Former Area 51 Scientist, with Humor

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Former Area 51 Scientist, with Humor

Post by SpiritTalker »

as usual, in case the iPad link doesn't go, the YouTube channel &'title are:
UAMN TV - Former Area 51 Scientist David Adair Discloses Projects That Have uNever Been Seen by the Public ... CTFTDhlOZI

This guy has a down home sense of humor in telling how, as a teenage genius, he went from launching rockets in a cow pasture to Area 51. The description below is inaccurate in that there are no visuals; just a guy with a mic telling his story. It's a darned good story.

Published on Aug 21, 2018 Space technology expert and former Area 51 rocket designer David Adair will show you visuals and graphics of what the Aerospace Community had intended to build in space with the Shuttle program. These projects have never been seen before or announced to the public.

Learn about: Space Stations, Space Manufacturing, Space Based Medicines and Micro-Gravity Processing that the Aerospace Corporations wanted to build but were told NO by NASA because it was ‘too much industrialization of space’. Prepare to be amazed at the possibilities that exist! Meet and hear from one of the most exceptional rocket scientists of our time.
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