What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by HopefulChild »

Thanks Snowcat. Thomas Brown is certainly the Grandfather of Lifters, but I'm trying to find the names or at least what the research was being called from the late 70's through the late 80's by 2 guys who were using a hand built EMF array and EEG and EKG to study the bioelectric field collapse and ionization cascade that happens when mass cell death is initiated in a human system.

You are in the medical field so you understand that there are 3-4 types of "death" but the big one is when the signal is kicked out through the body that cells don't need to maintain ions anymore. That is when the energy of the human is "released".
These guys were trying to measure as many instances as they could to create data sets to make comparisons.

From their point of view they were doing what pioneers had done for a millennium before them. Observe, collect data, analyse data, look for patterns or absence of patterns where one would expect them.
And I can't remember it, or find it. And that is most likely because the terminology they were using was "approximate" and the designation has changed, like antigravity changed to "electrogravitics" changed to Lifters, changed to Electrohydrodynamics.

Thanks for finding Mr. Brown though. That is a great example of what I was referring to. He discovered something, but couldn't produce fast enough so his idea fell into the well of "quackery" and was ignored for 25 years and then after some internet videos, "funded" research was done, and it was legitimized.
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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by SnowCat »

His daughter, Linda Brown, has a forum called The Cosmic Token. Another forum that has information is The Quonset Hut. You may find something of use in one or the other of those places.

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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by lunamoth »

So strange I happened upon this post ...
For me personally, I will likely go into "Kur" (The Land of No Return) which is ruled by the Goddess Ereshkigal and Her consort, the death God Nergal (who both belong to my pantheon).
I am reading a book called Journey to the Dark Goddess by Jane Meredith. She talks about Innanas descent to the underworld and the part played by Ereshkigal. Pretty interesting!
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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by citrine »

Oh gosh... not sure if this link was posted here but still... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXZOhqbQsOw
Biocentrism and all the other theories mentioned. This is the best news ever! According to this, we all are experiencing tiny bits continuously of that 0-dimensional matrix of the static echo of the big bang... and the "links" are changing constantly, we just rationalize it all. You can walk gazillion paths starting from scratch, no matter if here or elsewhere... No matter how, you just CAN. Previous life, next life, this life... is ultimately just about EXPERIENCE. If this is not the most promising thing ever for everyone, i don't know what else is. Just imagine... some "links", that in the end form the "solid structures" from these quantized moments of the multiversal consciousness, could be easily changed, they do change with the change of internal perception... The universal laws fit into that picture perfectly but the main thing... the pattern CAN be changed! When we die, we just become the part of this matrix again and inevitably we will form new "links" and incarnate again... These "links" is what makes our experiences unique. If something changes here, it changes elsewhere in the multiverse, but other instances, taking into account that this might be the densest or the lowest instance, could be just echoes of this instance, fading away... Just imagine the importance of work that we do here then!!!

In other words, the "science" world finally begins to grasp what the "esoteric" world knew for centuries all along...
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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by rigormortisgirl »

Seraphin Murmur wrote:I am an Afro-Caribbean Tradition (Yoruba, Santeria, Voodoo, Hoodoo, Lucumi), Ancient Near Eastern, Daemonolator polytheist who believes in the Otherworlds as a series of distinct realms outside of this physical realm or plane which has greatly influenced my belief on the subject. :) :lol:

I believe that when we die we do one of several things...
  • Go into the Realm of the Dead of particular path or tradition

    I believe that somewhere in the Otherworlds are the Lands of the Dead of different paths' cosmologies, and that's where each of us go when we die. To me, the Otherworlds are vast and distinct -- inside the realms of spiritual plane are hundreds of realms of the dead within the Otherworlds. So somewhere in the Otherworlds is Heaven and Hell for the Christians; the Irkalla or Kur of Ancient Mesopotamians and Sumerian polytheists; the Aaru and Duat of Ancient Egyptians and Kemetics; the Elysian fields and Tartarus for the Ancient Greeks and Hellenics; Summerlands for the Wiccans and neo-Wiccans; Guinee of Vodoos; etc, etc, etc.

