I find it very interesting, thanks for the post. Hey, if the
Christian Psalms could be used in magic, I don't see why Almost Holy Biscuits can't.
Let's see, what would be the correspondences here? To me, the thought form for "Jesus" would include "healer" and/or "magician," since the Bible claims he cured both a leper and a blind man, brought a dead guy back to life, turned water into wine, and disappeared
at will while in the middle of a crowd of people, etc. Oh, and psychic ability also comes to mind, since he could read peoples' minds, like the lady at the well, whom he told facts about her life before she had a chance to say anything.
So, I would say as a witchcraft correspondence, the biscuit ingredient might be thought to enhance healership, increase one's magical potency (a kind of "magician's testosterone," if you will), sharpen third eye abilities, and increase anti-glamour (when you don't want to be detected, i.e., "invisibility"). Wow, good stuff!
Maybe someone else sees some other uses? Just my two cents.
Sanctified Cannibalism?
You know, a lot of Christian religions use these wafer thingies besides just Catholics. And by the way, EUTM members and guests, the whole "
Eucharist" concept in Christianity is
yet another adaptation from prior ancient pagan practices, in this case human sacrifice...
"This is my body you're eating," "this is my blood you're drinking," etc. =
symbolic ritualistic cannibalism.

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"Good thing I can fly! Otherwise those crazy
people down there might eat me!"
Some funny stories...
Pentacostal Eucharist
I used to visit my friend's Pentacostal church (which is much like the Baptist religion, lively choir music, firey preachers, and all that, very entertaining --yes, I've been quite spiritually inquisitive all my life!) when I was a teenager, and they used to do that Eucharist thing, with the wafers and grape juice, like the Catholics. I think they used to call it "communion" or something though, I can't remember. I know they didn't call it Eucharist.
Funny thing was, they were always bad-talking Catholics, saying they were idolators who worshipped saints as gods and all that, and how Pentacostals are the "true church," the only ones with the truth, etc. A trademark characteristic that runs throughout all of Christianity is that each separate sect thinks it's the only true one, and that all the rest are false religion and goin' to hell. So, you're not the only who's condemned. Hehe, gotta' love that.
Jehovah's Witness Eucharist
And then, OK, this is funny... I've also visited Jehovah's Witnesses "meetings" (they don't use the word "church" ever, because they believe all non-Witness religions will be destroyed at the Apocalyse --hehe, don't ask me, I'm just the reporter), and
they do it too. Only thing is they say the biscuits and wine are for a certain few, not everybody. Unlike the Pentacostals and Catholics, everybody can't partake. It's only for people who will be part of "
God's 144,000 chosen people," aka "the anointed." So, you'd
better not drink that grape juice unless you know you're anointed!
So, hehe, what the Witnesses would do is they'd gaze around during the mock cannibalism ceremony (and
act like they weren't, lol) trying to see who thought they were chosen, and who did not, who actually partook of the "emblems" (what they call the wafers and the wine).
Then, after the meeting, they'd go home and bad talk anyone who
did partake, like, "Who does Sister So-and-So think she is! She's ain't anointed!" I kid you not. I found it so funny and petty, I would just laugh under my breath and think, "So,
this is what Jehovah's Witnesses do, haha."
It is really a point of irritation amongst them, because, you see, if you are "one of the anointed" you get special privileges, like you get to tell other Witnesses who aren't "anointed" what to do, "counsel them" about what they're doing wrong, 'cause you have this special relationship with God, and they don't. The anointed are considered a separate class, kinda' like in school, the difference between a senior and a freshman. So, anointed people get to be a liiiiiittle bit more judgmental than the rest, and non-anointed ones, well, they basically wanna' punch 'em.
Yeah, it was classic, man, good times.

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"Mmm-hmm. Lookit Brother So-n-So, drinkin' that
grape juice over there...he knows he ain't anoin-
ted. pffft!"
Pagans all of 'em, haha. Man, I get a kick out of Christians. They're fun --I don't see how witches get so offended by them. If you
only knew the many convoluted beliefs they have, and the confused and twisted antics they do. I guess it's easy for me to say because I wasn't raised in a Christian home, and therefore wasn't chastised and harassed to be Christian like some here have been. I realize I'm very fortunate. But, I hope my wacky (and true) stories will cheer you up,and you'll see the lighter side of this subject one day.
Anyway, thanks for the great post, Seraphin. Hope your biscuit sales are prosperous. If you want to advertise, please feel free to post your website here if you have one:
http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... vices.html Good luck.