Almost Holy Biscuits

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
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Almost Holy Biscuits

Post by Seraphin »

Hiya everyone! :flyingwitch:

This may seem a strange notion but who knows some may find this interesting. :)

I believe many of you, if not all are familiar with this:

Source: ... hosts1.jpg

That paper-thin round white wafers you see above is none other than the unleavened bread that the Catholics receive in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist!

They don't come out that way from the oven actually as they cut out from wide square sheets, leaving scraps much like those made by cutting out paper dolls. The Church usually throw those scraps away. So last year, I came up with something to salvage those scraps when I heard it, I thought of incorporating the scraps into biscuits which is I and my fiancee are now selling in our small business. :D

Sacramental Bread and Magick

Now the trouble I get with this is that we always end up having remaining scraps that were left on stock for a couple of days, weeks, or months.

Well, it's probably just me having an O.C.D. but I couldn't stand seeing jars of leftover "hosts" sitting around doing nothing while we're still waiting for somebody to order another packs of biscuits, so I have to think of other stuff to use them for.

I know historically that witches used food magick to increase potency to their rituals. Like crystals, herbs and other things, they use foods to channel magick. In ancient times, there are foods eaten for strength, safety, love, fertility and prosperity.

So, I'm thinking if the "Eucharistic host" also has some properties that might enhance the power of our spells and rituals. Perhaps, I can also incorporate them in my spellwork. *Grins* Any trouble with that? :D

No really, I'm aware that "host' is also associated with the Sun. :P And take note, the Holy Eucharist is being held every Sunday, which is the day of the Sun. Hmmm... :wink:

Also, many Catholics I've known firmly believe in the qualities of this "host" to heal you from spiritual sickness, so this makes me think that probably there are other magickal uses for it.

Anyway, maybe I'm weird, but I thought I would share and ask. :lol:

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Almost Holy Biscuit

Post by Kassandra »


I find it very interesting, thanks for the post. Hey, if the Christian Psalms could be used in magic, I don't see why Almost Holy Biscuits can't.

Let's see, what would be the correspondences here? To me, the thought form for "Jesus" would include "healer" and/or "magician," since the Bible claims he cured both a leper and a blind man, brought a dead guy back to life, turned water into wine, and disappeared at will while in the middle of a crowd of people, etc. Oh, and psychic ability also comes to mind, since he could read peoples' minds, like the lady at the well, whom he told facts about her life before she had a chance to say anything.

So, I would say as a witchcraft correspondence, the biscuit ingredient might be thought to enhance healership, increase one's magical potency (a kind of "magician's testosterone," if you will), sharpen third eye abilities, and increase anti-glamour (when you don't want to be detected, i.e., "invisibility"). Wow, good stuff!

Maybe someone else sees some other uses? Just my two cents.

Sanctified Cannibalism?

You know, a lot of Christian religions use these wafer thingies besides just Catholics. And by the way, EUTM members and guests, the whole "Eucharist" concept in Christianity is yet another adaptation from prior ancient pagan practices, in this case human sacrifice...

"This is my body you're eating," "this is my blood you're drinking," etc. = symbolic ritualistic cannibalism.

Dove of Peace.jpg
Dove of Peace.jpg (4.54 KiB) Viewed 3967 times
"Good thing I can fly! Otherwise those crazy
people down there might eat me!"

Some funny stories...

Pentacostal Eucharist

I used to visit my friend's Pentacostal church (which is much like the Baptist religion, lively choir music, firey preachers, and all that, very entertaining --yes, I've been quite spiritually inquisitive all my life!) when I was a teenager, and they used to do that Eucharist thing, with the wafers and grape juice, like the Catholics. I think they used to call it "communion" or something though, I can't remember. I know they didn't call it Eucharist.