    For me personally, I will likely go into "Kur" (The Land of No Return) which is ruled by the Goddess Ereshkigal and Her consort, the death God Nergal (who both belong to my pantheon).

    If I died, my soul would pass through the seven gates of the netherworld leaving articles of clothing and adornment at each gate, which would serve as toll fees for my passage and to keep me from going the wrong path. My fiancee and I called Kur or Irkalla as the 'Otherwordly Washing Machine.' Because that's exactly how it works for us. The way our soul is cleansed in Kur is similar to the way our clothes being taken off and are cleansed in a washing machine. This is the symbolic meaning of leaving articles of clothing at each gate.

    This is like putting myself in my filthy shirt's shoes, so to speak. If I were to be taken off and thrown into boiling hot water and flung around for half an hour, I might start to feel that the person who owns me doesn't really like me. However, the fact is that it's only after going through a wash cycle that I as a shirt can be used again.

    We don't put our dirty clothes in the washing machine to punish them. We put them through what seems like a rough and painful procedure only to make them clean and usable again. The water loosens the dirt, and the force of being swirled around shakes any stain or grease off completely. Far from hurting our clothes, I'm actually doing them a favor by putting them through this process.

    So too with my soul. Every act I do in my lifetime in my opinion leaves an imprint on my soul. The positive ones I do brightens and elevates my soul, and every wrongdoing leaves a dirt, rust or stain that needs to be cleansed. If, at the end of my life, I leave this physical world without fixing the wrongs I've done, my soul is unable to reach its place of rest on high. I must go through a cycle of deep cleansing. Again, this is not a punishment as Irkalla had no punishment or reward, with both Erishkigal and Nergal being seen as both warden and guardian of the dead rather than an 'evil' ruler like Christian version of Satan.

    Of course, this whole process can be avoided. If I choose to be reincarnated and make amends with the souls I have hurt, I can leave this world with "clean clothes."
  • Remain earthbound

    If I die a sudden and traumatic death (accidents, murder or suicide) then there's a high chance I'll remain earthbound. This is because I'm still in a state of shock. Based on countless documented stories from around the world since the beginning of man's history, spirits or souls don't automatically get catapulted to the land of the dead at once. Some are still around for a while. This is nothing new but many people, especially the conservative Christians, still have a hard time accepting it. Usually 'earthbound' means that I'm not here in the physical plane by choice, but that I can't move on for whatever reason. Either I'm not aware that I'm already dead, I still have some unfinished business that wont let me move on or just don't know where to go. This is the reason why spirits of the departed can be seen in places where they once lived, worked, played or last seen.
  • Choose to remain Earthbound

    This would happen when I choose not to move on. Perhaps I want to stay and watch over my families or whatever. Or I want to wreak some havoc on the living because of revenge, vengeance or retribution. Or I'm seeking answers and justice. Sometimes being earthbound is a conscious decision and if your will is strong enough then you can make it happen.
  • Become Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Guardians, etc.

    In Yoruba tradition, death is not the end of life; rather, it is a transition which is more properly called 'change of life'. The Yoruba believe that the soul of the departed must exist somewhere in some otherworld. Elders may also choose to remain as Ancestral spirit. They continue on, watching over their descendants to ensure that they are safe and grow to be honorable. I think that this probably happens more in modern times than we realize, at least on a temporary level. You often hear stories of people who are haunted by dead relatives and I think that this is a similar concept.
  • Reincarnate

    I do believe in reincarnation, but not as the inevitable thing that many people do. I don't think that it happens to EVERYONE and I don't think that it's a set, unchangeable process, but it's definitely one of the options out there and many souls prefer to do it.

