Magical Powders

American Folk Magick, Hoodoo, Appalachian Granny Magic, Ozark Mountain Magic, Pow-wow Magic, and other types of folk magick are discussed here.
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loona wynd
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Magical Powders

Post by loona wynd »

Has any one here worked with some of the traditional Hoodoo Powders? How did they work? Have you made any of your own powders?

Edit: I have started to explore this practice myself through some herbal powders I have composed myself. They are not necessarily Hoodoo Powders but when I heard of the concept I thought I'd give it a try with the herbs I use in my own spell crafting as it is. These powders have been effective. I'm working now on trying a few of them in different ways such as in shoes and around bedrooms and the like along with the concept of sweeping them.
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by Kassandra »


Making Magical Powders

Pretty much any recipe used for a magical oil blend could be used as an herbal base for a magical powder, as well. Talc is a common carrier, but I've heard of people using anything from baby powder to baking soda. For magical powders I grind the herbs down to a fine consistency using a coffee grinder. The mortar and pestle I use for a coarser consistency (if I even use a m&p at all; sometimes just breaking things up with your hands is quite enough) for herbs to go into an oil carrier or alcohol tincture base because I like to still see what the separate ingredients are. But for powders, I don't really care to see the herbs.

And the coffee grinder is good for herbs going into a (salt) "crystal bath" formula, as well. This is used for bathing the body, or for "fixing" clothing in the laundry. An example would be to use a "protection" blend to wash a child's clothing in to magically protect him from a bully that's been bothering him. Another example would be to put a "success" or "money-drawing" formula in the laundry of someone going job hunting in those clothes (be sure to wash underwear and socks in this --important in hoodoo for some reason). "Baths" could also be added to bucket water for magical "washing" of the floor, along the lines of this post.

Versatile stuff, these powders and baths.

Using Magical Powders

But, back to powders, since that's the topic of this thread. Another example is to use a "healing" magical powder formulation to sprinkle on the sheets of someone suffering from an illness. Likewise, take a candle of a color corresponding to the idea of "healing" in your tradition, inscribe it with a healing phrase of some sort (or rune, sigil, etc.), dress it with healing oils, then sprinkle it with a related magical powder. Burn it in the room of the sick person, calling forth healing energy from the elements, the god(s), help from ancestors --whatever your preference. I think an angel-themed candle would be really good for this, like that of the "healer angel," Archangel Raphael.

For those who don't have a problem with more commanding type work ("sneaky tricks" in hoodoo), you could sprinkle some magical powder on a door knob, computer keyboard, or desk chair of a person you want to compel/command. Say, you want someone to think about you in a positive way, like a boss you'd like to give you a raise, or a cute co-worker you'd like to get to know better (I don't advise this, though!), or say your significant other, whom you love and cherish to no end, is unfortunately a procrastinator and you've gotten tired of repeatedly asking him or her do the thing they know they're supposed to do...time to break out the magical powder!

The powders you might use, respectively, are the hoodoo formulations "Crown of Success," "Follow Me Boy (or Girl)," and "Compelling" (though, with significant others I think it's more effective to use an "attracting" approach by deploying a sugar bowl or honey jar spell instead, hehe). Of course, you have to do the footwork in each occasion: you have to have done work worthy of a raise, as well as actually ask for it. You have to be friendly to that person you'd like to get to know better in a respectful (hopefully not creepy and stalkerish kind of) way. And it'd be best to do whatever you do for your household with everyone's betterment in mind, not just to gratify your ego with immature, selfish, coersive motives. Magic can be a "back up" to the mundane, a metaphysical insurance policy, lol. It amplifies your intentions. Always think about the consequences of what you do.

I could go on and on about all the ways magical powders could be used! Fun stuff.

