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Robert L
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Re: Vampires

Post by Robert L »

I've heard it claimed that Cain was turned into the first negro but that' a whole different story.

Something I thought about the other night, Since vampirism, if it were truly real, would be a sort of blood borne pathogen, would it not be possible to be sexually transmitted?
Going to be offline from 1 Feb to 1 March. (playing Army in LA)
See you all when I get back. :)

Re: Vampires

Post by Tala93 »

Hey :) Just thought I would say us vampire are real but not as most people know them, I am a psychic vampire and i feed off energy and auras through contact and non-contact :)
I have uploaded a video on my youtube channel if people are interested AmyElizabeth070593
And no we dont have fangs haha XD

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Re: Vampires

Post by Melindrose »

Robert L wrote:Something I thought about the other night, Since vampirism, if it were truly real, would be a sort of blood borne pathogen, would it not be possible to be sexually transmitted?
It could which is part of why vampires are usually very careful about having sex; that, and the fact that biting a person and drinking their blood is akin to great sexual pleasure, and being intimate can cause that to happen. However, As a vampire's body is dead and being moved by the will of the entity and sustained by blood of others, what fluids are there to transmit the virus sexually?
Robert L
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Re: Vampires

Post by Robert L »

Melindrose wrote:
Robert L wrote:Something I thought about the other night, Since vampirism, if it were truly real, would be a sort of blood borne pathogen, would it not be possible to be sexually transmitted?
It could which is part of why vampires are usually very careful about having sex; that, and the fact that biting a person and drinking their blood is akin to great sexual pleasure, and being intimate can cause that to happen. However, As a vampire's body is dead and being moved by the will of the entity and sustained by blood of others, what fluids are there to transmit the virus sexually?
You may have a point. Since most fiction published in the past 20 years involving vampires is borderline porn, I was surprised I've never heard it addressed.
Going to be offline from 1 Feb to 1 March. (playing Army in LA)
See you all when I get back. :)

Re: Vampires

Post by Tala93 »

Hey :)

I agree with you guys are saying about us and 'ust' in a way, when I am having sex with my partner I start to 'feed' on them by taking their energy and it makes me want it more and more and i find it really hard to stop sometimes, it often ends with them being exhausted and me just sitting there begging for more.... I think it has something to do with the fact that such an act creates high energy levels and so therefore is one of the best ways for us to feed.
Even though I dont think, or I have certainly never met a 'blood' vampire I do get urges to bite when Im feeding during sex, and i am starting to wonder whether the two are connected... Its such a powerful urge, just like the urge to keep going when im feeding.

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Re: Vampires

Post by Melindrose »

Well as I understand it for blood drinkers, according to standard fiction, the most common way to turn some one is with the "Embrace." The embrace is an act where, the vampire and person to be turned are in the middle of a passionate; often intimate situation, like having intercourse, but can simply mean a heavy make out session. The one being embraced is passionately drained of their blood, then the vampire, who becomes the "Sire" feeds some of their blood to the person. Once this is done the body of the person starts to undergo the changes of becoming a vampire, it physically dies, but instead of the soul leaving the body along with the spirit, it stays and animates the body. Once all the changes are complete and the newly turned vamp awakens; the sire takes them to a room where some one has been brought for them to be fed on. To quote the vampire Armand from Anne Rice's series, of which 2 of the books have been made into books, "People think that the changes happen all at once, but they don't. They just happen much faster than they would in a living person," or something like that its been a while since I last red the book about him.
Posts: 514
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Re: Vampires

Post by Melindrose »

Well as I understand it for blood drinkers, according to standard fiction, the most common way to turn some one is with the "Embrace." The embrace is an act where, the vampire and person to be turned are in the middle of a passionate; often intimate situation, like having intercourse, but can simply mean a heavy make out session. The one being embraced is passionately drained of their blood, then the vampire, who becomes the "Sire" feeds some of their blood to the person. Once this is done the body of the person starts to undergo the changes of becoming a vampire, it physically dies, but instead of the soul leaving the body along with the spirit, it stays and animates the body. Once all the changes are complete and the newly turned vamp awakens; the sire takes them to a room where some one has been brought for them to be fed on. To quote the vampire Armand from Anne Rice's series, of which 2 of the books have been made into books, "People think that the changes happen all at once, but they don't. They just happen much faster than they would in a living person," or something like that its been a while since I last red the book about him.
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