Funny thing was, they were always bad-talking Catholics, saying they were idolators who worshipped saints as gods and all that, and how Pentacostals are the "true church," the only ones with the truth, etc. A trademark characteristic that runs throughout all of Christianity is that each separate sect thinks it's the only true one, and that all the rest are false religion and goin' to hell. So, you're not the only who's condemned. Hehe, gotta' love that.

Jehovah's Witness Eucharist

And then, OK, this is funny... I've also visited Jehovah's Witnesses "meetings" (they don't use the word "church" ever, because they believe all non-Witness religions will be destroyed at the Apocalyse --hehe, don't ask me, I'm just the reporter), and they do it too. Only thing is they say the biscuits and wine are for a certain few, not everybody. Unlike the Pentacostals and Catholics, everybody can't partake. It's only for people who will be part of "God's 144,000 chosen people," aka "the anointed." So, you'd better not drink that grape juice unless you know you're anointed!

So, hehe, what the Witnesses would do is they'd gaze around during the mock cannibalism ceremony (and act like they weren't, lol) trying to see who thought they were chosen, and who did not, who actually partook of the "emblems" (what they call the wafers and the wine).

Then, after the meeting, they'd go home and bad talk anyone who did partake, like, "Who does Sister So-and-So think she is! She's ain't anointed!" I kid you not. I found it so funny and petty, I would just laugh under my breath and think, "So, this is what Jehovah's Witnesses do, haha."

It is really a point of irritation amongst them, because, you see, if you are "one of the anointed" you get special privileges, like you get to tell other Witnesses who aren't "anointed" what to do, "counsel them" about what they're doing wrong, 'cause you have this special relationship with God, and they don't. The anointed are considered a separate class, kinda' like in school, the difference between a senior and a freshman. So, anointed people get to be a liiiiiittle bit more judgmental than the rest, and non-anointed ones, well, they basically wanna' punch 'em.

Yeah, it was classic, man, good times. :wink:
communion-wine.jpeg (10.41 KiB) Viewed 3942 times
"Mmm-hmm. Lookit Brother So-n-So, drinkin' that
grape juice over there...he knows he ain't anoin-
ted. pffft!"

Pagans all of 'em, haha. Man, I get a kick out of Christians. They're fun --I don't see how witches get so offended by them. If you only knew the many convoluted beliefs they have, and the confused and twisted antics they do. I guess it's easy for me to say because I wasn't raised in a Christian home, and therefore wasn't chastised and harassed to be Christian like some here have been. I realize I'm very fortunate. But, I hope my wacky (and true) stories will cheer you up,and you'll see the lighter side of this subject one day.

Anyway, thanks for the great post, Seraphin. Hope your biscuit sales are prosperous. If you want to advertise, please feel free to post your website here if you have one: ... vices.html Good luck.

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Re: Almost Holy Biscuit

Post by Seraphin »

Kassandra wrote:.

I find it very interesting, thanks for the post. Hey, if the Christian Psalms could be used in magic, I don't see why Almost Holy Biscuits can't.

Let's see, what would be the correspondences here? To me, the thought form for "Jesus" would include "healer" and/or "magician," since the Bible claims he cured both a leper and a blind man, brought a dead guy back to life, turned water into wine, and disappeared at will while in the middle of a crowd of people, etc. Oh, and psychic ability also comes to mind, since he could read peoples' minds, like the lady at the well, whom he told facts about her life before she had a chance to say anything.

So, I would say as a witchcraft correspondence, the biscuit ingredient might be thought to enhance healership, increase one's magical potency (a kind of "magician's testosterone," if you will), sharpen third eye abilities, and increase anti-glamour (when you don't want to be detected, i.e., "invisibility"). Wow, good stuff!

Maybe someone else sees some other uses? Just my two cents.
I had no idea those were possible correspondence, Kassandra! Makes perfect sense :D Thank you so much!
Kassandra wrote:Sanctified Cannibalism

You know, a lot of Christian religions use these wafer thingies besides just Catholics. And by the way, EUTM members and guests, the whole "Eucharist" concept in Christianity is yet another adaptation from prior ancient pagan practices, in this case human sacrifice...