This is why I love plain old is not New Orleans "Hoodoo Voodoo," nor Haitian vodou, there's no spirit-possession necessary, nor beseeching a pantheon of gods, nor sacrificing "live" offerings of any sort. This is just everyday, practical, folk magic. Anyone could do it, and it gets results, otherwise people wouldn't still be doing it after all these years. :wink:

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Re: Magical Powders

Post by loona wynd »

Kassandra wrote:I'm catching up on posts I didn't respond to during my recent hiatus, and I think this is the last one, finally.
Its been nice to have you back. I had posted a few threads while you were gone in hopes that maybe other people would be interested in joining in the discussions. This was actually one of the few topics I have started related to Hoodoo that I even had some experience with so that is why I was hoping for posts and discussion. Oh well. Welcome back. Lets rock this party. smiley_dance :fairy:
Kassandra wrote: Hey, I'm surprised no one else responded to couldn't be the only one making or using magical powders, could you? lol :wink:
I didnt think that I would be. I mean the idea and use of herbs in different forms is common in many different cultures and practices. I started my work with powders based on working with powdered herbs in incense formats. I figured why not try another way of working with my powdered herbs.
Kassandra wrote:They are so fun to both make and use!
I enjoy making them. I enjoy taking the time to thumb through my herb collection and look at the associations and properties. I typically grab all of the herbs I have related to the need at hand and then I basically look at them and let my hand choose which ones to pop into my mortar and pestal.

Kassandra wrote:Making Magical Powders
Pretty much any recipe used for a magical oil blend could be used as an herbal base for a magical powder, as well.
I have also found that most incense recipes can double as oil based recipes as well. This is where I figured I could take the same approach I do with my incenses and try using the same herbal recipes in a powder form. This was before I actually read anything on working with powders in the context of Hoodoo.

I had basically heard of working with herbs in magical powders. I didn't know anything about using a base powder or anything along those lines. I just powdered herbs measured them, mixed the herbs in the mortar and pestal (or bag depending on batch size) one at a time and then all together at the end blessing them and focusing on the intent with each shake and practice. Its very fun and its a great way to raise energy.

I've found that powders are an effective way of working magic in a simple and easy manner. I also like how once its prepared you can basically just use them any time that you need them or want to use them. I've found that they are also a great way of working magic for other people when they approve of it without having to make a big deal of it. Powders are awesome.
Kassandra wrote:Talc is a common carrier, but I've heard of people using anything from baby powder to baking soda.
See I haven't used a powder for my bases. All of the powders I sell don't have that base. None of the powders I have made have had any sort of base. One of the reasons is that I am also leaving them open to be used as an incense if needed. I figure why not use them as both an incense and a powder at the same time. Burn the incense in a censor while sprinkling the powder. Here you get fire, air, and earth. The only way to add more elemental power would be to have an oil or in my case more likely a tincture with the same recipe applied as well.

Mama Starr uses rice powder in her powders. She uses rice powder because of how it absorbs oils. She also mentions how it relates to being applied to the skin for some effects. She does mention how other people use other powders as their bases. She even includes salts as a base for powders. Would you consider salt a base for magical powders?
Kassandra wrote:For magical powders I grind the herbs down to a fine consistency using a coffee grinder. The mortar and pestle I use for a coarser consistency for herbs to go into an oil carrier or alcohol tincture base because I like to still see what the separate ingredients are. But for powders, I don't really care to see the herbs.
That is a good point. My first powders werent really ground all that well. Neither my grinder and blender were that effective nor was my mortar and pestle effective for what I really wanted. Now things are a bit different.

I do agree about in tinctures wanting a less fine consistency. For me the only difference for that is in herbs and resins that are incredibly difficult to powder at all and may be better in a fine powder form for tinctures. Dragons blood both in tincture and powders for me is finely ground. Myrrh and Frankincense are also two herbs I use finely ground in powders. Otherwise they remain very sticky in resin form which for my desires aren't effective. You still can strain them.
Kassandra wrote:And the coffee grinder is good for herbs going into a (salt) "crystal bath" formula, as well. This is used for bathing the body, or for "fixing" clothing in the laundry. An example would be to use a "protection" blend to wash a child's clothing in to magically protect him from a bully that's been bothering him. Another example would be to put a "success" or "money-drawing" formula in the laundry of someone going job hunting in those clothes (be sure to wash underwear and socks in this). "Baths" could also be added to bucket water for magical "washing" of the floor, along the lines of this post. Versatile stuff, these powders and baths.
So you consider bath salts and baths to be types of powders as well? I guess they could be. I think of most bath salts as being mostly salts blended with essential oils rather than the herbs themselves though sometimes the herb are added. I do believe that salt does absorb the properties of oils blended with it when combined with intent. So maybe thats why salts can be powders. Same for baths.

