Suggestions for what type of witch I am?

Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.
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Re: Suggestions for what type of witch I am?

Post by RyukaAscendant »

As far as what you are you'll figure it out as you go. For example I'd love to be better at divination and tarot reading but I'm pretty bad at it. But if you want an enchantment or need help with chakras/ meridians/ mudras I'm pretty good at that. I don't use tools really or if I do they're artifices of my own creation for specific purposes not following any tradition I'm aware of.

My point being you could call me any number of things but none of them fit particularly well, except maybe enchanter... So as they've said above read. And then experiment. Find what you like doing, practice, and you will get better at it. Names are just that, names, they have meaning but don't really define you as a practitioner, magician, magi, witch, shaman or whatever you decide to call yourself.
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Re: Suggestions for what type of witch I am?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Y'know, Andi98 you could use your liking for divination to guide your discernment of your path.
You could make a round diagram with a piece-of-the-pie wedge for each of the paths you may want to consider, or any topics of interest, and use your pendulum to find which one to pursue first. Make sure the diagram is large enough so that when the pendulum swings you aren't in any doubt which one it moved towards. Then re-confirm the inquiry with the usual yes and no questions. You can look on line under "pendulum boards images" for some design layouts. It will build your pendulum skills too. But don't do it when you are over wrought or anxious. Wait until you feel playful or curious. :D
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Re: Suggestions for what type of witch I am?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Andi98, are you familiar with the author Doreen Virtue? In years past she has done a candle magic spell kit or two or three, and one at least includes angels. I don't know if they're still available at but her books on angels might be interesting. She does use sound magical steps.
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Re: Suggestions for what type of witch I am?

Post by planewalker »

Warning: EDUCATIONAL CONTENT; Angel Original - Angelos -Emissary or go between. No where in the Christian Bible do you find them described with wings. That is an artist rendition. They are special beings in that they are carrying the message of a superior being. They are different looking than any other being only for those with eyes to see.
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