Dreams about the future.

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Dreams about the future.

Post by kalicokitty »

Ive had dreams about events happening before they do (and had no reasonable explanation as to how i could have known its happen before i dreamed it) and they kind of freak me out. Is there a way to control this kind of thing better? And to help weed out actual dreams vs warnings? One dream ive had for years is my mother dying in a car wreck and im worried it will come true.
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Re: Dreams about the future.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Sadly my short answer is no. Someone else may have more knowledge.

I've had waking & dreaming precognitions all my life (I'm 67) & have not found a way to "control" it. I'd once begged God to take it away. I got a lesson instead - on mercy. Sigh. I've had to accept precogs as preparation. I am not Master of the Universe.

I can choose to react with kicking, screaming & hateful resentment or I can buck up & face it; look beyond & behind the scenes to the Master Weaver's tapestry. Death is something every one has to deal with. The soul is immortal but the body is temporary.

I have found a way to "ride the wave" as the precog occurs to see if it fizzles out or has a conclusion. I can't explain more than to say it's stepping into the flow of the current without resistance; putting the fear on hold to view. It only let's me varify - not control or change events.

I do sympathize. One Q I have is whether your other precog dreams have repeated yet come to pass? (my viable precogs are single views). If only the dream of the car repeats, it may have other meaning - not sure what.
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Re: Dreams about the future.

Post by SnowCat »

I agree with Spirit. My precog dreams and visions have been accurate most of the time. I've learned, "Buckle up buttercup!"
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Re: Dreams about the future.

Post by L.J.Hex »

I have had foresight on things to happen several times, usually on bad things that will happen to me. Few times I've been able to avoid the thing that's going to happen, but mostly it seems that there's no way of knowing when and how exactly the things happen and then it just goes as I "saw" before... I don't recall having actually a dream of this kind, to me they happen when I'm awake.

But from my knowledge too, there's no way to control them and its often sort of "foggy" and hard to pinpoint exactly when and how the things will happen. I do think however, that a lot of meditation could help with the visions becoming clear and therefore possibly controlled in some way?

But as other said, usually its just better to prepare for a ride.
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Re: Dreams about the future.

Post by barker »

I do not consider dreams things that come true, but things that would, if one was to ignore the significance.
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