The only salt I am really familiar with aside from bath salts is black salt. Though I have made my own protection salt which has been very effective and has produced wonderful vibrations in my home since being applied. The story behind that creation is actually in my blog here. I also posted the recipe in the Kitchen Witchery forum here. Now that good weather is here I plan on actually making some black salt as well.

I have some commercial Black Salt I bought from the store called Hex. That store is one of the few in New England that sell Hoodoo supplies from premade salts, powders, and oils to herbs for use in your own salts, powders, oils, and the like. I may use some of that in an inspired hex breaking or uncrossing spell I have in mind to work. Its a combination of one I read in Mama Starrs book with my own twist on the spell. Stiill Hoodoo inspired at least.

I don't have the vigils for that exact spell. I do have the main ingredient which is a white egg and permanent markers for the marking of the egg. So I have an idea to adapt the spell to work with the black salt in the uncrossing as well as with my protection salt also as part of the uncrossing. One thing I have found to be true in Hoodoo is that you use what you have on hand and adapt the spells if necessary. That is one thing I am doing there. Maybe not traditional conjure but I'd still call it Hoodoo just ala me.
Kassandra wrote:Using Magical Powders
But, back to powders; another example: use a "healing" magical powder formulation to sprinkle on the sheets of someone suffering from an illness.
I have heard of using love powders under the bed of your lover to keep the love strong. I've also heard of the same powder being sprinkled to encourage strong long lasting relationships to remain strong and true to each other.

I do like the idea of the healing powder in the sheets of the person with the illness. I guess the one draw back I can think of is if they have any allergic reactions to certain herbs. There are people who are allergic to herbs in any form of contact. So I think that would be something to consider in a practice of applying the powder to something that comes into contact with the skin or air (sprinkled on the floor eventually would be kicked up a bit through motion into the air).
Kassandra wrote: Likewise, take a candle of a color corresponding to the idea of "healing" in your tradition, inscribe it with a healing phrase of some sort (or rune, sigil, etc.), dress it with healing oils, then sprinkle it with a related magical powder. Burn it in the room of the sick person, calling forth healing energy from the elements, the god(s), help from ancestors, etc. I think an angel-themed candle would be really good for this, like that of the "healer angel," Archangel Raphael.
Due to my personal relationship with the arch angel Michel I would call on him for healing. He was and actually is an angel of healing as well as protection. Its actually one of his earlier associations. The ritual spell for uncrossing I mentioned earlier actually invokes archangel Michel as a healer in that respect. Though I may also call on more than one angel. I may also call on my Dragon guide who is a healing spirit.

I have a tincture I would use for this which was based on an incense I crafted out of healing pure love for my fiance'. That incense blend is actually base for the incense blend I sell in my store as well. For me a healing color is blue, green, or purple depending on what the issue is. Blue for me tends to be an all purpose healing color. Green for me is more related to emotional healing as well. Blue also relates to issues with communication (emotional, physical or any form of communication). Purple for me is for issues with the mind and mental health.
Kassandra wrote:For those who don't have a problem with more commanding type work, some might call "sneaky tricks" in hoodoo, you could sprinkle some magical powder on a door knob, computer keyboard, or desk chair of a person you want to compel/command.
Hot Foot powder is one of these powders. I've even heard of it being applied to the leaves of desk plants in addition to war water being used to water the plant. That combination would be very powerful at eliminating your enemies. You can also sprinkle powders in their cars (if you have access) or in their yards. Locations for placing tricks can play a key role in Hoodoo I have found.
Kassandra wrote: Say, you want someone to think about you in a positive way, like a boss you'd like to give you a raise, or a cute co-worker you'd like to get to know better (I don't advise this, though!), or say your significant, whom you love and adore, is a chronic procrastinator and you've frankly gotten tired of repeatedly asking him or her do the thing they already know they're supposed to do for you...break out the magical powder. Respectively, you might use hoodoo formulations known as Crown of Success, Follow Me Boy (or Girl), and Compelling (though, I think it's more effective to use a simple sugar bowl or honey jar spell, hehe).
I think a sugar bowl spell could actually count as a magical powder and a sweetening spell at the same time. Depending on how you worked it I think it could also be used as a jar spell. Again it all depends on how the powder is constructed and the spell is applied.