"This is my body you're eating," "this is my blood you're drinking," etc. = ritualistic cannibalism.
Yeah, yeah. Christianity had its pagan origin as the basic ideas of it came from various mystery traditions such as Mithraism and Egyptian Occultism. It's rituals and doctrines has its roots in ancient paths.

The Jesus Mysteries is the same story found in all cultures, from India (as Krishna) to Persia (as Mithras) to Babylon (as Tammuz) to Asia Minor (as Attis) to Greece (as Dionysus) to Rome (as Bacchus) and Egypt (as Osiris).

Though I just want to make it clear that personally, I believe that not just because Jesus isn't the only Sacrificial King and the Son of God doesn't mean he isn't a powerful Deity in His own right. I'm a polytheist and as far as I'm concerned, even though how many older Gods share Jesus' archetype, this does not diminish the importance of Him. I believe all Deities are valid and worthy of praise. Just sayin... :mrgreen:

Many Non-Catholics usually raise their eyebrows in this Eucharist/Cannibalism ritual the Catholics are doing. According to them, Catholics believe Jesus was Divine in a human form so to make Him your supper or meal is very inappropriate, not to mention, it makes things confusing for those who are sincerely trying to understand Him. A Jewish friend of mine even made a remark that, "Is it any wonder that Muslims think that Catholics eat their God?"

For me however, I don't want to disparage other religions. If this is how they worship or revere their God and their Messiah then what the hell? Some religions might not understand the meaning of this but for them, this might be intended to teach them some kind of spiritual and/or divine lesson or help them observe Jesus' commands or commemorate Jesus' life and ministry in a better way.
Kassandra wrote:Pentacostal Eucharist

I used to visit my friend's Pentacostal church (which is much like the Baptist religion, lively choir music, firey preachers, and all that, very entertaining --yes, I've been quite spiritually inquisitive all my life!) when I was a teenager, and they used to do that Eucharist thing, with the wafers and grape juice, like the Catholics. I think they used to call it "communion" or something though, I can't remember. I know they didn't call it Eucharist.

Funny thing was, they were always bad-talking Catholics, saying they were idolators who worshipped saints as gods and all that, and how Pentacostals are the "true church," the only ones with the truth, etc. A trademark characteristic that runs throughout all of Christianity is that each separate sect thinks it's the only true one, and that all the rest are false religion and goin' to hell. So, you're not the only who's condemned. Hehe, gotta' love that.

Jehovah's Witness Eucharist

And then, OK, this is funny... I've also visited Jehovah's Witnesses "meetings" (they don't use the word "church" ever, because they believe all non-Witness religions will be destroyed at the Apocalyse --hehe, don't ask me, I'm just the reporter), and they do it too. Only thing is they say the biscuits and wine are for a certain few, not everybody. Unlike the Pentacostals and Catholics, everybody can't partake. It's only for people who will be part of "God's 144,000 chosen people," aka "the anointed." So, you'd better not drink that grape juice unless you know you're anointed!

So, hehe, what the Witnesses would do is they'd gaze around during the mock cannibalism ceremony (and act like they weren't, lol) trying to see who thought they were chosen, and who did not, who actually partook of the "emblems" (what they call the wafers and the wine).

Then, after the meeting, they'd go home and bad talk anyone who did partake, like, "Who does Sister So-and-So think she is! She's ain't anointed!" I kid you not. I found it so funny and petty, I would just laugh under my breath and think, "So, this is what Jehovah's Witnesses do, haha."

It is really a point of irritation amongst them, because, you see, if you are "one of the anointed" you get special privileges, like you get to tell other Witnesses who aren't "anointed" what to do, "counsel them" about what they're doing wrong, 'cause you have this special relationship with God, and they don't. The anointed are considered a separate class, kinda' like in school, the difference between a senior and a freshman. So, anointed people get to be a liiiiiittle bit more judgmental than the rest, and non-anointed ones, well, they basically wanna' punch 'em.

