The Angelwood Grimoire

Start your own thread named "[Name's] Book of Shadows" and add spells, rituals, correspondences, music, videos, etc. that you would like to keep for future use or share with others. Use as many posts as you'd like. It's not private, but at least your family won't see it. You can also get ideas from other people's Books of Shadows.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

The "Get a Life" Spell

This is a spell to remove someone from your life.

Stuff to make 2 dioramas
[url=]Definition[/url], tutorials [url=]1[/url],[url=]2[/url]

*Don't make the dioramas too big. You'll want to be able to fit both of them together on a single surface and be able to eventually move them apart.
**You can draw stick figures surrounded by words on a piece of paper. Intent counts for more than talent.

The first diorama should include something to represent your target and things that will make your target happy.
The second diorama should include something to represent you and show that you are happy that target is not longer in your life.
Place dioramas together on a table or other flat surface. Perform any ritual set up that you feel inclined to: Purify your space, cast a circle, invoke deities, etc..
Declare loudly (out loud verbally or loudly in your head) to your target:
"Target, each (inch,centimeter) here equals [any number of](miles,kilometers) between us.
May you live happily SOMEWHERE ELSE!"
tgals fig 1.JPG
Move the dioramas a little every day until they are as far apart from each other as they can be without falling off the table. Make the declaration each time you move the dioramas.
tgals fig 2.JPG
Leave the dioramas at opposite ends of the table for as long as you feel it's necessary.[/color]
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by dualhands »

I like how that spell still incorporates them being happy. True example of obeying the three-fold law in a positive manner. ( don't want to bite your own bum! )
diligentibus te dilectio qua dilexisti me , sic fiat
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

If making someone happy gets them out of your hair, why not? You like dogs? I give you dogs. Now go like dogs over there. :lol:
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