Any one else feel insulted by this anti-Wicca page?
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Not always.
I believe your true path, lies within you and that everyone has their own personal true path.
None of them are more 'true' than any other.
But I also believe we create our surroundings and we don't truly understand the impact our mind has on the entire universe.
But, I know what your saying.

I believe your true path, lies within you and that everyone has their own personal true path.
None of them are more 'true' than any other.
But I also believe we create our surroundings and we don't truly understand the impact our mind has on the entire universe.
But, I know what your saying.

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Hi bats!
Just to keep the record straight, Hindu's have, in fact, had religious wars. Many of them. They have been battling Muslims and, to a lesser extent, Buddhists, for over 1,000 years. Here's a couple of examples by way of reference:
The Magnitude of Muslim Atrocities: "India before the advent of Islamic imperialism was not exactly a zone of peace. There were plenty of wars fought by Hindu princes."
The Hindu Concept of War: "The first Hindu King who employed subterfuge as a part of his war was Shivaji. Shivaji was an expert at guerrilla warfare. He broke all the rules of the Hindu war book and even attacked at night. This, many say, was necessitated as his adversaries cared little for dharmayuddha. Anyway Shivaji is still remembered as one of the forerunners of Hindu nationalism as his army combated the Muslim army’s war-cry of “Allah Hu Akbar†with “Har Har Mahadevâ€. It was Shivaji who gave the Hindu nationalists a new concept of war where everything was justified as long as the Hindu interests are served."
It's true that the Hindu philosophy looks upon violence as a last resort but it is not unheard of. Aside from that, they do have other problems with operating within a caste system, corruption, etc. Here's a link to an interesting and rather revealing insight into the modern situation: ... dpoor-dad/
It seems to me that Hindu has a piece of the whole puzzle just as other religions do but there is also fanaticism in every religion. Christian fanatics may try to shove their version of the truth down your throat and tell you hell, damnation, and eternal suffering will be yours if you don't believe. Hindu fanatics might just blow you to bits like they did with 31 people-mostly Muslims-in 3 separate terrorist bomb blasts in the city of Malegaon on September 5, 2008. ... terrorism/
I'm with Gordon on this.
Just to keep the record straight, Hindu's have, in fact, had religious wars. Many of them. They have been battling Muslims and, to a lesser extent, Buddhists, for over 1,000 years. Here's a couple of examples by way of reference:
The Magnitude of Muslim Atrocities: "India before the advent of Islamic imperialism was not exactly a zone of peace. There were plenty of wars fought by Hindu princes."
The Hindu Concept of War: "The first Hindu King who employed subterfuge as a part of his war was Shivaji. Shivaji was an expert at guerrilla warfare. He broke all the rules of the Hindu war book and even attacked at night. This, many say, was necessitated as his adversaries cared little for dharmayuddha. Anyway Shivaji is still remembered as one of the forerunners of Hindu nationalism as his army combated the Muslim army’s war-cry of “Allah Hu Akbar†with “Har Har Mahadevâ€. It was Shivaji who gave the Hindu nationalists a new concept of war where everything was justified as long as the Hindu interests are served."
It's true that the Hindu philosophy looks upon violence as a last resort but it is not unheard of. Aside from that, they do have other problems with operating within a caste system, corruption, etc. Here's a link to an interesting and rather revealing insight into the modern situation: ... dpoor-dad/
It seems to me that Hindu has a piece of the whole puzzle just as other religions do but there is also fanaticism in every religion. Christian fanatics may try to shove their version of the truth down your throat and tell you hell, damnation, and eternal suffering will be yours if you don't believe. Hindu fanatics might just blow you to bits like they did with 31 people-mostly Muslims-in 3 separate terrorist bomb blasts in the city of Malegaon on September 5, 2008. ... terrorism/
I'm with Gordon on this.
One Walker.I do wish for peaceful times and I do hope for peace for all.

