The christians can't seem to keep from preaching to all of us that they are christians and they believe in this and that.. don't they understand we know them well, well enough, but yet they come on here to talk other things and not to find out about our religous beliefs and when we tell them, they come back with " i believe this and that." and don't even want to see our side of things.. They also end up posting the typical , Christian Wiccan, and Christianity, what do you think about it.. That is soo not worth reading..
It is just another failed attempt for christians to "try" to turn pagans into christians and get us to go to the nearest chrurch for pizza parties and preach..
Don't they already know that we understand there realigon better then they do, and they seem to faulter everytime we step up and show them that some of there practices come from druids, or pagans ... I am sick or it..

I don't need any christitans praying for me and I really don't need them telling me that I am stupid, dumb and need high school again because I cannot spell or do math well as I am dislexic, since I was born.
I have made my way through college (6years and two degrees later), and I really find it highly offensive to hear someone detest that they are a good person and christian, but are trying to get in the last word or a rise out of me because they can spell or type better, as I have a crippling diesease that doesn't allow me to use my hands very well..., to them "FU** - OFF".
Everyone is a hypocrite at times, including christians. I am in no way perfect and don't wanna bee ever!!!! for one, I don't go on christian sites to post what do you feel about pagans and try to turn them pagan...These christian persons even try to down me for being post military and hating bush...I guess if they thought that I was in the military by choice, they assume, I wasn't and was going to be homeless if I didn't get a job, so Air Force didn't sound too bad, till I got in. and I hated everyday of it and still do.
So why pick on me about something that I destested everyday of my life, these little children have yet to even serve or sign up.. I dare them.. might give them a harsh look at a thing called reality... I am really upset about this and hope that this person will leave me alone, for good. I have not replyed to this particular persons and will not waste my time, energy and effort to do so, but I thought someone should know what is going on..
Screw these type of people, they are the type that end up later in life being mean to pagans, wiccans, muslims, jews, all religons that are not them.....
I don't mind them coming and finding out about our practices but they end up preaching they are so perfect and good and forget that they are in a wiccan/pagan site.. why are they here anyway, they are not going to change us from wiccan to christians... I have been born in a jewish/ pagan family.. not christian..
I am willing to stop on this end for good.. and I will not post to these people every again...
I am really angry about this and it needs to stop period...