I am sick of Christians preaching at us

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
Dubh Barin

I am sick of Christians preaching at us

Post by Dubh Barin »

I am sick of the Christians on this site.. can't Pagans have something to themselves,I guess not??!!

The christians can't seem to keep from preaching to all of us that they are christians and they believe in this and that.. don't they understand we know them well, well enough, but yet they come on here to talk other things and not to find out about our religous beliefs and when we tell them, they come back with " i believe this and that." and don't even want to see our side of things.. They also end up posting the typical , Christian Wiccan, and Christianity, what do you think about it.. That is soo not worth reading..

It is just another failed attempt for christians to "try" to turn pagans into christians and get us to go to the nearest chrurch for pizza parties and preach..

Don't they already know that we understand there realigon better then they do, and they seem to faulter everytime we step up and show them that some of there practices come from druids, or pagans ... I am sick or it..

:shock: I am totally against having young christian people come on this site and constantly say things, like, "I'll pray for you" and My beliefs are not yours, but I am here anyways... :shock:

I don't need any christitans praying for me and I really don't need them telling me that I am stupid, dumb and need high school again because I cannot spell or do math well as I am dislexic, since I was born.

I have made my way through college (6years and two degrees later), and I really find it highly offensive to hear someone detest that they are a good person and christian, but are trying to get in the last word or a rise out of me because they can spell or type better, as I have a crippling diesease that doesn't allow me to use my hands very well..., to them "FU** - OFF".

Everyone is a hypocrite at times, including christians. I am in no way perfect and don't wanna bee ever!!!! for one, I don't go on christian sites to post what do you feel about pagans and try to turn them pagan...These christian persons even try to down me for being post military and hating bush...I guess if they thought that I was in the military by choice, they assume, I wasn't and was going to be homeless if I didn't get a job, so Air Force didn't sound too bad, till I got in. and I hated everyday of it and still do.

So why pick on me about something that I destested everyday of my life, these little children have yet to even serve or sign up.. I dare them.. might give them a harsh look at a thing called reality... I am really upset about this and hope that this person will leave me alone, for good. I have not replyed to this particular persons and will not waste my time, energy and effort to do so, but I thought someone should know what is going on..

Screw these type of people, they are the type that end up later in life being mean to pagans, wiccans, muslims, jews, all religons that are not them.....

I don't mind them coming and finding out about our practices but they end up preaching they are so perfect and good and forget that they are in a wiccan/pagan site.. why are they here anyway, they are not going to change us from wiccan to christians... I have been born in a jewish/ pagan family.. not christian..

I am willing to stop on this end for good.. and I will not post to these people every again...

I am really angry about this and it needs to stop period... :x
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Post by JBRaven »

Settle down. Christans have every right to be here, We are not the religion Nazis. If you are having problems with some one on the board Tell a mod. That is what we are here for. I know no one want to be lectured on thier religous belifes but hey, no one has the right to say that you should be banned from a place based on those belifes, that would make us as bad as the evil christans. Love and Be loved. If some one is harassing you It will not be tolerated, but in turn don't bad mouth other people.
Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

:D That sounds good and right and all. however, I really do get tired of not being able to voice my opinion without someone saying, "oh, that is not politically correct, you can't say that." :shock: Isn't this America, that I am living in.. when we start to censor ourselves, we end up not becoming whole or true to ourselves.

Or we end up becoming Russia, Afaghanastan, Germany, Iraq, North Korea. If we try to keep ourselves and our viewpoints bottled up we end up becoming very unhappy, regardless if our viewpoints are seen at right or wrong.

Do you know what I mean? :D

I feel that I have learned the reason I am in this world, I have had to touch soo many lives regardless of if they liked me or not, and yet everytime I turn around someone else is next to me, saying this and that...

I try my hardest to stay away from people entirely but they seem to be attracted to me, and it is very frustrating.

Example: I could be the only person down an aisle at the grocery store, then all of a sudden 20 people are down my aisle and no where else, not even really shopping but just looking.. then if I quickly leave that aisle, and go down another one that is empty same thing happens.

Its like people can't help but follow me.. It drives me nuts... :shock: That is why I have to stay home sometimes because if I go out into the world I get hammered.

I know of my father having the same problems... It is not that I don't like people, I just don't want them around me and notice me... If I get picked in a class to be in a group, I am always the one that has to step up to be a leader in that group.. I have tried on numerous occassions, not to be and the group faltures everytime. I can't explain it, but I guess I am on this earth to be surrounded by peoples.

I know of people in this world that never have anyone around them and are never noticed in there lives.
Do you have any of these same problems..
I am like a magnet or something for people. I feel these persons have nothing better to do and can't explain why they feel that they have to talk to me...
I wish I could explain it better, but that is the best way I can explain it..
Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

NOTE: I have several christian, muslim, and jewish friends that I get along with great that don't preach to me and I don't talk religon with them. It is an agreement we made. I feel this site needs some of that agreement, because it is going to become a no-win situation for them and us. Everytime!! I learned this saying from a friend, which i need to follow better.

Never talk religon, politics or money with friends or family, cause you will always be in the wrong. :D
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Post by moonlit »

I think if christians want to come here it's fine... they can state there beliefs or opinions on something, just as long as they arent telling us what we should believe.. or pushing what they believe on us.. personally I dont like to bash any religion
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

i dont think ive been pushy at all, the only thing i remember doing is stating what i believe, just as everyone else does. if when telling you what i believe you think i become pushy or overbearing or something just tell me to cool it (nicely). thanks!
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Post by JBRaven »

When a Christan becomes pushy ( or anyone for that matter) that is your time to stand firm in your beliefs. If you have the right to be left alone they have the right to follow people around.

