Inspiration for another

For you advanced spell crafters looking to get feedback on spells you wrote.
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Inspiration for another

Post by azriel »

I am not an advanced spell-caster, but I would like some outside opinion on a spell I have been working on (my first one actually). I thought about something simpler but my heart was not with it. I felt like my first spell should be to thank a certain someone for helping me throughout my life and to give him that which has been received. I know this is a very specific spell but I wanted to connect everything together.

Spell; Inspiration and Protection
Color; Orange
Moon; Waxing
Day; Tuesday
Oil; Cinnamon
Deity; Benten

What you need;
An Orange candle; inscribe the name of the receiver
Cinnamon oil-->stimulation, success, prosperity
Copal oil-->purifies water and calls upon the Goddess
Bowl of water-->Offering to Goddess
rose (preferably real)-->Symbol of receiver for the spell
Choice of music-->Offering to Goddess


Cast a circle (optional)

Place bowl of water in front of yourself and pour 1 drop of Copal.

"Eloquent Lady of the East,
Goddess of the Waters,
and Patroness of the arts.
Lady Benten,
I ask for your blessing and aid
to bring good fortune and inspiration
to one whose music has motivated me
throughout the years."

Place rose in bowl of water

"He refers to himself as a king,
a specialist in the arts.
But it is the love within his music
which has moved me to tears.
For art is a universal language,
and true when it is understood by the heart.
His music became the sun for me,
daring me to reach as high as I could.
To become better than I was before,
so that I too can help others in turn."

Write name on candle, rub Cinnamon oil around it and place it in front of you. As you light the candle visualize a veil of inspiration and happiness surrounding the receiver.

"It is this man I wish to protect.
To guard him from negativity and walls.
The inspiration that was given to me
I wish to send to him as well.
Un-cloud his thoughts
so that he may continue what he loves.
Whether it be music, art or dance.
All I ask is for his happiness."

Play sample of music for the Goddess, and meditate on the intent of the spell while gazing into the flame of the candle.

End Spell

I do not know if this is good or not, but I would like some feedback. Please do not feel the need to leave anything out for I wish to continue improving this spell before it is performed.

Blessings to all and thank you in advance!
Unfold your wings and take off into the sky
Before you're burned, become the sun
Blow, oh wind... It guides you into the sky
Before your whole self is taken away

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