I'd like to share the Runes divination method I've been using for years. It's based on the "old ways" of Runes divination techniques presented by Igor Warneck.
Just a note: The Skjebne Circle is meant to be used with Elder Futhark.
Here's what it looks like:
(I know my Paint skills aren't great and the Circle is a bit uneven but you get the point.)
To use the Skjebne Circle for divination first you need to make a "board" (around 0.5 x 0.5 meter in width and length). You can use paper, cloth, wood - whatever you prefer and then draw/sew/carve the Circle maintaining the proportions from the picture above. If you want to perform a divination outside, you can just draw it with a stick on the ground.
Note: All the elements and Rune names are written around the circle only for guidance and better understanding. You're not supposed to write them on your board.
So here's how it works:
1. The small inner circle is called skjebne which is a scandinavian term for Fate. It represents soul, spirituality etc.
2. The next circle is called outer-skjebne. It represents emotional and mental level of existence.
3. Finally, the most outer circle divided into four domains is optional. You can either place there four elements (Air, Water, Earth, Fire) or four runes representing those elements (this technique is more advanced) OR you can name them Family (instead of Air), Abundance (instead of Fire), Success (instead of Water) and Health (instead of Earth) - this is for newbies. These four domains represent the material level of existence.
1. Optional: Perform a basic cleansing rite, drawing a circle around you (having your Runes and Skjebne already with you) then don't break the circle during divination OR light a white, cleansing candle next to you OR skip this step completely if you don't think any cleansing is needed. This step is completely optional because for everyone the divination process is very personal and everyone has their own ways.
2. Focus your intention on the question/dillema and draw 9 Runes from the sack (or whatever you store your Runes in). Don't put the Runes away, hold them in your hands while drawing. When you draw 9, close your hands with the Runes inside and focus your intention on them.
3. Throw Runes on the Skjebne Circle with a gentle motion. But not too gentle - use just enough power to let the Runes spread around the board. (It requires a bit of practice if you never used this technique before but you'll get it after a few tries.)
This step can seem a bit complicated at first but it'll get easier once you memorize it.
(An examplary arrangement of runes and guidelines: Explained below)
1. "(Social) Place and Situation" or "The Past" (Depending on your question/dillema)
Now you want to pick first three Runes. In your mind draw a line from the center of the board up (like 12 o'clock). If there's a Rune on that line - that's your first Rune. If not, going clockwise pick the nearest Rune to the line. Then count the next Runes to three - the 3rd Rune is your next. Repeat the counting once again to get your set of 3 Runes for "(Social) Place and Situation" or "The Past" interpretation. (So, those are gonna be 1st, 4th and 7th Rune, going clockwise). Once you interpret them, you can remove them from the board.
2. "Material Sphere" or "The Present"
In this step you want to pick your next three Runes to interpret the "Material Sphere" or "The Present". In your mind draw a line from the center of the board down (like 6 o'clock). Going clockwise, count to two to pick every second Rune. Once you interpret them you can remove them from the board.
3. "Relationships, Emotions, Sex" or "The Future"
Now that you've got only three Runes left on the board you don't need to count and pick anything - you can just interpret them concerning "Relationships, Emotions, Sex" or "The Future" sphere.
How to interpret the Runes depending on where and how they're placed on the board:
1. If the Rune is placed in the inner skjebne, it has to do with the spiritual level of the situation.
2. If the Rune is placed in the outer skjebne, it has to do with the emotional and/or mental level.
3. If the Rune is placed in one of the four domains, in addition to the Rune's meaning you add the meaning of the element/Rune specific for the domain it's placed in. It represents the material sphere.
4. If the Rune is upside-down, this means that the person whom it concerns is not aware of that aspect of the situation.
5. If 2 or more Runes are touching eachother it means that their meanings are somehow connected.
Okay, that's more or less it about this method of divination.
You can modify it as you please. Whatever works best for you

If anything's unclear (english is not my native language so I'm not sure if it's understandable for you) or if you've got any additional questions, please ask! I'll be happy to answer!

(Note: All the graphics and text in this thread is made and written by me, not copied. At the beginning I mentioned who was the original inspiration and provided me with base informations about this method of divination.)