune that I want incorporated into the you see what I mean?


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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Nyd »

Thank you for explaining. That makes a lot of sense of course! I only know basic Rune Meanings and what is delivered, but have never went so far to construct bind runes.  What I don't understand is how some of them are reverse. A bind rune for a safe pregnancy that I liked for example was made up of 2 Berkana Facing each other so that one was reversed. I don't know if it was done correctly however. Here is the link: ... -pregnancy. I intend to use the bindrunes for myself. I like Nordic Runes as well as Anglo Saxon Runes.

My Current Pregnancy

I am currently 7 weeks pregnant with complications. I had a miscarriage prior to this one at 4 weeks. My doctor said with such an early MC we can just continue to ttc and the body will get pregnant when it is ready. My body was ready only a few days after the bleeding from the miscarriage stopped and I conceived. I always know when I conceive because my body responds with the weirdest cramps and pressure on my cervix, strong nausea, fatigue and dizziness. It was the same with my son.
I also know when Implantation happened because that night was basically sleepless due to pain and cramps that made my legs tingle. So knowing these two and having charted all changes I am pretty sure I am about 6+6 today, 7 weeks tomorrow.

Last week I bled bright red blood. It was literally dripping to the floor. I was scared it would be another miscarriage, but the bleed did not continue, nor didncramping start. The days after I had brown spotting which is the body's way of cleaning out old blood. My doctor did a transvaginal Ultrasound and there was a tiny embryo, but no heartbeat. She said it was a bit early...around 6 weeks is usually when the heart starts beating. She said to wait to weeks to see if the embryo will continue to grow and the heart will start beating. She also prescribed progesterone tablets in case of low progesterone (which can lead to a miscarriage).

However, she was not very positive. She said it could be that the embryo already died and that I got pregnant much too soon (not enough uterine lining after a short time). That night (full moon) I laid on my back with my left hand over my uterus and tried to send all the possible positive energy in the world to my baby. I have been keeping black tourmaline around due to it's resonance absorption that leads to an increase in energy that axtivates cells. Traditionally it is also said to help with negative energy and entities. I came across this on a paranormal forum when seeking advice regarding spooky events at my home.

The following night was horrible and I woke up with commotion in my was as if all my reproductive organs were waking overtime or like having little people in my stomach. Again I also suffered cramps, combined with pregnancy symptoms. The following days were also intense. Just a constant pain in my uterus and sides as well as increased pregnancy symptoms. I am hoping this means my body is working on the pregnancy.

Past Pregnancy and Health Issues

There is some background to me that I think is important. I have suffered from many chronic health issues in the past which I discovered between 2009 and 2010. When I got pregnant with my son 2010 Doctors did not have much hope. They said I am too sick for a healthy pregnancy. In my mind I just did not want to accept it and actually ended up having a healthy pregnancy. After pregnancy my mission was to heal. So my son could have a healthy mother that can be there all his life and also to one day have more children. I would love to have lots of children if I could....4, 5...who knows. I have worked with energy, nutrition and herbal supplements these past year to restore my health. I rid myself of most health issues naturally, even a cancer and Hashimoto's.....I went from a weak immune system to a very strong immune system (all documented with blood testing as well) but the natural healing process is sometimes slow and I still have a pituitary tumor at my brain... that shrank, and my prolactin levels have been in the normal range, yet the leftovers of it can still cause problems in a pregnancy.

I am testing to see if my body can do it already. I feel a healthy pregnancy would further correct issues much better than I could with all the nutrition and supplements in the world. With pregnancy hormones kicking in my chronic Candida issue actually improved. I have a fungus on my face and scalp that I needed to control with topical antifungals. This would be my first pregnancy off medication. I am still breastfeeding my 4 year old and that is what keeps the tumor in check and keeps it from releasing excess prolactin. My goal is a medication free pregnancy all throughout and a natural birth this time around. I think letting my body do what it needs to is best to find balance.

A Mysterious Red Light I See Clairvoyantly

Last but not least I do have paranormal happenings of some sort. I do seem to have good spirit guides around that have communicated to me through a lot of ways what to do and what to study. I do have dreams that gave me clues towards healing too. Since 2013 I have been seeing a red light or red glow. It started appearing in images back then but also floated in my bedroom once. I did not think of it any further but 2014 when re-connecting with someone I know from the far past a lot of spooky things happened. Which I why I looked for advice in a paranormal forum. I kept seeing the red light, then very small like a sphere by my bedroom window in the early morning hours. I would always wake before sunrise (so def. no sun around) The red sphere was distant at first, but one night moved closer and whenever waking I would see it right by my bedside. I made sure I was awake, pulled my son closer, wrote something on paper, even woke my husband. I never felt threatened by it, but the red color puzzles me. It then started growing in size very slowly.