We have seen what Power does.
We have seen what Power costs.
One is never equal to the other.
We have seen what Power costs.
One is never equal to the other.
I died laughing about the first part thought it is true.PurpleMoon wrote:Saying there is only one God because the bible says so, and stating things are right or wrong only because of what the bible says is akin to walking around France with an English dictionary and calling them all false and immoral because the words they speak aren't in your book.
People like this amuse me in a sad kinda way. They'd rather spend time shouting about how other religions are wrong than actually reading the words of their lord and savior and understanding them.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." ~Ghandi
I love that Ghandi quote.
"lso, I've noticed that Wiccans like to continually attack "Christian" but steer clear of the Bible if possible. It's easier to attack less than perfect Christians than to attack the preserved, inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God. The Bible is the standard by which we will be judged someday, not other people's opinions..." -the nut from the site.
While I was reading that, I never saw people attack Christians. Did I miss something? Apparently I did. If anything, it makes me really want to see what Wicca is about and learn about it from a credible source.
Wow... maybe he should meet me.purplesummer wrote:"lso, I've noticed that Wiccans like to continually attack "Christian" but steer clear of the Bible if possible. It's easier to attack less than perfect Christians than to attack the preserved, inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God. The Bible is the standard by which we will be judged someday, not other people's opinions..." -the nut from the site.

For instance, there are two creation stories and they conflict with each other. There are two conflicting stories of the great flood. There are two different versions of the 10 Commandments. Moses couldn't have written the first five books of the Bible as alleged because one of them tells where he was buried and states that "no one knows the location to this day". And there are thousands of such discrepancies.
Now, the fact that there are so many contradictions isn't a big deal until one starts calling it "inerrant". People like that put the "blind" in "faith". Faith doesn't have to be blind; even many modern Christians (perhaps even most of them) are far less dogmatic than their forebears.
For those interested in more Biblical truths, this is a web site that I stumbled across back in my agnostic days: While I haven't independently verified everything the site says, I did randomly verify a number of things back in the day just to check the site's accuracy. Everything I checked appeared to be accurate.
(For the record, I never liked that site's name. The Bible is just a book; it isn't "evil". In fact, it has a lot of wisdom in it, and I still quote something or another from it every so often. Now, there are a lot of evil deeds portrayed in it, but that's another story!)
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As with any historical document ever written, you'll find people eager and willing to endlessly argue its 'validity'. And as to what is 'evil'; that definition too has been constantly changed by humans over time-usually to make it conform to currently 'hip' or accepted social behavior. The bottom line is you cannot accurately determine the validity of any historical document unless you were there to actually experience it-and the times-yourself because you are inevitably dealing with personal perceptions.
I find it interesting that the 'taboo' subjects-those which create the most heated disagreements and even wars-are over taxes and religion. These have been the uniform common denominators of strife throughout recorded history and the fact we still argue vehemently about them to this day is, to me, strong circumstantial evidence for reincarnation because we keep carrying the same issues with us! But, that's a whole different subject...
For myself, I find left-wing and right-wing extremists in just about every belief system you care to look at. I try to ignore them and concentrate instead on the basic premise of the belief itself. In that regard, I find no fault in the premises laid out in the Bible and I find it interesting that nobody ever argues about those concepts as described in The Golden Rule, Ten Commandments, the Sermon on The Mount, etc. So what's the argument about? Who wrote what and when? This seems to me to not only be a useless exercise in debating skills but also detrimental to the Light path most of us claim to follow. The Light path is not about finding fault but about finding Truth and Truth is strictly personal and a highly subjective thing.
When you get the idea of some particular thought or experience you gradually build into yourself the idea that you have gotten the whole thing-or the Truth of the matter. But is Truth such a thing that the followers of Mohammad, or Moses, or any other figurehead have all of the Truth? Or has Truth been a growth in our individual lives? If so, then it stands to reason and seems perfectly acceptable that what may be Truth to one individual may not, in the experience of another person, answer at all. Does that make one person any more 'right' than another? Certainly not. Because Truth-beyond the most basic fundamental concepts-is contingent upon personal experience and growth.
To everyone I would say: "Remember, no person is bigger than that which makes them lose their temper."
So Peace, Blessings, and Understanding to Everyone! We've had relatively few posts in the forums from people expounding on the wonderful day or experience they had and I would dearly like to see more like those and less like these. Positive posts are uplifting and a Blessing to all who read them! They give comfort, enlightenment, and encouragement!
One Walker.
I find it interesting that the 'taboo' subjects-those which create the most heated disagreements and even wars-are over taxes and religion. These have been the uniform common denominators of strife throughout recorded history and the fact we still argue vehemently about them to this day is, to me, strong circumstantial evidence for reincarnation because we keep carrying the same issues with us! But, that's a whole different subject...
For myself, I find left-wing and right-wing extremists in just about every belief system you care to look at. I try to ignore them and concentrate instead on the basic premise of the belief itself. In that regard, I find no fault in the premises laid out in the Bible and I find it interesting that nobody ever argues about those concepts as described in The Golden Rule, Ten Commandments, the Sermon on The Mount, etc. So what's the argument about? Who wrote what and when? This seems to me to not only be a useless exercise in debating skills but also detrimental to the Light path most of us claim to follow. The Light path is not about finding fault but about finding Truth and Truth is strictly personal and a highly subjective thing.
When you get the idea of some particular thought or experience you gradually build into yourself the idea that you have gotten the whole thing-or the Truth of the matter. But is Truth such a thing that the followers of Mohammad, or Moses, or any other figurehead have all of the Truth? Or has Truth been a growth in our individual lives? If so, then it stands to reason and seems perfectly acceptable that what may be Truth to one individual may not, in the experience of another person, answer at all. Does that make one person any more 'right' than another? Certainly not. Because Truth-beyond the most basic fundamental concepts-is contingent upon personal experience and growth.
To everyone I would say: "Remember, no person is bigger than that which makes them lose their temper."
So Peace, Blessings, and Understanding to Everyone! We've had relatively few posts in the forums from people expounding on the wonderful day or experience they had and I would dearly like to see more like those and less like these. Positive posts are uplifting and a Blessing to all who read them! They give comfort, enlightenment, and encouragement!
One Walker.

