Banishing spell request to get rid of unwanted people

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Banishing spell request to get rid of unwanted people

Post by To_classy701 »

Does anybody have a spell/ritual for getting unwanted people out of your life /presence i guess a good banishing spell?
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Re: Banishing spell request to get rid of unwanted people

Post by Vesca »

It really depends on the situation as to what options are at your disposal. When in doubt, begin with the physical means and see where it gets you.
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Re: Banishing spell request to get rid of unwanted people

Post by AdastraJunction »

Have you tried writing one yourself? These things tend to be more powerful when coming from the user, not to mention a better sense of accomplishment. Everyone has the ability to make their own rituals and spells, you just need to have the confidence in yourself to do so.
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Re: Banishing spell request to get rid of unwanted people

Post by dualhands »

To_classy701 wrote:Does anybody have a spell/ritual for getting unwanted people out of your life /presence i guess a good banishing spell?

(insert items that remind you of person here)

(insert oils or herbs for banishing spells here)

( insert your favorite means of disposal here , fire, water, earth, air )

using that basic template you should be able to create a spell on your own that will be more powerful than a spell that someone else wrote for dealing with an individual or group of people they know personally. It's obviously a personal thing, so make it personal to you! AJ had it spot on when she said it should come from you. Because you're the one removing it from your life. Not us :) I wish you the best in removing the negative entity from your being.
diligentibus te dilectio qua dilexisti me , sic fiat

Re: Banishing spell request to get rid of unwanted people

Post by Saga »

I find that self-awareness/self-consciousness spells work well on intrusive people who need to be more conscientious, at least in terms of changing group or public opinion to be more receptive to your concerns or feelings of hesitancy and discomfort around someone.
Especially if I have just done a bunch of shadowwork, which is usually when annoying people show up, because I appear to have low energy and passive identity. But I also have seen it backfire where a narcissistic person just incorporate feeling selfconscious into their public persona and used feeling shy and looking inwards as a narrative to get attention. It was only when I finally just straight up banished them from my house and stopped giving them any attention at all, positive or negative when they came round that they just stopped coming over. They're my housemate's psuedo-girlfriend. She likes to speak constantly on the speaker phone like Jim Jones. For awhile I was hearing her voice at all waking hours, and she wanted to bring her cat here because she couldn't bear leaving our home for more than a few hours, if at all. So when she stopped coming around it was extremely abrupt and noticeable. But yeah, it was awhile there of clumsy tweaking.

I just bind the person to a mirror, but I'll often bless the mirror or put it in a cleansing situation, rather than doing something violent. Sometimes being too considerate just binds their attention to you and backfires though. I'm not suggesting baneful magick, but my experience of it so far has been a process of realising how I really feel, and getting clear in asserting my boundaries, so its like I didn't need any kind of nasty spell in the long run. Intrusive people tend to play on people's emotions aswell and cause internal conflict and confusion.
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