Powders are fun and quite diverse. There are many different types of powders. I mean we can as you have mentioned discuss salts and baths as powders. There are lucky powders. There are protective powders and healing powders. You have powders for offensive work (best known I believe is the Hot Foot Powder) and much more. I personally think that magical powders are going to become a staple in my practice.
Kassandra wrote:I could go on and on about all the ways magical powders could be used. Fun stuff.
They are fun to make. They are also fun to use. I have made a banishing powder, a love powder, a money powder, and most recently I have made a protection salt. I have a feeling I may adapt the powder recipes I have made up to this point and try using probably baby powder as a base. I think it may make a distinct difference in both the consistency and the actual ability to use the powder.
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by Kassandra »

loona wynd wrote:Lets rock this party. smiley_dance :fairy:
Haha. Rock life. Always.

loona wynd wrote:Mama Starr uses rice powder in her powders. She uses rice powder because of how it absorbs oils. She also mentions how it relates to being applied to the skin for some effects...

...I have a feeling I may adapt the powder recipes I have made up to this point and try using probably baby powder as a base.
Oo, I'll have to try rice powder. Not to sound like I'm stereotyping, but I am half Japanese after all, haha, and I do have many rice-related products. I'm like Bubba in Forrest Gump with his shrimp: "I got rice, rice powder, rice wine, rice vinegar. I got short grain rice, long grain rice, brown grain rice, white grain rice. I even got me wild rice, and jasmine rice. Then there's my rice candy, and rice paper..."

Manufacturers usually put that "baby powder scent" in all their baby products. Personally, I wouldn't use baby powder at all for magical powders (unless I really needed to incorporate that scent for some reason, maybe the working was specifically for a baby, or something, I don't know). To be honest, I really don't like that smell. I would just stick with using a non-scented powder. I really like the smell of some herbs to be very detectable, like lemon grass, or rose, or mint...mmm, just thinking about them makes me happy. With herbs, "smell" is part of the magic to me, part of the power of the herb itself, and part of my personal interaction/relationship with it.

Hey, you know what? I actually did use rice powder for a working recently, now that I think about it. Got a box of it up on my shelf. Forgot all about that, lol. Glad others use it too, though!

loona wynd wrote:Would you consider salt a base for magical powders? I think of most bath salts as being mostly salts blended with essential oils rather than the herbs themselves though sometimes the herb are added..
Yes, baths salts are normally made with essential oils. That was probably confusing, I should have clarified: I'm just low on essential oils right now, so I've been using straight herbs, and thus grinding the salt and herbs with the coffee grinder, so the salt could be used like bath salt. No, bath salts are not normally made this way, lol.

loona wynd wrote:I do like the idea of the healing powder in the sheets of the person with the illness.
And put some healing bath crystals in their laundry too, 'cause "sick" tends to (energetically) stick to peoples' clothes. I actually got this combination of ideas from a remote reading I did for someone. She had been bedridden for a long time, so her anxiety had been "crying into" the mattress, imbuing it with bad energy that was, in turn, making her even sicker. I could see this grey, icky energy infusing her bed mattress, a cloud of it. I saw that the underside of her mattress could use a thorough "smoking" with some strongly healing incense to break that cloud up. That reading is where I got the idea for the angel altar to put on a sick person's nightstand, as well. And I "saw" she would benefit from tying a little bag of herbs/crystals on each bedpost to "draw in healing energies from the 4 directions."

Vicious cycle, it was. Needed to be broken up with magical practices, and lots of love from family/friends. We all do this. It's like how some posters suspected stress and anxiety may have been affecting a property and causing poltergeist and other destructive activity in this post. We humans tend to want to protect ourselves from this and that, when sometimes what's in our own heads is what we really should be afraid of. Sometimes.

Kassandra wrote:Purple for me is for issues with the mind and mental health.
For troubled mind-type work, I think of a white skull candle, dressed with clarity and/or peace of mind correspondences (oils, etc.).

loona wynd wrote:I think a sugar bowl spell could actually count as a magical powder
Sugar itself as a magical powder --I like that perspective! Very kitchen witchy.

