Do you need to be wiccan to practice witchcraft
Do you need to be wiccan to practice witchcraft
I've been starting to study witchcraft and I have a question that has gotten so many diffrent answers. I am Christian and need to know DO YOU NEED TO BE WICCAN TO PRACTICE WITCHCRAFT?
Re: Do you need to be wiccan to practice witchcraft
Witchcraft is not a religion, therefore, you do not have to be a Wiccan to practice witchcraft. Witchcraft is a "craft."
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Re: Do you need to be wiccan to practice witchcraft
Yes, you can be one, if you want to be a witch and not a christian - sure you can be.
There are differences between regular witches and wiccans (which is a religion), although most of the younger folks think that wicca and witchcraft are the same things. Witchcraft is the practice its self, it's a living.
"A witch is anyone who casts spells. Even Satanists and Christians could be considered witches if they cast spells and do magic, but they aren't Wiccan because they follow a different religion than Wiccans. A Wiccan is someone who follows the religion of Wicca, which is an officially recognized religion just like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. If you get nothing else from this, remember that "Wicca" is the name of the religion and "Wiccans" are the followers of Wicca. So you wouldn't say, "I have a friend who is Wicca." Instead, you would say that your friend is Wiccan.
According to the Wiccan Rede, which are the rules that Wiccans abide by, Wiccans are not supposed cast harmful spells. The Wiccan Rede says, "And ye harm none, do what ye will."
Someone who claims to be a "witch" but who is not "Wiccan" is not following the religion of Wicca. Therefore, they do not have to follow the rede. So they can throw curses at you from across the room.
If you think you want to be Wiccan, or you want to know the difference in Wicca and witchcraft, here are some useful pages to read that explain the difference: ... PDiffs.htm ... wicca.html " - by Starwitch, the site admin, answering the same question.
There are differences between regular witches and wiccans (which is a religion), although most of the younger folks think that wicca and witchcraft are the same things. Witchcraft is the practice its self, it's a living.
"A witch is anyone who casts spells. Even Satanists and Christians could be considered witches if they cast spells and do magic, but they aren't Wiccan because they follow a different religion than Wiccans. A Wiccan is someone who follows the religion of Wicca, which is an officially recognized religion just like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. If you get nothing else from this, remember that "Wicca" is the name of the religion and "Wiccans" are the followers of Wicca. So you wouldn't say, "I have a friend who is Wicca." Instead, you would say that your friend is Wiccan.
According to the Wiccan Rede, which are the rules that Wiccans abide by, Wiccans are not supposed cast harmful spells. The Wiccan Rede says, "And ye harm none, do what ye will."
Someone who claims to be a "witch" but who is not "Wiccan" is not following the religion of Wicca. Therefore, they do not have to follow the rede. So they can throw curses at you from across the room.
If you think you want to be Wiccan, or you want to know the difference in Wicca and witchcraft, here are some useful pages to read that explain the difference: ... PDiffs.htm ... wicca.html " - by Starwitch, the site admin, answering the same question.
Re: Do you need to be wiccan to practice witchcraft
Of course, you can practice witchcraft! Witchcraft isn't a religion so you can be Christian and do magic. Wicca however, is a religion so they don't usually do spells that harm people or cause misery. As Starwolf said" In the Wiccan Rede ( excuse me if i spelled that wrong) it says "And ye harm none, do what ye will." So Wiccans do not do evil magic. And if you do practice witchcraft.. Promise me you wont harm anybody.
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Re: Do you need to be wiccan to practice witchcraft
Old topic
You don’t have to be Wiccan or a Witch to use secular magic. Magic is an art, not a religion.
A Christian Witch might pray to The Father-Mother God and petition intercession of Angels & Saints with prayer-offerings. You can look up Archangels, Guardian Angels & Patron Saints lists.
A Spell Candle would be cleansed with DIY HolyWater, anointed withoil, charged with the intention, placed in a holder & lit; & your prayers, Bible verses or Psalms would be offered. Sigil & petitionpapers can be placed under candles; place crystals & holy cards alongside; print out pics of holy cards; use relic medals as tag locks. Let a candle burn itself out & dispose of spent stubs
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You don’t have to be Wiccan or a Witch to use secular magic. Magic is an art, not a religion.
A Christian Witch might pray to The Father-Mother God and petition intercession of Angels & Saints with prayer-offerings. You can look up Archangels, Guardian Angels & Patron Saints lists.
A Spell Candle would be cleansed with DIY HolyWater, anointed withoil, charged with the intention, placed in a holder & lit; & your prayers, Bible verses or Psalms would be offered. Sigil & petitionpapers can be placed under candles; place crystals & holy cards alongside; print out pics of holy cards; use relic medals as tag locks. Let a candle burn itself out & dispose of spent stubs
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