Fast forward to the night I conceived miscarriage baby...suddenly I did not see it around anymore. The night I miscarried and woke from cramping hours after the first bleed I saw the red light floating away from me to the other side of the room. The nights after it was in the usual spot again. That was when it doomed to me that it may be a soul or spirit of some sort. My friend who has had experiences like this thinks it might be a demon, but I just don't feel this sort of energy from it. Maybe there is another reason for the red color. 2009 I lost a pregnancy due to tragic circumstances and my health issues. Planned Parenthood also told me there was no heartbeat and that we need to terminate the pregnancy since it won't expel naturally. Looking back I think I should have waited longer...knowing how often a scan is just dated wrong and a heartbeat can be found days later. But I had no knowledge of such things then. I always felt horrible about the first loss, maybe also because it was a dark time in my life where I separated from a horrible man left with health issues and financial ruin.

Sometimes I wonder if the red light could be the baby I lost then. But I really don't know. There could be another reason for it staying near me. Going through another miscarriage brought up all the pain from the first miscarriage too. And when I saw the red light again a following night I said it can be my baby if it wants to and I will be the best mother possible. So soon after when I conceived I woke up to the red light above me, moving towards me while I was laying in the bed. Then again I stopped seeing the red light. Instead in place of the red light, I see a shadow. I have seen shadows before. One is my guide and has months ago "told" me that "everything will be okay" in a dream (I never hear voices communication happens with the mind). On the night that I believe to have been implantation I had horrible pains. I was scared I would miscarry. That night I saw a blastocyst where the red light used to be. I actually had to google what I had seen because I did not know how a blastocyst looks. But it means the actual implantation was successful. No red light since and not much dreaming. Not having seen the red light makes me hope baby is still alive and I will see a heartbeat soon.

Factors I'd Like the Bindrune(s) to Address

Sorry my story was very long but I was thinking it would matter for the nature of the bindrunes. So first of all I need something that helps my body heal the small problems that are left, find balance hormonally and shut out effects of the tumor so I can produce adequate amounts of progesterone. I need to maintain a healthy digestion and I hope former IBS pains will not act up.

I am normally a very grounded and emotionally balanced person, not scared of many things in life...but because of the miscarriage I do now have fear that something will go wrong in a way. I think a bit of emotional healing and confidence in my body's abilities is needed.

I believe this baby might be having a hard time but is definitely a fighter and needs strength and vitality to make it past the critical time of the first trimester.

Last but not least I worry a bit about the red color of this "soul" or "spirit"...maybe there is some hidden frustration? I feel that maybe this needs to be calmed and turned into happiness and just positivity. I am already working on it energy wise based on the hermetic principles but I think trying other things can't hurt.

I think that is about it :) Quite complex, I apologize.
Nyd byþ nearu on breostan; weorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Kassandra »


Hi Nyd. Thanks for elaborating on your situation. I did some reformatting of your text and added some subtitles to make it easier for others to read. I hope someone will advise on the bindrune aspect for you. And that red light phenomena is quite curious and intriguing.

On the mundane side, I am really glad you are working very closely with a health care professional every step of the way. With the health complications it all sounds daunting. But, as you said, you do seem grounded enough to face it, and handle whatever comes your way.

Your story with your son reminds me of a relative of mine. They told her after she had her first kid she'd never be able to have another healthy pregnancy due to a plethora of health concerns, including a recurring uterine cyst problem (they would get as big softballs!), Chrohn's Disease, diabetes, and others.

Well, three healthy, beautiful children later (one of whom just got his Ph.D., another just started work on her Master's) get the message. :wink:

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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Nyd »

Thank you for formatting it! I jse a mobile device only so writing a long text can be challenging. :)
I have been wanting to ask what the red light could be. I have captured something that looks like it on photos years ago. Then I started seeing it at night all of a sudden. I grew up with lots of things I could never explain or name, which is why I got interested in witchcraft at 11.

I hope someone will be able to tell me more. I was hoping to be able to construct a few helpful runes before my appointment in a week, where I hope to see a heartbeat.

With health issues I generally don't believe the mainstream philosophy of "there is no cure" and "medication is the only way" ;)
How wonderful to hear she was blessed with so many children still.
Nyd byþ nearu on breostan; weorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum
to helpe and to hæle gehwæþre, gif hi his hlystaþ æror.
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Nyd » one knows? :(
Nyd byþ nearu on breostan; weorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Kassandra »

Nyd one knows? :(
I guess not. Sometimes our posts here are more educative than anything else. You've presented a very real situation, and it's more instructive to people here, than something they could advise on, if that makes any sense. People do little readings and whatnot here with runes, but it seems they're a little reluctant to jump in and advise on something this important. If I had experience with bindrunes, I certainly would give my recommendation, but they're just not one of my areas of familiarity experience-wise, I only know of them intellectually. Overall, it seem this forum may not be the best place to get info on a bindrune for your scenario, unfortunately.

