How do you feel about Autumn?

Moon Stone
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Re: How do you feel about Autumn?

Post by Moon Stone »

While I look forward to spring and summer after enduring long winters, I would have to admit that autumn is my best season. It is the time I feel the most alive. I usually take this time to do quite a bit of hiking and reflecting over all that has gone on over the past year before winter sets in. For me, an animal that reminds me of autumn is the gray wolf. Maple trees would be the plant of choice that I would use for describing autumn as well.
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How do you feel about Autumn?

Post by Alina_Rose »

I love autumn, it's my favorite season. I live the way the leaves on the trees turn golden and I love (ok in childish) running through the fallen leaves and... Idk there's just something magical about the feel of it. Not to mention the significance of the season, that though everything dies it becomes reborn soon after.
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Re: How do you feel about Autumn?

Post by Pinkpower_80 »

Zombie thread but I love it lol. I figured it wouldn't hurt to resurrect it since Autumn is almost here. :) I'm soo excited for Autumn! It is so cozy & everything feels so comfortable. The sights, smells, everything. I live for this time of year!
We have a large quilt on our bed that his mom made for him that we call the 50 lb blanket because it's so heavy, the kids have their own as well. It's made from blue jeans on one side and on the other it has significant patches from his childhood.
I look forward to using it all summer once it's finally cool enough. One of my favorite things in the house lol.

I'm even more excited this year because it's my 1st year celebrating Mabon & Samhain. Yay!
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Re: How do you feel about Autumn?

Post by Vesca »

Fall and Winter, my favorite seasons. To me, it feels like home and its when I'm the calmest and can see the clearest and am able to align with myself the best. I can already see the changes in the leaves, grass, and weather... yay!
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Re: How do you feel about Autumn?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I can rake it or leaf it.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Autumn is my favorite season. I love the cool, brisk, dry air as long as I'm dressed warm. I love to walk in the woods and hear the wind, smell the damp earth and taste the air. When the rain comes, I'm all for being indoors in my pajamas with a hot drink and good book. A first snow makes me want to run out and make snow angels, and after I shovel snow a few feet deep, I think Spring looks mighty fine. If autumn were represented by an animal...Badger...and Vine for plant.
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Re: How do you feel about Autumn?

Post by breaddd »

Autumn is so beautiful smileylove

It's a good idea to turn to the earth, and notice how it acts in the changing of the seasons. (Northern Hemisphere stuff below.)

Leaves turn bright colors and eventually are brown as the fall to the ground. Trees become bare and the air becomes colder, causing more and more animals to 1) prepare for hibernation 2) grow longer and thicker coats of fur 3) migrate 4) die (sad but true) 5) spend more time out of the cold and more in the warm indoors (namely, humans).

I see autumn as a transitional period into deep thinking and reflecting inwards. It's preparing for the winter.
.xAlyssa. wrote:I love Autumn as well. It is my favourite season in the year. Its soo beautiful and I love the change. I also love the smell... I don't know if anyone smells it too but I think that Autumn has its own smell:] Anyways, Its my favourite season.

Also yes Autumn definitely has a distinct smell.

It also means that Samhain is coming up :wink:
When in doubt, consult the nearest tree.
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