Living in harmony with other faiths

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
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Living in harmony with other faiths

Post by SunshineEyes »

Merry meet. I just wanted to post about how I am working very hard to live in harmony with other religions, particularly Jewish because my mother and siblings are still very much of the Jewish faith, and Christianity. This was not always the case because I used to have a very Christian friend in high school who vehemently refused to accept me as I was. Now this was way before I was into Wicca and Paganism. I was still Jewish and she and her mother tried to convert my family to Christianity. She wouldn't even come into my house to hang out with me and my siblings. Sometimes a friend wants to help, but it was not a good experience for me.

Presently, I have made a good number of Christian friends and only 2 people in my adulthood have ever said that anything related to the Old Religions is evil, including faeries and anything Pagan. I accepted that their beliefs were different from mine and have moved on. Luckily at work I just made a friend who is much more open-minded and she actually brought up the topic of Paganism when she saw me wearing my pentagram necklace. I really want to live in harmony with those who believe differently from me. I do not bash Christians and respect their beliefs. I still sometimes fear reliving the experience I had with my former high school friend. That is why I am very careful when it comes to explaining why I constantly wear my pentagram necklace. And that is why I like this forum so much. I can be open here and learn how to be a better Wiccan and a friend to Christians without being judgmental toward those who believe differently. Brightest blessings!
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Re: Living in harmony with other faiths

Post by Oakheart »

I learned a long time ago that each religion, each philosophy, each tradition is merely a different colored curtain draped in front of the Light. Merely look at each religion as a curtain or banner. It is the Truth that dwells behind these curtains that truly matters. But while we are incarnated we have to deal with these many-colored banners. Hold your curtain proudly. And allow others to hold their curtains. I've been called a variety of derogatory terms such as "sorcerer" and "the Son of Satan" by ignorant folks. But I realize that they are merely viewing me through their respective colored filter.
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Re: Living in harmony with other faiths

Post by SunshineEyes »

Thank you, I will remember that. It's true that everyone views others differently and some people can be very ignorant. I may not agree with their religion, but I still show respect to everyone, regardless of their beliefs.
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Re: Living in harmony with other faiths

Post by moonraingirl »

We are lucky to be living in free countries in the modern world where everyone is free to believe whatever they want.
It is also important to see that when others call you satanic, they believe they are doing the right thing by "opening your eyes to the Truth". So in some cases, it may be understood as an act of love on their side. They want you to be saved!
Of course, many times there's pure arrogance and hatred in such words. We need to show such people that we won't fall down to their level and show them that we are good and honest people.
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Re: Living in harmony with other faiths

Post by Katrinkah »

It seems to me that most religions are pretty similar anyway. Most have very similar holidays and similar morals. So then what's the big deal? It's silly really.
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Re: Living in harmony with other faiths

Post by moonraingirl »

I agree with you fully. Unfortunately, some people see believing in the "right" thing as a matter of life and death.
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Re: Living in harmony with other faiths

Post by silverowl »

I find that there are hateful, pushy people in all camps. Including Pagan. I don't care what God you do or don't worship, if you're a dick you're a dick and I won't want to talk to you.
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