Witches in the closet???

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Re: Witches in the closet???

Post by raynelae »

Can you please give me some tips on how to build enough courage to come out of the broom closet? I really feel that I need to tell someone that is special to me in my life.
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Re: Witches in the closet???

Post by Truthseeker »

WHEW! That is hard. You have to take into consideration what the reaction may be.What kind of belief system do they have? I kept feeling my fiance' out trying to get a good idea of what he'd say and how he'd react. Needless to say he totally floored me. His was, like I said in my post-"so what! I don't care what ANYBODY else thinks- if you're a witch you're MY witch!" (and all the time I was afraid he would think I had gone off the deep end). He believes me and accepts it without blinking an eye. Granted he is not a religious person. He DOES believe in the bible and all but he's not a church goer and never has been much. I have since told my oldest daughter (yesterday, as a matter of fact) She was OK too. She recognizes that witch doesn't necessaily mean evil. And in the course of our conversation we realized (really, for me, confirmed-) that she is an empath/clairsentient too and always has been, Now our circle is complete. I 'knew' there was a third to my youngest daughter and myself.
I have a son who I CANNOT under any circumstance reveal myself to yet however, He has been with his fanatical father for the past 6 years being brainwashed and only in the past month broken away. He could not handle it.
The only advice I can really offer is to be careful and very sensitive to clues.as to how he feels about such things. I kept dropping hints and joking around about it literally for months before i told.
I send you Blessings and would like to know how it turns out.
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Re: Witches in the closet???

Post by raynelae »

Thank you Truthseeker, everyone I know practices Christianity therefore I'm afraid they wouldn't understand. I have told one of my friends and she thinks it's very interesting and I'm teaching her my knowledge of Wicca :) I'm glad your fiance' understood :) but I'm sorry your son has been brainwashed.
May you and your family be blessed :)
Peace cannot be kept by force but can only be achieved through understanding (Albert Einstein) ~coexist~

Re: Witches in the closet???

Post by Autumnchristine »

To Truthseeker and Amythest_Stargazer:

I'm struggling right now. I love what I am, and what I do. No one else knows though. Being a witch here, right in the buckle of the Bible Belt in a small town in Arkansas, is not just seen as part of "the devil's work", but also as a joke. If I said that I was a witch everyone would probably laugh at me. Then if I kept insisting they would curse me, kick me out, etc. The only person I could tell I'm afraid to tell. She's the only one who knows anything about me anymore. I'm struggling, I'm drowning. I'm glad I only have a few more suffocating months. Then I leave, and I'm not sure where to go.
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Re: Witches in the closet???

Post by SpiritTalker »

You've stood it this long, so please don't be in haste that you move without a plan or adequate support.

Old post

I'd never shared my spirituality with my family either. We were never on the same wavelength and I just found other avenues away from home, without damaging the relationship. I don't share my path much at all, I just do things my own way with no fanfare. A few like minded have recognized the signs & smiled.
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