We are still working on expanding and developing this resource. Are we missing an important topic? Saw a really informative thread that you want added here? Chime in below, and we'll see what we can do!
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What is Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism really all about?
Wicca: A History - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=23066
In Search of Salem Witches - viewtopic.php?f=26&t=24899
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Wicca, Witchcraft, Witch, Wiccan, Pagan, Paganism ... What does it all mean? Well, as the saying goes, ask a dozen witches the same question, you'll get 13 different answers. Unfortunately, we can't give you exactly what those terms mean, but the links below are some of the discussions we've had over the years about what those terms mean to us.
DISCUSSION: Definitions of Pagan, Wicca, & Witchcraft - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=27320
Different Types of Wicca - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=24406
A Basic Occult Vocabulary - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=19718
Pagan Definitions - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=24366
The Real Meaning of Wicca - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=22274&p=164283#p164283
Witchcraft is Witchcraft and Wicca is Wicca - viewtopic.php?f=163&t=23308
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Witchcraft has very few important "sacred texts" that are universally accepted by all Wiccans or Witches. However, we have compiled here a few of the most common creeds and myths that have inspired Witches for generations and have found their way into many Witches' Book of Shadows.
The Wiccan Rede - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=22733
The Charge of the Goddess - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=22715
The Witch's Creed - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=22334
The Witch's Rune - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=24135&p=174677&hil ... ne#p174677
The Legend of the Descent of the Goddess - viewtopic.php?p=261984#p261984 (this link contains much of the above and more)
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This is one of the most common questions we've received. Before starting a new thread, we encourage you to take a peek at some of our past discussions on this subject and see what others have said.
- DISCUSSION: How Did You Start?
I'm a Beginner
Help How Do I Start?
How Do I Begin?
Where Do I Start?
Starting Wicca?
Overwhelmed and New
New and Hoping for Guidance
Lessons or Exercises?
Witchcraft often conjures up the image of a group of witches holding hands and chanting, or perhaps clustered around a cauldron together. However, that isn't the reality for many witches; perhaps it's because they prefer practicing solo, or because there are not enough witches in their area to form a coven, or any other number of reasons. Here, we've listed some topics around this subject about the benefits and drawbacks to both, and how to make the best of your situation.
- "When Shall We Three Meet Again ... " Introducing Covens, by Imperious
Solitary vs. Coven: What are the Benefits of Both?
Is It Wrong Just To Be A Solitary?
Reasons to Have a Solitary Practice?
Question for Those Initiated Into A Wiccan Coven?
Ether Covening: Spellworking with People from Afar
Do I Need to Be in a Coven?
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One of the appeals of becoming involved in the Craft is reclaiming your individual power. However, at the risk of sounding like Uncle Ben, with power comes responsibility. In Witchcraft, we take the ethical dimensions of magic and spellwork very seriously, and all experienced witches you meet will always think carefully about the ethics of how they use that power. As Witchcraft is a decentralized spirituality, there are very few hard and fast rules or commandments to follow, the closest being the famous 8-word Wiccan Rede ("An it harm none, do what ye will"), but often applying it in our lives takes great thoughts and consideration. The links below represent some of the discussions we've had in the past about the ethics of witchcraft.
- DISCUSSION: Thoughts on the Threefold Law & the Wiccan Rede
DISCUSSION: White, Grey, & Black Magic
Ethics & Spells
The Cautioning Rede
The Ethics of the Three Expressions of Power in Spellwork
A Deeper Look at Karma, by Xiao Rong
About the Threefold Law
Many sources suggest that you study Witchcraft for at least a year and a day before you commit yourself to Witchcraft. Why do witches call for a year and a day? And what should you study then? See our discussions below.
- Why a Year and a Day?
A Year and a Day: What Should You Study?
Year and a Day Study
Year and a Day Study and Initiation
Books To Study During Your Year and a Day
Recommended Wiccan Books
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Many Wiccans and Pagans celebrate the Wheel of the Year, which consists of 8 Sabbats (four of which fall on the equinoxes and solstices, four of which fall on cross-quarter days) that celebrate the seasons and the Sun's journey through the year. Many witches also celebrate the Esbats, to honor the cycle of the Moon.
You will also find more information on how other members celebrate these holy days in the Sabbats and Esbats Subforum.
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Your Book of Shadows (commonly abbreviated as BoS or BOS) is arguably the most important tool you will use (and create) during your magical studies, since they serve as a record of your progression in the Path. Exactly what form your Book of Shadows is up to you, since often the Book of Shadows is highly personal and specific to a Witch's personality, interests, and preferences.
- What's a Book of Shadows?
DISCUSSION: How Do You Make Your BOS Special?