Like I mentioned in my original post, it might be your best bet to contact an actual rune master and have a consultation. It's almost a kind of shamanic type of work, really. Though in American culture runes are kind of a lighthearted thing used for "readings" or incorporated into videogame iconography, etc., in some parts of the world rune work is taken very seriously, like they are alive and have causal properties. It's people in those places you want helping you.

I don't know what your budget looks like, but if you could get a consultation, I think it'd be worthwhile. If you choose that route, I for one would love to see what the rune master comes up with for you, unless displaying it would somehow be inadvisable, take some of the power away from it, etc. I know symbolic things like this can be very personal and private in some cultures (like the mantra given by an Indian guru to his or her student, which I believe, is not to be shared with anyone).

By the way, is that your name in your avatar pic, and is it Gaelic?


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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

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Silberīn Mānelieht is High Medieval German and my blog name :)
My son has an old Gaelic name however. Interesting you mentioned gaelic.

I guess it really is too specific. That is also why I was reluctant to construct something myself and even my friend said it could turn out to have adverse the bindrune made of two Berkana where one is basically inverted.
Though I think when one puts the right energy and thought into a rune not so much can go wrong. But I'm more of the Hermeticist so it is definitely not my expertise.

I did recently have my ultrasound and the situation continues to be uncertain. Though we did see a heartbeat, the embryo measures far behind. I know my conception date and according to the size it measures I conceived on August 12th which was after my first positive home pregnancy test and I also did not have unprotected sex after early August because I felt I conceived and it was causing me to feel crampy... :|
I hope that somehow this baby will develop well but a hematoma right underneath also threatens to bleed. I am currently revising my diet to heal the hematoma faster. I have collected all sorts of gemstones beneficial for pregnancy. Maybe my body will be able to make this work. It has surprised me more than once.

I will see if I can find someone who can help. My budget isn't the best but it won't hurt to look :)
Nyd byþ nearu on breostan; weorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

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I really do hope everything is okay for you both.
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

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Checking in to update. Things have miraculously turned around for the better. Even my doctor was fairly surprised.

On what was believed to be my 8 + 4 week appointment the baby measured 10 + 4. We expected a still embryo and saw a wiggly fetus. The hematoma looked blurry on the scan as if it was acitvely leaking small amounts of blood. Next appointment 1 1/2 weeks the baby was even bigger and at this point no one questioned my dates anymore. The hematoma had shrunk down to 1.5cm and my doctor was certain all would be well.
Almost 2 weeks later the hematoma was gone and I had already experienced the first kicks. I started feeling them just shy of 12 weeks.

To heal the hematoma quicker I started taking a high dose of fish oil at 10 weeks. This works similar to blood thinners, but the natural way, and can help dissolve a blood clot quicker. I also paid attention to which type of Vitamin K I was ingesting (one clots, one declots) and got lots of Vitamin C into my diet. Magnesium Citrate relaxed the uterus.
The placenta and membranes seem to have taken no damage since it disappeared long before 20 weeks :)

I'm not much of a ritual person, but I did burn my favorite incense, lit a few candles and just tried to keep focusing my mind on a healthy baby and healing in general. I created sigils and bindrunes to strengthen these thoughts...and something I personally do is I visit churches, the older the better because of the energy and presence of spirits. I write into the book before I leave too. When I was a kid I avoided churches because of the energy and things I would see but I have learned most of the energy there is fairly good.
I have gathered a collection of protective stones like black tourmaline or just powerful, good energy stones like citrine since I still don't know what I am dealing with when it comes to the red light. And black tourmaline seemed to also be a good stone to aid healing since it stimulates cell growth and renewal.

I will share my favorite bindrunes once I manage to write them down in a pretty way. One I have been using lots since it incorporates all helpful runes for healing, protection etc.
Nyd byþ nearu on breostan; weorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

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Wonderful news mama!
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by YanaKhan »

This is fantastic news, Nyd!
You take care and keep us posted.
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Kassandra »


Wow. Where there's a will, there's a...kid. :o


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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Nyd »

Thank you! I will update in a little bit. We will find out the gender on the 18th. I have a strong feeling about the gender and want to know if I am right. I was with my I could not shake the feeling it is a boy.
Nyd byþ nearu on breostan; weorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum
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Re: Bindrunes for pregnancy and birth

Post by Firebird »

Glad to hear you are doing better, we had been concerned for you and bb.
Updates are great...thanks!
Bb, Firebird
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