Hey Russia was f*cking fine before American Capitalist decided that they were a threat and made American people fear them, thier government, thier beliefs. Just like Americans and witches. Please I am very bais toward Russia ( being my homeland).

You have the right to tell them to shut the hell up and they have the right to preach to you. If you don't like it yes you can say it isn't fair til you are blue in the face but it won't do any good.

You say you have a magnatism about you, maybe that is your calling to be a leader. I really do understand how it feels to be an unwilling captian, I have been one all my life. The responsibility for something that you never cared about...

But to not be tolerant of most Christan ignorance makes you as bad as them.

Hey dread you rock pink socks but us witches tend to be very edgy around Christans (mostly it is just the bad stigma between our religions) and for that I am sorry.
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Post by Starwitch »

Dubh, you aren't the only person that feels that way. I can tell you with certainty that there are other people on this very board that feel the same way about Christians being here and blabbing a bunch of Christian rhetoric that we all already know and no one wants to hear again. So I'll say it - COOL IT PLEASE. I didn't want to kick you off the board because there seems to be people here that like you or think you're cute or something, but I personally can't figure out for the life of me why someone actually INVITED a Christian to our board. I hope it doesn't happen again. If you just popped in to troll the board, that's fine because I could easily delete all your posts and no one would care. But for some reason, the girls here have taken a liking to you. They don't do that to female Christians that come here preaching, by the way. It's because you're a boy, and we don't have many boys on the board. Anyway, please stop talking about Christian stuff. If you want to chat about Movies and Music or some other topic, that's fine, but we all left Christanity because we didn't want to be around it or hear about it. Thanks.

If you are a member of this forum, please do not invite Christians to join. This is a pagan forum. Thank you.

Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

:D Thank You , you said exactly what I was thinking. Thank YOU! :D
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Post by Marie* »

Well I feel I need to say something here only because I feel that I need to take responsiblity here. I will say yes I invited a "christian" here, however it was made very clear not to banter and bash what we believe, it was so that that person could get a better understanding on what we believe, they did not have to join. I wanted someone who was interested in knowing about the pagan/wiccan religion to open their mind. I feel that as long as a peson is getting along with everyone then that should be fine. Everyone is entilted to their beliefs, and if what we believe doesn't sit well with them, then yes they shouldn't be here. But if the person is being cool and not bashing, or ranting about their religion I think they should be here. How are people going to open theier minds and learn if they are not allowed to see what other things are about. Granted, if someone comes on here screaming that we are all going to go to hell and this and that well then kick them off. Nobody wants to hear what they believe is wrong, and they are going to burn in a hell they don't believe in in the first place. I have stood up and something to those people, and I will continue to do so. I don't know what has really been going on in the past week and a half or so, as I have not been here, so maybe I am missing something here. I have not gotten past this post, so I will let you know if I want to re-canter anything or not when I catch up. But I will say that as long as a christian isnt throwing their religion in your face and bashing you every chance they get, then I see no problem in them being here, and if they are offended by what we believe and are only interested in preaching to us, and trying to sway our beliefs then they need to go.

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Post by JBRaven »

Marie's above statement was better put than any of my post before.
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Post by Starwitch »

I should mention also (since Marie missed some of the posts) that I have deleted most of what was said between Dubh and Dread (and Dread's brother, who also stepped up to the plate in defense of his brother.) And Marie, I didn't think it was you who invited him. You invited your friend Xeno, who is a pagan. Xeno is the one who said he invited Dread. That's what I got from that anyway, and please correct me if I'm wrong - maybe you both invited him.

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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

nah, Xeno was over here and he showed me it.
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Post by Starwitch »

Right.. that's what you said in your intro.

Dubh Barin

Post by Dubh Barin »

:D I said my peace, and that is enough for me... I don't want to banish anyone here either however, from my understanding with Dread that he is only he to talk music, and teen things, right dread. You told me that you don't go up into the wiccan spells or stuff like that.. Am I correct.? If so, that is why I ask why you were here. Not trying to pick but trying to figure out if your here to just talk to a couple of friends that are pagans, right? Well, then you stated you don't preach and hate, kinda of thing. right? Am I correct?

If so, why did you tell me that you started the christianity chain.. I was reading through your post and seen you have told people that you would pray for them, and your chrisitan beliefs are also in there... Again, I just want to understand why you are here. You couldn't really tell them that you were here to check out our stuff on the website, or to learn more about our differences... I understand your chrisitan differences, and then asked if there were any christian wiccans out there, as someone started a subject of christian wiccans. as I would love to hear from some, and you were the one that answered back as chrisitan and never said anything about wiccan side.

That is why, but when you started to bash me for who I was , imperfections and all, that crossed the line. I know your young type, I have a sister that is 15 and very punk. so, to come clean I am much older then you. I am almost 30 years old. so, I said those things trying to get you to understand that the world is not all peaches, and roses like is feels like in high school.

You have to grow up and become responsible young citizens.. I understand that you see my advise as putting you down, but you shouldn't it is understandable that at your sweet age of 17, the world itself is sometimes unclear and the messages send are sometimes unheard. I do apologize for anything that I meant as mean and hurtful, but please understand that the pagans as stated, we are here to talk pagan stuff, and if you are here with an open mind, take the time to get to know and understand our religon. That is all I am asking. If you are only understanding wiccans from one view, how can you ever learn to respect our society.

Then possibly you will see that it is possible to see one more angle in life that some people choose to take. Not your angle but anothers point of view.

I got to long, I am stopping and this is the last I will ever talk about this. I wish you well in life Mr. Dread.

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