If this post isnt in the right place..please move it? Im not sure where to put it..lol
I have a question. Please be honest with me if Im seeing or absorbing something wrong...
For a few years now...I 'see' a dragon. The first time I seen it, was in bed one night. I was not asleep yet..maybe I was relaxing and meditating on something relevant at the time..I dont recall. I have a active mind and examine too far sometimes? This dragon was over me, over my head. Just his head..not his entire body. But..it couldnt have been but a few inches from my head. I actually moved to see it better. Was 'big' in comparison to my head. Blue. Scaley. Looked mean or..serious? I could sense it breathing. I FELT its presence physically. Just a matter of a minute or so..then it pulled away. I was scared..but I wasnt scared, if that makes sense..
It is always the same dragon I see and feel. I have seen a red one once..but was told it coulda seemed smaller because of the plane it was on? Anyway..Ive recently had some intensely heart ripping circumstances going on. its went on for years now..and I just felt like Ive given up the past couple weeks. Well..Ive seen this blue dragon many times over a week now. In fact, this morning..I 'seen' it flying with my vehicle at 6am this morning when I went to pick up my grandbaby. Oddly enuff..it was raining, still dark and my wipers suck..for some reason I felt calmer with that baby in the car feeling this dragon with my car.
Could this be a guardian? A god/goddess? I feel very close to it after all this time..Im just so new to the searching that Im unsure of what to think? Any input would be greatly appreciated
Blessings to all
Question about dragons
Re: Question about dragons
Since you find his presence reassuring and you don't feel threatened, he's probably a guardian of yours, especially with him showing up when you need the protection and support. He may be both a guide and a guardian, sometimes they do take on both functions.
I'm still pretty tired so that's my two cents for now, hope it helped and made sense
I'm still pretty tired so that's my two cents for now, hope it helped and made sense
Re: Question about dragons
hi, it's been awhile since i've posted here. i agree with fallen moon. the dragon sounds like a guardian. try talking to him. asked why he is there.