Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Many of the power-elite are hereditary workers of various forms of craft magic & their family structures maintain diligence. They're imbedded behind the scenes as the "deep state". Pay attention to the major architectural structures symbolism in plain sight. Looking with opened eyes exposes it. Wake up. WAKE UP.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by Astro Logical 1 »

I was in a bind with some bills a while back and I cast some magick to help out.

As tempting as rich seems, one must always remember for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.

So I set in motion sone push and pull for an amicable solution that satisfies all involved.

I had to switch internet providers because the one I was with had begun to charge me 2.5x the norm. And upon leaving, they hit me with close to 400 in cancellation fees and amount owing ect.

As every spell is part intention and part action, I set off to go speak in person to the company with 100 dollars in hand as my affordable solution.

When I walked out of there, and after suggesting I could pay 100 on the spot to be free and clear, they'd adjusted my amount owing to what they originally were charging per month for the internet I had used. So it cost me 60ish bucks to get free and clear.

The magick didn't make me rich- the magick helped fairness happen.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

I do, but it still has not come true yet. :|
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by corvidus »

Farore wrote:Wealth has a way of poisoning people.
I think this about sums it up :(

Being an ‘advanced’ witch doesn’t really have anything to do with how long you’ve been practicing or how many spells are in your spellbook, IMHO. Advancement to me has everything to do with Maturity.

I think you’ll find that when witches reach a certain maturity, their attention moves away from materialism and more towards Spirit. To Spirit, money is completely useless.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by SnowCat »

Casting a spell to win the lottery, while appealing, is pretty much useless. You won't be the only one doing so. On the rare occasion when I play, I figure if I win something, it's nice. If not, I didn't spend more than I could afford to lose. I'm not much of a gambler.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by Astro Logical 1 »

Perhaps we all actually do.
Magick works it's mojo iin and among the ether.
So it stands to reason it works in the currency of it's environment. And love, widom and knowledge is wealth.
Seems to me we are all flowing with abundance.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by barker »

Magic becomes wealth-y when magic becomes materialistic. Consider an ascending scale, default reality through to hope beyond earth. Money starts feeling when you are a point on that scale when your self is not like any other. It is harder in some ways, but with love, money is assured. This is true in my life. Money has a real point to make about uniqueness. That being, uniqueness knows grace. Stardom (is it you?) and other forms of higher service (why not?), all make money, one way or another.

Now to a theory of my own, which states that money is just electrons on a computer at the bank. When you think of it in that light, maybe everybody is each getting what they need and little more. At that point, who needs more gets more. So you must need your own life to be fantastic, to move ahead.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by L.J.Hex »

This is an interesting topic. I have cast a money spell once, and either I got really unlucky afterwards, or what I did just backfired badly. I'm still paying for that mistake. Perhaps I just screwed up or got bad luck, who knows, but I'm very careful about money spells now. Next time when I even think of something like this, I'll be way more careful or just not do it.

I figured it out that maybe its my attitude towards money that made it fail? Btw, I didn't try to conjure truckload of money, just enough to make ends meet and get some to use for my hobbies. Money on its own has never motivated me one bit... I see it as a necessary evil that I have to deal with and my monetary needs are quite simple, although I have two hobbies which can swallow endless amount of money if I would do them on a gear-junkie mentality. (Drumming and fishing can cost a lot.)

And I agree on what many have said on this topic about it being very selfish to try to conjure (excess)wealth for yourself "for free". I believe that wealth should be earned somehow, a spell feels like a kind of a short cut. I'm sure some people have been successful with it, I don't know if I dare to try a money spell again, be it for just a bit or a truckload.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by barker »

L.J.Hex wrote:This is an interesting topic. I have cast a money spell once, and either I got really unlucky afterwards, or what I did just backfired badly.
To me, instant karma is a metaphor for amazing grace. I say your spell came true instantly, but of course, do not be obsessing about the reality... [edit: no, don't keep casting it]
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by . »

Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Maybe because we don't know how to do it properly, embracing all principles.

This guy has something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBuA_XjnEmY -)
ask yourself what is it that you offer, can offer and stay centred in your soul.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by . »

TwilightDancer wrote:I just want to add: say you did cast a spell to win on a lottery ticket, what if that ticket was meant for a starving family and you selfishly took it for yourself?
This was the principle why I stopped wishing to find money on ground.

Concerning lottery. First I agreed it was just a way of taxing people for being bad at math. Now I know it is a way to tax people for not understanding that the game is rigged.
Lately I've been thinking about poker too... give micro hidden cameras at points where player is most likely to check his cards.
You think you outsmart the game whilst game, or someone outsmarts you.

My best money time always was with basil in finance corner well grown... not the case now since I planted them from seeds and it just grows sooo slowly.

Concerning ww economy, gonna go to hell... we need to remind ourselves that money is defined merely as agreement between people.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by Mr Crowley »

Snow: Good point about the lottery. It's usually the first magical hunting ground, me included about 35 years ago, when I first started to believe in magic. Other magic in the closed loop. What about the gatekeepers' magic? Even trying to pick the lock with that in mind proves to be fruitless. Even though I can more-than-afford $2 two times a week, I don't play. (That's less than the yearly money that I make on my credit card, use creditor's money for everthing I buy, pay-in-full in 30 days and the credit cash back is profit, as it should be.) I did, however, play a $1.5 billion lottery, $987 million after taxes. Why? Reserve enough for a lifetime of a lavish lifestyle, and I could give the rest away, creating extremely positive changes for many people.

"This guy has something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBuA_XjnEmY"


It's identical to the Trump model.

Read the next paragraph, and hold the thought as you re-watch the vid.

Does a start up with seed money, it grows with other people's seed money; then, the profit is harvested, killing off further growth. He made a killing, allowing him to do--as he says--what he wants to do not has to do. The others, no so much. If one cannot see the more-than-clear Trump mirror image, they do not have a firm grasp on the basics of Economics 101; as a result, one cannot cast magic into a direction of what they cannot comprehend.

It goes beyond magic and goes into everywhere: American politician AOC is a textbook example of zero understanding of Economics 101, and she's an economics major--THAT SHE WANTS ME TO PAY FOR--solidifying this concrete fact. In other words, a huge portion of the population has no clue how to generate money, whether using magic or not.

The reason "no one does it"?

As with other--I guess it could be called advanced--magic, why would someone publicly disclose? Since it's all about personal gain, how would public disclosure net personal gain?
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by BlackMirror »

I don't need to be rich. I have what I need to survive and enough to have fun. I work a good job love and make some money on the side. I am content with my income. Too much money seems to me to be a burden.
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Re: Why dont advanced witches cast spells to make them rich?

Post by JennAdeleK »

Astro Logical 1 wrote:Perhaps we all actually do.
Magick works it's mojo iin and among the ether.
So it stands to reason it works in the currency of it's environment. And love, widom and knowledge is wealth.
Seems to me we are all flowing with abundance.
Really like this answer...

And, also, who says we don't???... "Rich" or "abundant" looks very different to different people. :flyingwitch:
"Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"
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