Free E-books! Here is my list...

Paganism, witchcraft, and Wicca as portrayed on TV, movies, and popular culture. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Practical Magic, etc. If you know of a good show or movie, you can recommend it here or discuss it with others.
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Re: Free E-books! Here is my list...

Post by illbehere »

some of your sites did NOT work.
others were hard to navigate.
sorry, thanks for sharing but most of it was boring books i had no use for. although others may dissagree.
im more interested it the necronomicon, i know its said to be evil.
but id love to read the real one. legend has it that it is written on human skin.
just to hold that power in your grasp would be overwhelming, i dont want the power though.
i just want to read it. the newest necronomicon is boring. written through fantasy instead of reality.
The Simon Necronomicon is the one i read most as it appears to have the most knowledge :P
anyway. some sites had nice info but no download? i did get a book on chaos magick which im usure of what it is
but it sounds interesting. and one of herbalism.
thanks for the share ^^ try take out the broken ones =/

heremtics (good books)
vsociety (not really books.. more of just info)
sacred-texts (works but hard to navagate, too much info not much magic)
xehepatl ( very little books tbh )
gutenberd (works but im uninteresed in guttenburg..)
occultopedia (works yes but its only words. no spells rituals magic.. no nothing.. just information unnessicary)
estorericarchives (i like this one best because it has olden pictures and LOTS of books haha :P ) ( works but its pointless and not books so not really all that usefull)
phillhine (works. i like the small books, they are small but usefull)
ucc (wow... so much books xD good if your into celts or druidry which i am haha. itll be ages to read >_<)

wiccasources (the one i most wanted to see.. hmm.. it stops loading and say OOPS GOOGLE CANNOT FIND blah blah)
ecauldron (404 NOT FOUND.. bleh.. another i wanted to see haha. im so unlucky)
whothefuckcares (obviously this doesnt work cause its a joke site, probably taken down for being stuipid named)
heremeticgoldendawn (fails miseralbly. i get a picture of a crocodile or alligator-dont care which- and 404 NOT FOUND)

and tphta it didnt fail so much as it wasnt a proper site of books.. it was a stuipid phishing site. yeah..

hope i helped =) sorry if it seems like im judging id rather people not go and look through pages of info if its unhelpfull. but good share i gathered some ok-ish books. thanks :D smileykiss2 smileylove smiley_dance

Re: Free E-books! Here is my list...

Post by themodernwitch »

Hey guys,

I found another torrent that has 291 Wiccan eBooks on it as well.
I'm downloading them now. I'll let you know if they all work then I'll post the link here.

It's a 4GB file so you'll need a decent download limit and free space on your computer, but most people shouldn't have an issue with that.

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Re: Free E-books! Here is my list...

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

OP is a great list but some of the links do not work.
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Re: Free E-books! Here is my list...

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Thanks for the lists. As I have written elsewhere, in my old age I am going back to doing more magic and reading up on things I'm rusty on (or haven't even heard of yet) is high on my list.
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