Any one else feel insulted by this anti-Wicca page?
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WHAT THE?!! I can't believe someone would make a website like that and completely discredit Wiccans, its insulting and demining. I can't believe someone would do that! What an idiot, and did you see the thing at the bottom with that girl saying stuff bout "god wont send me to hell for doing drugs etc"
I can't believe such an idiot
I can't believe such an idiot
Sensitive dependence on initial conditions... chaos
Well, I certainly am upset about this... but people are allowed to voice their opinions....... unfortunately. All I can say is that I'm not going to bother with letting this get to me, as it is unimportant. None of you should really let this get to you. We all know that this person is just one of those ramblers who won't keep their beliefs to themselves, but try to enforce them on others. *shrugs* It is to be expected.
Love and Light,
Blessed Be.
Love and Light,
Blessed Be.
His lack of research is staggering. It looks to me that he read the book from the supposed former high priest and took it as the truth about what Wicca is. I see nothing there that cannot be debunked by anyone who has a little bit of knowledge on the subject.
"initiate into the Alexandrian Wicca on Imbolc, February 2, 1973 and made a High Priest and Magus in September of the same year. That summer his lady and he were also promoted to the High Priestly rank in the Druidic Craft of the Wise."
Busy fellow to get so high ranked in so short of time don't you think?
"initiate into the Alexandrian Wicca on Imbolc, February 2, 1973 and made a High Priest and Magus in September of the same year. That summer his lady and he were also promoted to the High Priestly rank in the Druidic Craft of the Wise."
Busy fellow to get so high ranked in so short of time don't you think?
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This guy has no idea what he's talking about. Even in the Christian religious texts. He's a total fundamentalist who doesn't understand the fundamentals. The New Testament was written as a new Covenant that over rides the Old, however he states support from the book of Proverbs, which is in the old testament.
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Ever notice that the author kept quoting from the OLD Testament, which Jesus nullified in the Gospels? A fundamentalist who doesn't even understand the fundamentals. This isn't all that surprising.
I'm a Christian Witch myself - raised in a Protestant household - and I just shake my head at this ignorance.
The author never did any research, or what little they did was misconstrued and twisted to suit their own needs. Sounds a bit like the Bible, yes?
By the way, using the Bible in an argument like the one the author presented on that website does not give you any credibility. It just makes you look like you're incapable of thinking on your own, so you hide behind a book.
I'm a Christian Witch myself - raised in a Protestant household - and I just shake my head at this ignorance.
The author never did any research, or what little they did was misconstrued and twisted to suit their own needs. Sounds a bit like the Bible, yes?
By the way, using the Bible in an argument like the one the author presented on that website does not give you any credibility. It just makes you look like you're incapable of thinking on your own, so you hide behind a book.
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could you tell me where Jesus nullifies the old testament. I was raised Christian my self and no where does he "nullify" the old testament; what he does do is completely fulfill and make null and void the laws of sacrifice as are set forth in Leviticus. One thing all Christians forget is that with out the old testament the new testament has no meaning; also that Christ and his apostles are preaching primarily to Jews who already know the law and the history of their country. The closest he came to saying anything about abolishing/nullifying is "I did not come here to do away with the law, but to fulfill it"Lily Cantodea wrote:Ever notice that the author kept quoting from the OLD Testament, which Jesus nullified in the Gospels? A fundamentalist who doesn't even understand the fundamentals. This isn't all that surprising.
I'm a Christian Witch myself - raised in a Protestant household - and I just shake my head at this ignorance.
The author never did any research, or what little they did was misconstrued and twisted to suit their own needs. Sounds a bit like the Bible, yes?
By the way, using the Bible in an argument like the one the author presented on that website does not give you any credibility. It just makes you look like you're incapable of thinking on your own, so you hide behind a book.
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I needed a laugh - and I got one. LOOOOOOOLnature_in_control wrote: ... iality.htm
I did find it irritating and irrational. Alas it was also funny for the fact that it seems theyy are saying all other religion besides their own christianity is "dragged from the pits of hell".
People should research more than their own beliefs before saying that theirs is fact
People should research more than their own beliefs before saying that theirs is fact

~Best Wishes in Everything You Do~
The design itself is very poor, like it was slapped together by an amateur or maybe even a preteen. Author does not even know his/her own Bible very well at all. Writings look like the ramblings of either a Bible fundie schoolkid or a mentally and spiritually crippled adult. Either way, it reads like someone living in fear. You have to understand their pitiful mindset. The pressure from the pulpit to "tell them of the way" lest ye suffer hellfire and brimstone pushes them into this sort of behavior. There is always a hand up their back so to speak because, after all, we are all "Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God." In any case, site is boring, predictable, laughable... I had the pleasure of educating these sorts of their own book whenever they have been foolish enough to raid some other boards I visit.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.
~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
I just reread it, and this amuses me greatly:
"God is Omnipotent and controls all the power in the universe, but He is much more than a mere polarized energy field...He is God, an individual (Isaiah 43:12)."
What went through my head was:
"I am God. I am Omnipotent. You Wicca. You more advanced and know more than me. I don't like you. BLAM!... Oh look, you died in a lightening bolt...ooops..."
I love how we are created in the "image of God" and that "God loves all" but then they claim he hates wiccans because they dont believe in him and he denies them access to their "heaven" and damns them to their "hell" ROFL
"God is Omnipotent and controls all the power in the universe, but He is much more than a mere polarized energy field...He is God, an individual (Isaiah 43:12)."
What went through my head was:
"I am God. I am Omnipotent. You Wicca. You more advanced and know more than me. I don't like you. BLAM!... Oh look, you died in a lightening bolt...ooops..."
I love how we are created in the "image of God" and that "God loves all" but then they claim he hates wiccans because they dont believe in him and he denies them access to their "heaven" and damns them to their "hell" ROFL
~Best Wishes in Everything You Do~