Water Has Memory

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Re: Water Has Memory

Post by SnowCat »

Shekinah wrote:
Isis3Anubis wrote:I am glad science has caught up with the spiritual belief that our intentions and prayers can affect water to heal or become pure. The Japanese scientist at the end of the film was the most enlightening for me: after studying the affects of words and intention on water LOVE and GRATITUDE were the most profound energies imprinted on water. I will continue to bless my water for health and happiness especially seeing that bottled water and tap water are DEAD. According to scientific research regular water sources don't carry the positive charge of life force found in remote water sources separate from civilizations that pollute themselves. Perhaps praying or spell work to clean oil spills can have a positive affect on our environments we cannot personally help with.
Everything exhibits awareness not just water. In physics the double slit optical experiment reveals that electrons and photons know whether they are being watched or not and respond differently. It's called Quantum entanglement. Wanna see a great video? You got to see "What the Bleep Down the Rabbit Hole". It will open a world of wonderment to those not aware of Quantum physics and paranormal phenomenon.
Shekinah, you sound like my old friend Matrix Traveler.

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Re: Water Has Memory

Post by Firebird »

Kassandra wrote:It's raining right now here. I thought about taking some rainwater, bottling it, and as an experiment using it as a natural form of Raid bug killer. It would either kill the bugs, or turn them glow-in-the-dark, radioactive green.
I'm pretty frightened of rain water since Fukushima, since the water drawn up comes to us directly from the Pacific Ocean. Would love to run around in it, instead I try to avoid it. I wonder what sort of effects it will have on plant life and such, we had so much rain this year.

Watched a documentary this morning and I don't understand why great work like this isn't being implemented more. or if it is, why we don't hear about it. We could make water healthy again, but we don't. I'm experimenting with a bowl of water and some positive affirmations for now to see if I feel any better.

Here is the doc.
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
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