Recurring feelings of self loathing

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Recurring feelings of self loathing

Post by Prospitdaydreamer »

Boy what a title. Ugh, I don't even know where to start. I continue to fall into a funk where I hate myself. I'm constantly craving a romantic relationship. Constantly!!! It never stops and ot affects me so much. I'm just so sick nobody liking me. I'm sick of feeling inadequate or unattractive or unlovable. It hurts so much and I don't know what to do anymore. And I'm also so sick of being told to "just wait it'll come!!" or "you're so young, you have time" LIKE I'M SICK OF WAITING. EVERYONE ELSE SEEMS TO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. EVERYONE ELSE SEEMS TO BE HAPPY AND IN LOVE AND I HAVE TO SIT HERE AND WATCH AS PEOPLE I FALL FOR GO WITH SOMEONE ELSE. SOMEONE COMPLETELY BETTER THAN ME. What really stinks is that nothing anyone says ever makes me feel better about it. "Haley, you're pretty!" Apparently not. "Don't look for it" Oh gee thats hard to do when it plagues my mind. "Boys at this age are stupid" 1. Thats my only option, so 2. And what about Girls? What's the excuse there? "Relationships suck anyway" NO THEY DON'T IF THEY'RE DONE RIGHT. i am being so dramatic right now, I know, but I am just so fed up. I am so fed up with everything. I'm sick of being who I am.
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Re: Recurring feelings of self loathing

Post by SpiritTalker »

Then redefine yourself.
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Re: Recurring feelings of self loathing

Post by TwilightDancer »

You have the power to be whoever you want.

If you are feeling inadequate or unattractive then those are the qualities you are showing to the world. Change begins inside. Tell yourself you're pretty. Love yourself first. Let your confidence shine through. Don't have much? Fake it til you make it. If you wake up every morning, look in the mirror and say "I am beautiful!" with a smile on your face, you WILL believe it. It might take a week, a month or longer but you will start to believe it. Replace those negative thoughts with positive ones and you WILL become a better person. Positive affirmations work. Try it.
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Re: Recurring feelings of self loathing

Post by Prospitdaydreamer »

Thanks everyone. I'm going to try harder. I really appreciate your words of encouragement :)
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Re: Recurring feelings of self loathing

Post by TwilightDancer »

Anytime! :fairy: If you feel like you need someone to talk to, feel free to pm me.
Lady stir your cauldron well, chant your words and sing your spell
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