Yeah, it was classic, man, good times. :wink:

Pagans all of 'em, haha. Man, I get a kick out of Christians. They're fun --I don't see how witches get so offended by them. If you only knew the many convoluted beliefs they have, and the confused and twisted antics they do. I guess it's easy for me to say because I wasn't raised in a Christian home, and therefore wasn't chastised and harassed to be Christian like some here have been. I realize I'm very fortunate. But, I hope my wacky (and true) stories will cheer you up,and you'll see the lighter side of this subject one day.

Hahaha!!! Your stories do cheer me up! :lol:

I think some Christians called their version of Eucharist, the "breaking of bread".

All Christian denominations, sad to say, proclaim themselves to be the "right and only anointed Church", the "true children of God", "the holder and proclaimer of the truth", the "spiritual or new Israel" or whatever title they want and claiming and believe that the prophecies and blessings in the Bible are actually directed to them and only for them.

All these denominations try all the time to convince others that they are right and the others are wrong. All of them claimed to have some sort of divine duty to convert everybody to their own church's mindset. They believe that only through their religious group can redemption and salvation be attained and if you're outside of their church, you're doomed. :|

But the truth is, they are all just the same! They all share commonalities and have borrowed something from older traditions. No faith began in a vacuum.

Most Christians (Catholics, Pentecostals, Witnesses, Baptists, Lutherians and others) stand there with overwhelmed faces adoring Jesus as their priest, pastor or minister raised the host or wafer, not realizing they are performing the rituals practiced by the Pagan mystery religions (called Omophagia). Millions practice the identical form of the ancient sun-worship of the Sun-god! Which means we're all pagans! So what's the essence of fighting and destroying all interpretations or beliefs that are different from or opposed to your own if we're all the same? :evilwitch:

I don't want to be mean or condescending; but rather, I just want share some things Christians probably will never hear in their church.
Kassandra wrote:Anyway, thanks for the great post, Seraphin. Hope your biscuit sales are prosperous. If you want to advertise, please feel free to post your website here if you have one: web-sites-services.html Good luck.
Great post?! Wow! Thank you very much! I thought my post is weird. :roll:

Well, we are not yet selling our biscuits abroad, but we're looking forward to the possibility of it. :P

Me and my fiancee initially made bucket of "Almost Holy" biscuits as Christmas gifts for the medical staff of the Hospital where our first baby was born.

Eventually, those sweet and adorable recipients started to clamor to buy the biscuits so they could also give them away as gifts. :P So we decided to dive in the biscuit venture to meet the demand. Though, it's still pretty much a cottage industry, not a huge commercial firm.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Almost Holy Biscuit

Post by Kassandra »

Seraphin wrote:I don't want to be mean or condescending; but rather, I just want share some things Christians probably will never hear in their church
I had some funny remembrances when I saw that pic you posted of the wafers, thought I'd share them. But, yes, I too respect everyone's religion, and hope I haven't seemed condescending to anyone, especially to those who consider Jesus and Christianity important to their spiritual paths. But, like you, I like to share information that may not be so well known to most, or even easy to accept once known. I find religion one of the most interesting subjects, ever.

Seraphin wrote:Me and my fiancee initially made bucket of "Almost Holy" biscuits as Christmas gifts for the medical staff of the Hospital where our first baby was born.Eventually, those sweet and adorable recipients started to clamor to buy the biscuits so they could also give them away as gifts. :P So we decided to dive in the biscuit venture to meet the demand. Though, it's still pretty much a cottage industry, not a huge commercial firm.
That's a lovely story. I'm sure the firstborn will get a kick out of hearing it one day, the circumstances of his/her birth sparking the advent of Almost Holy Biscuits. I wonder if the church will be offended, though, if the biscuits ever got real popular (I don't know which church, since almost all Christian churches do that ceremony, and it's not like any of them has a copyright on unleavened wafers)...