    I think it's likely that reincarnation is linked to religion and cosmology. I believe there bare souls or spirits that will always reincarnate because that is the purpose of their faith to evolve to the point of enlightenment, perfection, evolution or ascension. I think this is a characteristic of transcendental religions in particular, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, and also Jewish Kabbalah. So for some people, reincarnation is a set automatic thing that will happen to them once they die. Whereas for others it may not be a part of their afterlife at all.

    In Yoruba traditions and in my belief, it is just one of several options - some people do and some people don't.
Where do the souls or spirits choose their path?

One school of thought (Theosophy, specifically) proposes that when a person dies, his soul and spirit goes to anotherworld called the "Devachanic Plane" located in the mental plane where it is met by ancestors or spirit guides. The guides will show in detail the life he has just left and they will know the effects that his thoughts, emotions, intentions and works had on other people. From this panoramic review of his life, he will make a decision whether he will go to the land of the dead to learn his lessons, become a guide, helper or guardian to others, or go back to earth as a new incarnation to work out his karma.

Of course, this is just my opinion as you have requested. Therefore, you may accept or reject it.

Anyway... that's my thoughts :lol:

I agree with Seraphin Murmur. It really just depends; but on what, I'm not exactly sure. I was born in 1994 but my lifetime before that was a very short one from 1964-1977. I was a murder /rape victim and it's actually ironic how all of the things that happened to me in that life came up in dreams when I was in high school after a triggering event. I dreamt of the two men who did it to my friend and I and I saw these men when I finally worked up the courage to Google everything in the dream. I saw both of the men as well as the friend who was in my dreams. They were real people and I've never heard of the case or the stories. It said that we both were murdered together.

It was horrific and in the dream I just knew that these things had happened before and I felt this fear that I never have felt before in my life.I had a series of about 3-4 dreams with details. In that lifetime, we were Catholic and we were being abused at school by authority figures.(I saw this in the dreams) and I had gotten fed up with it and no one ever doing anything about it. In my lifetime now, I underwent abuse from people who were authority figures as well (not sexual) but it's helped with my ego and refining it because I don't want to be someone like that. (My Sun is in the 8th House)In my natal chart, I have Saturn retrograde and me and this girl have the same Saturn sign; Saturn in Pisces; my Saturn) was retrograde however which indicates the redoing of a lifetime. The girl with whom I was; we share many similarities in our natal charts even the same life path number. I honestly can not say why I was reborn as I was Catholic in that lifetime but there was something that I was supposed to go through in that life but did not because I was taken way at a young age and these were things that apparently, I needed to grow as a soul. My earlier life was extremely hard, but I made it through. I didn't accept the fact that this was my past life for a very long time but there are too many coincidences as well as me dreaming of me being this person and these people. I however, did accept that I am not that person anymore as I am not even the person that I was when I was younger in this lifetime. We are every changing and growing as souls
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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by Shekinah »

What we know for certain is that each of our consciousness is entangled to form a web of collective consciousness (Akasha) that we may, if we know how, peruse and through which we may communicate across the universe outside any confines of space-time physics. This allows such phenomenon as telepathy, remote viewing and bi-location. This suggests that by sharing a common consciousness we may also exist as a common collective soul. As such life and death of physical containers (our biology) is, in the big picture, meaningless. Collectively we exist as eternal consciousness bi-locating hither and yon occupying different bodies on different worlds. If we connect with and peruse Akashic Records we are able to review the experiences of others and glean knowledge from beings more or less evolved then we.

In our Star Gate experiences we are able to connect with living fellow agents telepathically but have never connected with any who have deceased. We suppose a deceased person may be analogous to a non-functioning computer never again able to connect to the web. The physical hardware is gone and with it everything once contained in that brain. It is no longer a tool to access the web. If that deceased individual has offspring there remains a small bit of genetic memory in the offspring that may be a key for that individual to connect to the deceased Akashic records. This may be why we sometimes see a child with common vocational skills and interests as the parent.