We have seen what Power does.
We have seen what Power costs.
One is never equal to the other.
We have seen what Power costs.
One is never equal to the other.
Intolerance comes in many forms. But to those who know nothing other than the Christian background from which they were raised, other possibilities can be frightening. A lot of churches make a point of using the fear of God as a way to keep their congregation from straying, thus unintentionally creating a race of intolerant and overly judgmental believers.
But it would be just as wrong of me to look at someone like the author of that website in judgement, and doing so makes me just as intolerant.
I agree that it can be insulting when someone attacks anyone else's beliefs. But I suppose there are people like that in every religion. Though I have delved into many religions, I am a Christian at my core, and it offends me to think that there are others who would taint my beliefs and make my religion look like a joke. Not all of us are like that.
But that is just my two cents.
But it would be just as wrong of me to look at someone like the author of that website in judgement, and doing so makes me just as intolerant.
I agree that it can be insulting when someone attacks anyone else's beliefs. But I suppose there are people like that in every religion. Though I have delved into many religions, I am a Christian at my core, and it offends me to think that there are others who would taint my beliefs and make my religion look like a joke. Not all of us are like that.
But that is just my two cents.
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I really don't understand why people who obviously are not going to agree with anything other religions say even bother to look them up. Really, I don't spend my spare time writing websites attacking Christians. Sure, I occasionally talk to some and point out issues I have with their religion, but never a brutal attack like this. I've never told a one of them they are condemned to suffer eternally for their beliefs, and I actually take the time to listen to their point of view instead of making my own vague assumptions.
Maybe this should have been more comical than I found it, but I am fairly irritable at midnight, and I'm sick and tired of other religions attacking paganism.
On a related note, whatever happened to bewitchingways? I loved that site...
Maybe this should have been more comical than I found it, but I am fairly irritable at midnight, and I'm sick and tired of other religions attacking paganism.
On a related note, whatever happened to bewitchingways? I loved that site...
- Posts: 123
- Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:39 am
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whichever christian bastard started that site....and look what he wrote about
kate west,my favourite author of books on witchcraft.heres what the site should be called:
sorry about the swearing,its just I am sick of christians pissing me off at school,and now that I know that theydo it online,well,I get to dislike those retards every second.
kate west,my favourite author of books on witchcraft.heres what the site should be called:
sorry about the swearing,its just I am sick of christians pissing me off at school,and now that I know that theydo it online,well,I get to dislike those retards every second.
"I am not here to bring light to a world of darkness, but rather choose to represent darkness in a world blinded by light~"
"I am not here to bring light to a world of darkness, but rather choose to represent darkness in a world blinded by light~"
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- Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:39 am
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have you read the 'hellivision and the movies' section
Narnia and Satanism (Tumnus is Pan, the sex perverted pagan god! Also learn about how perverted Walt Disney really is! Did you know that Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason?)
"I am not here to bring light to a world of darkness, but rather choose to represent darkness in a world blinded by light~"
"I am not here to bring light to a world of darkness, but rather choose to represent darkness in a world blinded by light~"