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Re: Magical Powders and Bath Salts

Post by loona wynd »

Kassandra wrote:
loona wynd wrote:Lets rock this party. smiley_dance :fairy:
Haha. Rock life. Always.
Kassandra wrote:Oo, I'll have to try rice powder. Not to sound like I'm stereotyping, but I am half Japanese after all, haha, and I do have many rice-related products. I'm like Bubba in Forrest Gump with his shrimp: "I got rice, rice powder, rice wine, rice vinegar. I got short grain rice, long grain rice, brown grain rice, white grain rice. I even got me wild rice, and jasmine rice. Then there's my rice candy, and rice paper..."
Then you should go for it. If you have a lot of rice powder and or could make rice powder for your base go for it. I'm not sure what sort of base I will go with. Mama Starr mentioned that she wont use Talcum powder for some reason related to her childhood. I also said that she doesn't like the scent or the texture of the powder. So it would make sense that her base would have something she like.

Kassandra wrote:Manufacturers usually put that "baby powder scent" in all their baby products. Personally, I wouldn't use baby powder at all for magical powders (unless I really needed to incorporate that scent for some reason, maybe the working was specifically for a baby, or something, I don't know). To be honest, I really don't like that smell.
I wouldn't mix baby powder with anything either. My fiance' and I both use it to help use dry out spots that bother us. It works well. I like the smell myself, even though we buy the unsecent stuff.
Kassandra wrote: I would just stick with using a non-scented powder. I really like the smell of some herbs to be very detectable, like lemon grass, or rose, or mint...mmm, just thinking about them makes me happy. With herbs, "smell" is part of the magic to me, part of the power of the herb itself, and part of my personal interaction/relationship with it.
That is one of the reasons I sell my tinctures under the tag of aroma therapy. They are scents and scented oils and liquids can do wonderful things to the body. I also like the smells I have when I open my bags of herbs and play with them. Its always enjoyable and its often uplifting.

I wouldn't think that rice powder would be very scented. So that may be a good one for you to work with in your powders. I wonder if flour would work as a powder base. Or corn starch. Those are ones I would probably explore and try myself.

Kassandra wrote:Hey, you know what? I actually did use rice powder for a working recently, now that I think about it. Got a box of it up on my shelf. Forgot all about that, lol. Glad others use it too, though!
While every witch will practice differently in the end all of our inspirations have to come from some were. I strongly believe that all witches draw from the same divine inspirational forces. I believe that the force magic itself is the divine force that we all draw on.

Kassandra wrote:Yes, baths salts are normally made with essential oils. That was probably confusing, I should have clarified: I'm just low on essential oils right now, so I've been using straight herbs, and thus grinding the salt and herbs with the coffee grinder, so the salt could be used like bath salt. No, bath salts are not normally made this way, lol.
Thats ok. I actually like the idea of working with the herbs and oils in the bath. The oils have one things but when there herb is also there you have its tactical sensation as well as its scent. What do you use as a base salt fr your bath salts?

Kassandra wrote:And put some healing bath crystals in their laundry too, 'cause "sick" tends to (energetically) stick to peoples' clothes. I actually got this combination of ideas from a remote reading I did for someone. She had been bedridden for a long time, so her anxiety had been "crying into" the mattress, imbuing it with bad energy that was, in turn, making her even sicker. I could see this grey, icky energy infusing her bed mattress, a cloud of it. I saw that the underside of her mattress could use a thorough "smoking" with some strongly healing incense to break that cloud up. That reading is where I got the idea for the angel altar to put on a sick person's nightstand, as well. And I "saw" she would benefit from tying a little bag of herbs/crystals on each bedpost to "draw in healing energies from the 4 directions."

Vicious cycle, it was. Needed to be broken up with magical practices, and lots of love from family/friends. We all do this. It's like how some posters suspected stress and anxiety may have been affecting a property and causing poltergeist and other destructive activity in this post. We humans tend to want to protect ourselves from this and that, when sometimes what's in our own heads is what we really should be afraid of. Sometimes.
Was it able to work?

Kassandra wrote:For troubled mind-type work, I think of a white skull candle, dressed with clarity and/or peace of mind correspondences (oils, etc.).
Define troubled mind lol. No I use it because for me puple is the colors of the mind and the brain as well as psychic abilities and spirituality.

Kassandra wrote:Sugar itself as a magical powder --I like that perspective! Very kitchen witchy.
Well I'm thinking of making a sweetrning jaw.bowl spell involving powders and items to sweeten my fiances bosses into listening tp him for larger job satisfaction as as well as getting that raise hes asked for. I just really have no idea where I would begin with this.