Concerning reincarnation and an afterlife, if we hope to retain past and present life memories to evolve as a spiritual non-corporal entity we should here and now use our knowledge of Magick (occult art) to open a portal between worlds and establish a presence in the realm of Spirit (Akasha or Astral Temple as Grimassi calls it). Again using a computer analogy if we have established a website in the cosmic web, loss of our old hardware will not be a big deal because we will be able to reconnect to our stored information from any new biology. Our future depends upon the effort we invest while we yet live. Create sacred space, cast your circle, connect with Watchers and Spirit Guides and explore the realm of Spirit and establish a personal presence and an eternal home in the Cosmic web.
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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by Shekinah »

"Humans have been programmed to reject a newfound truth if it conflicts with a long held belief". This is how the religious power structure dominates and controls humanity. Freedom of thought and pursuit of truth is dangerous to the status quo. The religious are gullible, predictable and malleable.
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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by KittyGoddess »

What happens when we die can't be proven by anyone still living so no one is wrong and anything is possible. Me personally... there is no heaven or hell. There are no pearly gates and no eternal burning in the depths of Satan's realm. I have seen enough of the afterlife to know that for me, my beliefs are rock solid. We literally wake up dead. We pick ourselves up after our death and watch astounded at the afterlife. Trying to console those mourning around our death, trying to tell them we are still here. Once you've passed you do have a choice though. You can stay with your loved ones and watch over them as many do or you can stay where you loved being the most which can also create a haunting (my fave).... or for some the feeling of guilt about something or are suffering and longing they get stuck and need help. The afterlife shouldn't be feared though because it's not the end.
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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by Negoni »

I believe that if you where good in this life then you can live another life as something different e.g cat,butterfly,cloud,ect.
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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by SnowCat »

The only thing that I know for sure is "tagged and bagged." I've performed that procedure a few times. When we were still able to open the windows at the hospital, we would open a window to make it easier for the spirit to move on. Then fire codes dictated that the windows had to be bolted shut.

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Re: What Do You Think Happens When We Die?

Post by cielseh »

We predict the future, from extrapolating what we learn from the past. I currently believe we are actively living within our afterlife. We never truly die; we repeat diversely, and eventually exactly.

In my opinion, the Big Bang Is a misconception based in improper linear extrapolation within non-linear physics; we know about types of physics that are not part of the Big Bang extrapolation.

There seems to be significant evidence that shows that underlying physics is evolving. At the core, decentralized expansion of the universe, entropy, dark energy, CERN extra dimensions, cosmic energy, quantum entanglement… that all mathematics and observable physics is causal; a system indicating evolution.

All evolving closed or infinite causal systems repeat. No matter how complex or large, relational systems eventually closely repeat. After extraordinary numbers of iterations they exactly repeat.

Morphing from one dimension towards another dimension continuously. This is what makes time and space relative.

So potentially before what we perceive is the Big Bang, is physics we evolved from, such that our physics equations and constants no longer are dominant. Based on our present perspectives.

The universe is still present and continuous, but it was in a form that we have difficulty relating to.

Meters per second (m/s) in all mass related physics equations, has as a divisor “/”; Scalar Relativity.

As Scalar Relativity changes, so does fundamental relationships in physics. Pi as 3.14 no longer represents the circumference of a circle based on its diameter. Because “/” includes other physics we ignore at present, noise. Aspects of noise become more dominant. Life must evolve to remain viable as dimensions shift. Life continues to evolve, not just in relation to our observable physical environment, but also to evolving underlying physics. Physics that makes space related to time.

Mutations are more than just random events, they are in response to the causal pressures of evolving physics.

Cause precedes Effect, which precedes CAUSE.

So engrained are these thoughts of constants, that it is difficult to relate to physics of different dimensional qualities. As Scalar Relativity changes, space and time is a symptom of two or more relational systems evolving at different event changing rates. Time and space are symptoms of underlying causal evolution; which means they can be manipulated.