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Re: Almost Holy Biscuit

Post by Seraphin »

Kassandra wrote: .
I had some funny remembrances when I saw that pic you posted of the wafers, thought I'd share them. But, yes, I too respect everyone's religion, and hope I haven't seemed condescending to anyone, especially to those who consider Jesus and Christianity important to their spiritual paths. But, like you, I like to share information that may not be so well known to most, or even easy to accept once known. I find religion one of the most interesting subjects, ever.
Actually, in the other forums, I often get opposed statements and angry response or PM's from conservative and orthodox Christians when I post and share my opinions. They point out that my beliefs and views are all wrong and that I'm confusing, deceiving and corrupting the mind of the people, as if their belief is the only correct and valid one. :?

These reactions merely amuse me. I've come to the conclusion that one's degree of confidence about his or her religion is totally opposite to his or her knowledge of the truths and realities about that religion. The more dogmatic, meticulous or fanatical a person is about religion, the more arrogant, yet ignorant he is about the nature and synthesis of his beliefs.
Kassandra wrote:That's a lovely story. I'm sure the firstborn will get a kick out of hearing it one day, the circumstances of his/her birth sparking the advent of Almost Holy Biscuits.
By the way, the biscuits are still unbranded, but you gave me an idea what to name them! So thanks again. :lol:

And our daughter already knows the history of our small business. And she finds it amazing! :D
Kassandra wrote:I wonder if the church will be offended, though, if the biscuits ever got real popular (I don't know which church, since almost all Christian churches do that ceremony, and it's not like any of them has a copyright on unleavened wafers)...
Almost one year after we made the pioneering move to reuse the scraps, we're not the only one making the biscuits today. The Church in our neighboring village, as well as other religious groups had also started making them so I don't think RCC got offended that we're making their "Eucharistic host" scraps into normal biscuits.

Also, it was my friend who suggested it in the said Church. According to him, instead of allowing the leftovers to fall to the floor for dogs and cats to eat, then why not turn it into "Almost Holy Biscuits". :lol:

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Re: Almost Holy Biscuit

Post by Kassandra »

Seraphin wrote:Also, it was my friend who suggested it in the said Church. According to him, instead of allowing the leftovers to fall to the floor for dogs and cats to eat, then why not turn it into "Almost Holy Biscuits". :lol:
Oh, good. That's great. But, yeah, you might not want to mention the part about considering it a magical correspondence in witchcraft ingredients...unless this is the Unitarian Church we're talking about, lol

All this talk of biscuits is making me hungry! I find myself wondering what they must smell and taste like (perhaps a pic of the next batch, please? :wink: ).

Ach, I'd better go eat breakfast and get about my way...

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Re: Almost Holy Biscuit

Post by Seraphin »

Kassandra wrote:Oh, good. That's great. But, yeah, you might not want to mention the part about considering it a magical correspondence in witchcraft ingredients...unless this is the Unitarian Church we're talking about, lol
No, I didn't mention it to him, smileydance I'm quite certain there'll be an uproar from conservative Catholics :mrgreen:.

You know, they'll be greatly offended by this "blasphemous" and "clearly abominable" practice and I'm afraid they might gag me and burn me at the stake if they ever find this out! :lol:
Kassandra wrote:All this talk of biscuits is making me hungry! I find myself wondering what they must smell and taste like (perhaps a pic of the next batch, please? :wink: ).
Oh and it's too late to be hungry here in my place -- or baking for that matter. Maybe tomorrow, I can send you some leftover hosts, though :lol:. You can warm it up at the EUTM's kitchen. :lol:

Oh and the pics? Yes, yes, of course. I'm going to take some and post a couple here.

Gee! I am being too talkative -- avoiding going to bed, but I'm really sleepy. Always puts me in Nonstop Talking mode.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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