Examples of calling the quarters

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Examples of calling the quarters

Post by lunamoth »

Could someone give me examples of calling the quarters? I know what it means but havent been able to not stumble all over verbally when i try to call them. :shock:
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Re: Examples of calling the quarters

Post by Silversong »

Haha, I take it you're relatively new to this. Here's something like the usual quarter-call my family uses; feel free to edit and change it in any way to suit you if you want. We all have to find our own little things to do with it. This was written off the top of my head so I may have forgotten pieces XD

Watchtower of the [East|South|West|North], essence of [Air|Fire|Water|Earth], hear my plea and answer my prayer. Guard my circle and guide me on my way. Lend me your gifts of [freedom|courage, creativity, passion|healing, cleansing|strength, stability], and aid me in this rite.

The dismissing of the quarters, as well, which I actually remember better XD:

Watchtower of the [West|South|East|North], essence of [Water|Fire|Air|Earth], thank you for your participation. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Thank you for your gift of [healing|courage|freedom|strength], which I will strive to remember and apply to my days beyond this great circle. Hail and farewell.

Hope this helped :3
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Re: Examples of calling the quarters

Post by Heartsong »

I still use the Wiccan method even though I've moved on to a more eclectic practice. Here's how I go about it:

I set a candle in each corner of the room, color coordinated for the direction and element they represent. As I cast my circle, I call to each in turn, usually saying "I call on the Spirit of the [North, East, South, West], the element of [Earth, Air, Fire, Water], my kith and kin, to join me in my circle this night." After I speak, I light the candle and move to the next one until they're all lit. Usually there's a rush of energy and goosebumps as I complete the set up. It's simple, but it works well for me. :)
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