Finding a Book of Shadows
Creating a Digital Book of Shadows 101
DISCUSSION: Digital Book of Shadows
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Now that you're ready to start your magical practice, you can start assembling the tools you will need. Many witches use tools such as a cauldron, athame, wand, altar, and a chalice. The links below can give you ideas of how to obtain them and personalize them for your practice.
- The Witch's Altar
How Should I Set Up My Altar?
Making Your Own Altar
Hidden Pagan Altar: Tips and Tricks
Wicca/Witchcraft Shopping List: Ideas & Prompts
What If I Don't Have a Magical Ingredient or Tool that I Need?
Using Candles in Magick
Candles 101
Candle Magick, by YanaKhan
Where Can I Buy Supplies?
Wiccan Clothing
Consecrating Tools
- Witchcraft on a Budget: An Introduction
Suggestions for Low Budget Witchcraft
Intro to Candle Magic on a Budget, by Echo
"Broke-A** Witchery" Series by Nornoriel Lokason"Broke-A** Witchery" Series by Nornoriel Lokason
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You don't have to practice magic and cast spells to be a Wiccan or a Pagan, but it's definitely a perk of being a Witch! These are links to the basics of magic, magical theory, and spellcrafting. For more specific spells or questions, please see our Post a Spell or Ritual subforum.
- Magical Theory 101
What is Magick Used For?
Science & Magick
When Can I Start Casting Spells, and What to Cast First?
Creating a Simple Ritual -- A Guide
Basic Spell Construction
Basic Spellcrafting
Thirteen Steps to Successful Spell Casting
The Reasons Why Spells Don't Work
The Spell is Over: Now What?
Avoiding Self-Sabotage
Question on Proper Practice
Do Spells Have to Rhyme?
Smogie Michele's Rules of Spell Casting
Fun with Spell Ingredients!, by Kassandra
A reference guide for common magical correspondences. Feel free to bookmark these and refer to them often!
- Complete Magical Correspondences
Color Correspondences
Zodiac Correspondences for Rituals/Spells
Goddess Candle Colors
Casting a circle is a common practice among witches. What does it mean, and why do we do it? Find out below.
- How Do You Cast a Circle?
Casting a Circle
Circles and Grounding
First Experiences with Circle Casting
Alternatives to Casting a Circle
Who are the Guardians in a Circle?
Simple Circle Casting
Many Witches and Pagans work with deities in their practice (though it is by no means required). Below are a few links, and you can find much more information about connecting with specific gods and goddesses in our Gods and Goddesses subforum.
- Offerings to Deities
Disposal of Ritual Offerings
Writing Magical and Ritual Prayers
How Do We Work with a God/Goddess?
What is Aspecting?
After a time, you may be interested in dedicating yourself to the path. Below are the many discussions we have had on why we dedicate ourselves and how to write such a ritual.
- DISCUSSION: Self-Initiation & Self-Dedication
Questions about Self-Initiation & Self-Dedication
Self-Dedication Ritual
Writing Your Own Self-Dedication Ritual
Self-Initation for Solitary Witches
Do You Believe in Self-Dedication Rites or Coven Initiations?
Unfortunately, many Witches and Pagans are unable to practice openly, due to pressure from their family or community (this is especially a problem for those who are underage). Staying in the "broom closet", so to speak, is a necessity for many, and choosing to come out is a choice that only you can make. We also have some tips below about how to practice witchcraft discreetly and inconspicuously if necessary.
- Tips for Coming Out of the Broom Closet
Practicing Inconspicuously
Your Rights Under the Constitution
How Can I Practice Witchcraft in Secret?
Wiccan E-Books & Apps: Convenient and Private
Hidden Pagan Altar: Tips and Tricks
Subtle Magic Practice
When you first begin in the Craft, you may find yourself open to all sorts of new energies, both positive and negative. While actual psychic attacks and curses are not common, it is always a good idea to know how to shield and some basic protection. There are many methods to doing so, and here are some that our members have shared over time:
- Psychic Shielding, by Kassandra
Armor Shielding and Dealing with Negativities, by Seraphin
Witchy Ways to Establish Our Home as a Protected Space, by Seraphin
A PDF for Psychic Shielding and Cleansing Techniques
DISCUSSION: Shielding Basics
Shielding for Beginners
Beyond celebrating the Sabbats and Esbats, how does one bring their spirituality to our everyday lives?
- Creating a Place-Based Practice
Using Art as a Form of Magic and Worship
DISCUSSION: Daily Practices
How Do You Live a Spiritual Life Everyday?
You're almost finished with Witchcraft 101. What should you do now to continue on your path?
- Beyond the Basics: How Do I Become a Better Witch?
Beyond the Basics: What Should I Study Next?
Being a Lifelong Learner & Staying Excited
How Do I Find My Spiritual/Witch Name?
Cleansing Water and Charms
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