Difficult Beginnings

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Difficult Beginnings

Post by SilentPartner »

Hello all. My sincerest apologies for bothering about this, but to be honest I'm kind of just feeling... overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. I have been reading up on the subject of Wicca, mostly some of Scott Cunningham's work and content on this site, but its been a lot to take in, and in all honesty I just don't really even know where to begin. I do get the sense that magic is something I need to gradually build up to over time, I think, but other than that I'm not really sure what else to do.

My apologies if that didn't make sense. I did look at previous threads related to beginning, but the majority of them seemed to suggest reading more, which seems like it wouldn't do much to help with my feeling overwhelmed, at least not yet. Sorry. >_<
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Re: Difficult Beginnings

Post by SpiritTalker »

Lots of us have been there too.

It's hard to define what we want until we try things out a little. Discerning the spiritual side of the Craft from the magical side & where they blend is a slow process &' deciding how much of ourselves to invest in The Process on any given day can fluctuate like a yo-yo.

Cunningham's Solitary Wicca is probably the book a good many of us started with. It's available as a free PDF. Wicca as a religion includes observing the full moons - print a moon phase calendar.

Things you can do to get started:

Expand your senses when outdoors to greet the Spirit of the Place. Leave a bit of bread for the birds occasionally. Little routine acts build awareness. Journal about what you are sensing.

Practice making psi balls between your hands🙏🏼 to learn to direct energy. Pull power on the breath to the solar plexus. Think it and push power from the gut & out your hands 👏🏽; move your hands back & forth to feel a subtle pushback.

There’s no rule that we have to copy the ceremonial magician’s style to do witchcraft, so Simplify. A folk magic circle method is to cleanse-bless-cast. Spritz salt-water🔄; light🥢incense; pull power on the breath to the solar plexus to power up, think it, point-&-push 👉🏼 to cast the circle↩️. The circle dissipates when walked through.

Stock a starter kit with purifying salt🧂, a 💦 bowl, 🥢incense, candles 🕯, & anointing oil to transfer & hold a psychic charge.

Getting Started



Re: Difficult Beginnings

Post by SilentPartner »

Thank you very much. After reading through some more threads here and particularly your starting advice both here and in the linked thread, I feel a lot better. I'll be sure to speak up more in the forum with future progress and questions. :)
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Re: Difficult Beginnings

Post by barker »

Magic is a ways of life that transcends the ordinary. I suggest, make sure you have a good grasp on the ordinary, then start doing things that satisfy your own passion for mystery. That could be love-spell or mediating on eternity or healing your past. Doesn't matter which you choose, the stuff you really like is going to be piece of cake.

There is a full moon imminent. Perhaps you could study that online and work a bit of new wonder into your life path. Well that is what i am doing at least ::coolglasses:: . barker
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Rain Gnosis
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Re: Difficult Beginnings

Post by Rain Gnosis »

I was going to suggest grounding and centering, meditation and visualization, circle casting and closing, but I think that was covered in the link listed above. Scott Cunningham mentions in his second book, Living Wicca, the four tools of learning are study, thought, prayer, and experimentation. You've mentioned study has your head spinning but that still leaves thinking about your beliefs, praying to the God and Goddess, and experimentation through learning simple methods listed above. This isn't a religion where you'll get smacked by the Goddess if you don't do it right, so don't pressure yourself too much :) I also wanted to say welcome to the forum!
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