Tree circle

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Tree circle

Post by Mikayla11 »

Hello all, I would like your input on what my fiancé and I found while cleaning up some of the landscape around our home. We live on 23 acres, behind us is miles of forest and our property is covered in trees and extends up the mountainside. There was a pond covered in briers at the start of the year and since then we have spent countless hours cleaning up the pond and the area around it. The pond is visible now and it is full of mine and my fiancé's energy, we have put so much of ourselves into the project that you can feel the happiness and love when you walk up to the pond. Anyways, I don't know if that has to do with what we found or not, but I thought I'd give a little back story.
We were cleaning up behind the pond yesterday, cutting down weeds and dead trees, we noticed a circle of oak trees that all had 3 to four trees coming out of each trunk, within the circle no weeds grew, there was nothing growing between the trees. All of the trees have moss and are growing mushrooms. I cleared all of the leaves around all of the trees to make sure nothing was growing and to help the trees grow and breath better.
Because of the way the trees are formed and the circle they create (not a perfect circle) and the mushrooms growing on them and the energy I feel in the circle, I think this is a magickal piece of land. My fiancée and I have thought it would be a good place for casting. I blessed the trees yesterday by forming energy balls and whispering blessings into them and pressing them into the trees.
What do you think?
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Re: Tree circle

Post by SpiritTalker »

Trust your senses.
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