Question about Spirit Guides

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.
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Question about Spirit Guides

Post by MysticDreamFaerie »

I've always wondered this; and I know I may say silly asking this question. I never read to much about this so bare with me please. How do you usually find you're spirit guide? Do you usually find it by meditating or by you're dreams? Recently I had a dream about glowing eyes and I believe it was a wolf, someone's eyes were glowing and I was freaked out by it. Not sure why I was freaked out by it but I was. Could my spirit guide be contacting me in my dreams? I never wrote about this until now.

What are people's thoughts on this? :?
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Re: Question about Spirit Guides

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Is someone close to you a witch or psychic ?

An old gypsy told me once that when you see animal eyes watching you in your minds eye, (typically a cat), it means that someone close to you who is psychic Is watching you.

Perhaps a long lost friend is wanting you to call him or her, and wondering what you're up to.

At any rate, this is nothing to worry about and is a lovely dream or experience.

Some traditions might regard this as the appearance of a totem animal.

The concept of spirit guides vary in many traditions. You are very lucky if you see them once in your life. Perhaps read about the wolf totem, and see if there are elements of this powerful creature that you need to adopt in your waking life.

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Re: Question about Spirit Guides

Post by MysticDreamFaerie »

I'm not sure if anyone's a witch or a psychic in my family. This would interest me to know however.

There's times I do believe that someone is watching over me or I feel a deep connection with someone; but I don't know who it is. At times when I'm alone I feel like someone is watching me. Sometimes I feel like it's my own paranoia but there's been other times where I feel like something is watching over me.

Thanks for bringing this up to me, this is something I believe I should read further into.

Don't know much about spirit animals or spirit guides, but I'd love to learn more about them. Thank you again for all the lovely information that you have given to me. =)
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Re: Question about Spirit Guides

Post by starlady »

have you tried meditateing and see if anything comes to you?either sit quietly and clear your mind?or some meditateing music?or inmagine your walking to your favourite place and ask to meet your spiritguide?it might help,but they can (show) in dreams etc too
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Re: Question about Spirit Guides

Post by MysticDreamFaerie »

starlady wrote:have you tried meditateing and see if anything comes to you?either sit quietly and clear your mind?or some meditateing music?or inmagine your walking to your favourite place and ask to meet your spiritguide?it might help,but they can (show) in dreams etc too
Thank you I'll try doing that cause I'd like to work with a spirit guide. I've never worked with one before so this is all new to me and didn't know where to begin. I'll try meditating and see what I come up with. Thanks again! :flyingwitch:
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Re: Question about Spirit Guides

Post by Seraphin »

Hiya MysticDreamFairie,

When I first began to explore spiritual reality, I used meditation as the vehicle for those explorations. There are loads of ways to meditate, and I found a few that worked for me.

Building an astral temple is an excellent exercise if you want to make contact with other etheric or spiritual beings. The objective of creating one is to heighten or increase one's vibration, give one a safe space from which he/she can explore his/her astral and spiritual surroundings and community, and achieve a level of calmness and relaxation that will enable the subconscious to tune in to the cosmic and spiritual forces to unfold, understand and manifest what is truly, "real" for you. :mrgreen:

Here are the basic steps to effectively build an astral temple or house of pscyhe:

Meditate and work in stilling your mind, I believe this site can give you some tips, methods and ways of meditating. It is best to try different methods and then settle on the one that best suits you.

Set a place where your astral body can go to relax. This could be a lake, beach, a mansion, temple or something. It depends on you. Though, it should be very specific, for example, a lake with a beautiful sunrise scenery. Imagine yourself standing at the visualized place. This the place that reflects your inner world. Take a good look at it. Is it the kind of condition that you would like? Is this the kind of temple that you want?

Create a clear concrete picture of where you want to go in your inner mind. Include as many details as possible including colors (deep blue lake), texture (sandy), sounds (birds chirping), and weather (sunny). Look around you. Make your astral temple more comfortable and beautiful. Focus on it. Feel the air, the earth, the water and the warmth of the sun you're perceiving in your astral temple.

Now do whatever you need to do. In this case, because you're actively seeking a connection with your spirit guides, you might want to form it as a question, and focus on the question in meditation. Like, "who is with me?" I think it's important that you approach the question without any expectations as to the answer; simply listen for it. Once you ask the question, the answer might not come right away. If that's the case, watch for it even when you're not in meditation; you can receive answers, clues or even just some useful information through more mundane means.

You might want to give that a try. Know that you can always return and that any time you do work on your spiritual level, it will filter through the rest of your pscyhe and body. Looking forward to hearing what you find as you explore.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Question about Spirit Guides

Post by nightshroud »

oh okay hmm
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Re: Question about Spirit Guides

Post by Shekinah »

Some folk research the various God/Goddesses and discover which one rings your bell. Check out this site it might give you some ideas:
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