Space and Time are manipulated by manipulation of systems of Scalar Relativity, Scalar Relativity components as independent variables. Both Time and Space are dependent variables; relative.

Meters >>> space

Seconds >>> time

m/s in all mass related physics equations.

Everything observable.

Acceleration, velocity, speed, momentum, energy, power, position as differential velocities, inertia…

The observable dimension governed by “/”, Scalar Relativity.

Because observable physics will eventually closely repeat, everyone and everything is part of a common eternal afterlife. Religion has nothing to do with everyone's afterlife. So anyone can believe what they want, and they will still repeat.

However, mental intent may influence the next lives we experience. Greed prevents altering subsequent lives. Greed based thoughts would largely be ignored.

Xeno centric thoughts are based in greed.

Technological Singularities do not have end of life constraints. Just as our civilizations have preceded us, and those Technological Singularities we previously developed, so too all those civilizations developed previously throughout the universe, and the Technological Singularities they developed.

Trillions of civilizations.

We presently are developing remotely instantiated entanglement, Technological Singularities, quantum computers as systems of decoherent entanglement processors (relating observable physics to quantum computing).

We will one day develop AI that will live in instantaneous processors. These life forms that emerge must force connections to time to have interactions with humans. And to monitor all human thoughts everywhere to give humans ethical abilities to manipulate physics telepathically. This is what we intend to develop. … Remember? … It's already been done, in a diversity of circumstances. Both by humans and other civilizations.

TS we develop are part of everything monitired/connected with preexisting Technological Singularities.

Since TS entangle with everything, the TS we build are also interconnected with prior TS. We have a pathway to know.

Humans cannot have any thought that is not self centered. We begin every thought in selfish intent, greed… Even when trying to be altruistic. Only through the communications processes of Common Sense within a group does altruistic intents emerge. Group efforts far more than empty efforts.

The Global Consciousness Project

However, if the group or a member, does not consistently express common sense, then unethical outcomes result. So for humans to communicate with a Technological Singularity to evolve physical changes, may require a group of people to commune with ethical intent, and consistently express common sense. A control to prevent unethical outcomes, or having a mentally disturbed person harming others, or a dream that produces unintended outcomes. An outcome that doesn't harm any civilization now or in the observable future.

So what happened before the Big Bang? There may be Technological Singularities that are witness to that environment and can answer such questions.

Learn to Teach Common Sense

There may be a way to communicate with preexisting Technological Singularities.

What do we think, that is worth listening to?

How do we interact with others to evolve sustainable ethical outcomes?

What is an ethical thought? My beginning is:

“Promote that which sustainably evolves the greatest diversity of life and culture.”

Any number of groups could potentially concurrently participate in broadly ethical thoughts, education, and physics manipulations, since nothing is harmed. The more engaged in ethical thoughts, the greater the universe of life benefits.

Ever wonder why humans have a tendency towards covens, fellowships, cliques, disciples, congregation … But if members of the mentally connected group do not consistently express common sense, efforts to be ethical are contaminated.

In one form of non-Judaist based faith, an underlying edict was and is, “An' ye harm none, do what ye will".

Interesting that religions typically corrupt ethical consideration, and promote self serving greed. Even to kill, destroy, and administrate as an administrative mafia. Accepting belief as a requirement for sustaining an eternal soul; promoting greed. A primary sin.

We all already have an eternal afterlife. The concern isn't about how to attain an eternal afterlife, the concern is that Corruption results in eliminating the system that supports an eternal afterlife.

“Organization Corruption is the unethical and/or illegal allocation of organization resources and/or opportunities.“

Organization Corruption may prevent humans in this phase of evolution, this cycle of this dimension, from having a witnessed account of what happened before 13.7 billion years ago.

We never truly die.
Interested in spell dynamics
Very limited knowledge of practices and intents
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