Boundary for the circle

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Boundary for the circle

Post by samikcha »

Can I mark the boundary of the circle with my tarot cards?? I mean, I don't have a huge work space so I am often worried about breaking it...
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Re: boundary for the circle

Post by Newbiewitch94 »

I just use 4 stones to mark out the cardinal points. I don't think you actually need to mark out the circle though
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Re: boundary for the circle

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've used a garden hose, a deck of playing cards, crystals, candles, string (the cats loved that one) etc. So, of course you can use anything you want, and your Tarot - if you use them often - will have your "vibe" on them. With enough practice, you can feel the circle, and won't need visual guides.

And since a circle is made of energy, it passes through barriers like furniture and walls, so you can cast it, then visualize it expanding outward from the center, and give yourself lots of space. Play around with it.

Way back when I practiced in an attic with a steeply sloping roof, I'd hit my head on the ceiling before my feet could get near the edge. I had a 4' walking area.
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Re: Boundary for the circle

Post by samikcha »

Newbiewitch94 wrote:I just use 4 stones to mark out the cardinal points. I don't think you actually need to mark out the circle though
Thank you for your reply.. it really means a lot..
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Re: Boundary for the circle

Post by samikcha »

SpiritTalker wrote:I've used a garden hose, a deck of playing cards, crystals, candles, string (the cats loved that one) etc. So, of course you can use anything you want, and your Tarot - if you use them often - will have your "vibe" on them. With enough practice, you can feel the circle, and won't need visual guides.

And since a circle is made of energy, it passes through barriers like furniture and walls, so you can cast it, then visualize it expanding outward from the center, and give yourself lots of space. Play around with it.

Way back when I practiced in an attic with a steeply sloping roof, I'd hit my head on the ceiling before my feet could get near the edge. I had a 4' walking area.
Thank you so much... I will try using my deck first and after I get much of practice then I think I won't be needing it..
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Re: Boundary for the circle

Post by HopefulChild »

Using tarot cards is a great idea.

I'm not sure I would want the energy coming from or getting to my cards though. I use 5 quartz crystals to make a stars points and imagine my circle around those.
I also cut a length of kite string and soaked it in salt water and I can lay that down on the floor and make a circle with it, but I never have. I haven't done enough ritual to warrant a salted circle.

I have another idea of cutting a piece of plank and then painting and decorating it with sigils and a circle and then when I'm not using it, hanging it on the wall as "Art"..then when I want to do a really powerful ritual, I take it off the wall and sit on it.

Look at it this way. A person sitting lotus style takes up 3X3 foot square. 9 sqft. If you went to home depot and had them cut you Bamboo flooring as 7 pieces across cut to 36 inches long, then you glued those on to a couple of peices of 1x4, that would be a 3foot x 3foot square of Bamboo. The total cost would be about $20. It wouldn't be very heavy, and when you painted your symbols and sigils on it, and hung it on the wall, it would look pretty cool. And then you have a ritual space that is easy to store.
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Re: Boundary for the circle

Post by SpiritTalker »

I bought a 3' circular rug to sit on when meditating. That salted string idea is clever.
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Re: Boundary for the circle

Post by samikcha »

HopefulChild wrote:Using tarot cards is a great idea.

I'm not sure I would want the energy coming from or getting to my cards though. I use 5 quartz crystals to make a stars points and imagine my circle around those.
I also cut a length of kite string and soaked it in salt water and I can lay that down on the floor and make a circle with it, but I never have. I haven't done enough ritual to warrant a salted circle.

I have another idea of cutting a piece of plank and then painting and decorating it with sigils and a circle and then when I'm not using it, hanging it on the wall as "Art"..then when I want to do a really powerful ritual, I take it off the wall and sit on it.

Look at it this way. A person sitting lotus style takes up 3X3 foot square. 9 sqft. If you went to home depot and had them cut you Bamboo flooring as 7 pieces across cut to 36 inches long, then you glued those on to a couple of peices of 1x4, that would be a 3foot x 3foot square of Bamboo. The total cost would be about $20. It wouldn't be very heavy, and when you painted your symbols and sigils on it, and hung it on the wall, it would look pretty cool. And then you have a ritual space that is easy to store.
Wow... Cool :mrgreen:

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