Any ideas?
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by loona wynd »

So I was looking at whats in baby powder. Baby powder is essentially cornstarch powder with aloe and vitamin e to sooth rashes and dry out areas that get rashes because of sweat. I have to use it under my breasts in the summer because of their size and the sweat that builds in those folds. So now I am thinking of ways I may be able to make my own healing absorbancy powder.

I'm probably going to use cornstarch as my powder base from now on. Its widely available and not out of place buying it in a grocery store. Plus I sort of like how cornstarch feels. I also can use it in other thing when I cook and bake so that is a win win. I'm looking at powders and crafting items more and more based on what I have on hand and available to me without a lot of searching and buying from places online.
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by Holdasown »

Speaking of powders why red brick dust? Just wondered. I know it's used for protection and washes. We have tons of old building make of red brick and I am trying to get some. What is about the bricks they think gives it power?
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by loona wynd »

Holdasown wrote:Speaking of powders why red brick dust? Just wondered. I know it's used for protection and washes. We have tons of old building make of red brick and I am trying to get some. What is about the bricks they think gives it power?
Part of it could be how sturdy and strong bricks are which would make for a good protective wall type thing. I think the other part could be the color red for some people is both protective and offensive at the same time. Sort of like how fire when camping in the wilds for survival can both serve as a barrier to protect you from some animals and can also be used as a weapon to scare off some that may attack you. At least that is one of the things I can think of for a possibility.
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by Holdasown »

loona wynd wrote:
Holdasown wrote:Speaking of powders why red brick dust? Just wondered. I know it's used for protection and washes. We have tons of old building make of red brick and I am trying to get some. What is about the bricks they think gives it power?
Part of it could be how sturdy and strong bricks are which would make for a good protective wall type thing. I think the other part could be the color red for some people is both protective and offensive at the same time. Sort of like how fire when camping in the wilds for survival can both serve as a barrier to protect you from some animals and can also be used as a weapon to scare off some that may attack you. At least that is one of the things I can think of for a possibility.
I wasn't sure it had to do with bricks in fire places or color. Thanks.
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by loona wynd »

Holdasown wrote: I wasn't sure it had to do with bricks in fire places or color. Thanks.
That could be another reason. Fire is protective as offensive as well.
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by BabyBear »

i thought i would comment on just one thing cus you have a great thread and wonderful information
Kassandra wrote:.

(be sure to wash underwear and socks in this --important in hoodoo for some reason)..
the reason that underwear and socks are a main thing to wash in these powders are because underwear is something strictly belonging to that person, meaning that its more personal then say a shirt your sister will probably borrow from you or a tshirt of your boyfriends you like to sleep in but he wears some times to
also, say your married or have children, there is no way your husband will wear your socks or stockings or your undies or that your kids will be able to wear or wish to wear your socks or undies.
This is just a way to make sure that the powders work for you and have an added potency kinda like if you add hair or fingernails in a witches bottle its all from you specifically so it will work for you specifically.

thought i would point out the reasoning behind it
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by loona wynd »

BabyBear wrote:i thought i would comment on just one thing cus you have a great thread and wonderful information
Kassandra wrote:.

(be sure to wash underwear and socks in this --important in hoodoo for some reason)..
the reason that underwear and socks are a main thing to wash in these powders are because underwear is something strictly belonging to that person, meaning that its more personal then say a shirt your sister will probably borrow from you or a tshirt of your boyfriends you like to sleep in but he wears some times to
also, say your married or have children, there is no way your husband will wear your socks or stockings or your undies or that your kids will be able to wear or wish to wear your socks or undies.
This is just a way to make sure that the powders work for you and have an added potency kinda like if you add hair or fingernails in a witches bottle its all from you specifically so it will work for you specifically.

thought i would point out the reasoning behind it
I've actually heard that before. Its similar to the reason why hair and fingernails can be used in some spells. Its the law of contagion. That law basically says that if it was connected to a person it will continue to be so. Thats why using shirts for making mojo bags and the like will work. Same theory different application.
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Re: Magical Powders

Post by loona wynd »

Something that came into my mind the other day when I was thinking about the common Hot Foot Powder. Its been assumed that the water Florida Water or Peace Water was originally created to combat the effective War Water. I was wondering what the opposite powder to a Hot Foot Powder would be. To me it makes sense that there would be an opposite powder like there is water. I'm guess it would be some sort of peace powder. Thoughts?
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