Starting a dye/herb container garden. Suggestions?

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Starting a dye/herb container garden. Suggestions?

Post by Stitchwitch »

So, I'm looking to start a dye garden with plants that can serve double duty for cooking and/or tea brewing. I have never gardened before and could use some suggestions on which plants can be planted together and any other tips for container planting. I have a small balcony to use and an even smaller budget. I live in the Southeastern US, if that helps. Thank you in advance for any help!
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Re: Starting a dye/herb container garden. Suggestions?

Post by SpiritTalker » ... ye-garden/ ... 27210335:s

I've never done dye plant's but have done some back yard herb, flower & vege gardening over the years & shuffled pots around the yard to fill bare spots. A largish pot of wet dirt is very heavy. Plants need proper soil, watering & drainage, & herbs like full sun 6 or more hours a day & semi-dry (crumbly) soil & space to spread out. Sunlight reflection from glass patio doors can scorch broad leaves. They like a bit of music, being gently stroked in an upwards direction & told how well they are doing. Potting soil, sand & peat moss mixed together will support a wide variety of plant's. Use a bucket or even a large cardboard box & mix with your hands to charge the soil mix. Large containers with a soil mixture & multiple types of plant's with the same sun needs work well &'save space. Small clay pots will dry out fast in summer heat. Larger one's do better. A sprinkle of Epsom salts and powdered egg shells feeds roots or use Miracle Grow plant food - really does work - follow the directions & don't over do or it burns the roots. That's about all I can think of.
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Re: Starting a dye/herb container garden. Suggestions?

Post by Purpledove »

I'll learn so much from this. Thanks for those links
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