Simple view of being a Christian Witch

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Re: Simple view of being a Christian Witch

Post by Ula »

I consider myself a Christian in that I believe Christ's message was of a enlightened person, with magick abilities who was trying to tell us that there is a creator who is both masculine (Father) and feminine (Holy Spirit or Sophia). No where does he say that any other gods/goddesses are false or not true. I don't know if the deities or various faiths are real beings or just archetypes. They are however examples for us to follow. I am still very unsure in the religion side of things. I am very much so a witch and that is totally separate from my religion.
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Re: Simple view of being a Christian Witch

Post by stariebird11 »

Ula your comment reminded me of something I heard at church a long time ago. It talked about how God told them not to put other gods before him. Would that be a sign in the bible itself that there are infact other gods? I'm not sure. But like I said in my original post, I think the gods are connected to the Horned One, or God himself. Just a thought :)
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Re: Simple view of being a Christian Witch

Post by Truthseeker »

God said not to have any other gods BEFORE Him/Her, is this not an indication in itself that there ARE other gods but we just are not to place them higher than God/dess nor to worship them? (My view)
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Re: Simple view of being a Christian Witch

Post by The Judge »

Yes, it does appear to be a confirmation from the Bible that there are indeed multiple gods. But one must consider the time this book was written. With the prevailence of plytheistic religions in the area around them, they probably had to put something in there about it or people would just follow 2 religion.

They couldn't have that so they wrote that in. Just my opinion. Perhaps they were of the mind that these religions followed false gods and they were trying to point it out there.

We'll never know the truth of it but it is a theory. I think I contradicted myself there though. Such is the world of religious theory. Contradiction upon faith upon contradition. (thats not supposed to make sense if you were wondering, :) )

Just my thoughts on that but we are straying a little off the primary topic here. This is for Christian Witches.

I would suggest if you want to debate that particular line or anything from the bible, please start another thread. It will probably be a good topic to discuss.

Back to the topic then. :)

I was a Christian for most of my childhood till I discovered Wicca. After some semi-thurough research I made my choice to follow this new path. It spoke to me in ways Christianity never did.

Here's something to remember as a lot of people make this mistake.
Wiccans are not all witches, witches are not all Wiccans

Anyone of any faith may be a witch. Its not something that belongs to any one religion it is a type of "art" per se. It is the manipulation of evergies for a specific goal or purpose.

I'm Wiccan, I don't do much with witchcraft. This may seem odd to those new to the concepts but it is not an integral part of the faith. It is for lack of a better term a "tool" of sorts.

I know thats technically off topic but I hope it answers a few of your questions relating to that particular item.

As for being a Christian Witch. Nothing is impossible if you believe. I have no oppinion one way or the other as I haven't really looked into it. This is just some general info. :)
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Re: Simple view of being a Christian Witch

Post by Truthseeker »

I know this sparks a storm of controversy- but that is not my intention. Maybe this would be better posted somewhere else or a totally diff thread? IDK...
Anyway- I consider myself a Christo-Wiccan. I became thoroughly disenchanted with what passes for christianity these days and wandered for a while, still believing in a Higher Power, but not knowing how to address said Higher Power nor even being sure I wanted to! So I kind of turned my back on church and organized religion and hoped that the One Source I still believed in would not let me flounder and become completely lost.
I asked for knowledge and truth- above all else I wanted to know what is real and true. And my hunger lead me to witchcraft and Wicca. i started here at this board. I have since learned that all the things I believed in deep in my soul were addressed in Wicca. I learned that I am an empath and that I was born a witch.
I learned that my inborn love of Nature and the Earth are wonderful things and that the way I am is the way I was created. That, Yes, there IS a feminine aspect of The Diety. (I always wondered that if God said 'let US make man(kind) in OUR image', then who was US and whose image did 'HE' make women- his imagination!!!???).....anyway, I know I'm rambling, but this is one worth pursueing. AND I feel like Wicca (as long as everyone truly is being tolerant and not arguing whose tradition is 'right) is more the lifestyle Jesus led and promoted by far.
Oh-- my Dieties are, God/Father and Goddess/Mother(Holy Spirit)- and of course the Son, Jesus.
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Re: Simple view of being a Christian Witch

Post by SpiritTalker »

Bump 2020
Consider “Pow Wow“

Can you be a Christian witch?🌟 as long as you’re OK with it, of course you can.

Powers of the Psalms by Anna Riva is for candle magic.
See the posts Christian Candle Magic and Candle Magic with Psalms.

. A Christian Witch might pray to The Father-Mother God and petition intercession of Angels & Saints through prayer-offerings. Look up prayers honoring Archangels, Guardian Angel & Patron Saints lists.
. A🕯candle would be cleansed with DIY holy💦water; anointed with💧oil; 👏🏽charged with intention & your incantation; then set in a holder, lighted & prayers offered.
. Sigil & petition📝papers can be placed under candles & 💎crystals, Holy cards & Saints relic medals as tag-locks can be placed alongside.
. Use your empathic & clair-abilities with spiritual guidance.
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