The Malleus Maleficarum

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
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The Judge
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The Malleus Maleficarum

Post by The Judge »

I wanted to start this topic as a place where we can all add our input on this particularly contriversial book. I just recently started reading it again for the sake of knowing what they thought then. Which, strangely, hasn't changed much over the last two centuries. This topic is meant to become a source of knowledge and information, hopefully. All input is welcome. :)

As I have only been able to get past the first two pages so far I don't have much at the moment to say on it. But it would seem to accuse demons of being the source of all evil. Claiming that Sorceresses don't make deals with demons but that Enchanters do. It's a bit convoluted but I'll be refining this over time as I rap my brain around it.
Do not attempt, Achieve
Do not hear, Listen
Do not go blindly forward, See
Do not judge, Understand
Do not forget, for in this you shall learn nothing
-The Judge
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