Modern Witches Needed for Television

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Modern Witches Needed for Television

Post by PeteHenni »

Hi everyone,

My name's Peter, I'm from East Lancashire in the North of England and I work in television.
I and my television production team have been commissioned by SKY to produce several TV episodes which will be aired between the end of November through to early 2020.
One of the episodes we're working on currently is based around Witchcraft (specifically we're focusing on two halves, the first half is based around the history and legends of witchcraft in Lancashire, most notably the Pendle Witches, whilst the second half of the episode is dedicated to witches in the modern-day, all in all showing the old and new stories of witches and witchcraft in the North of England).
We're currently on the lookout for contributors who are a modern-day witch (that can be any type of witch too, Traditional, Wiccan, Pagan, etc...). We've already got one person from the Merseyside area who will be contributing to this episode, but we'd very much like it if we can one or two more contributors. We'd be looking for those based in a 50-75 miles radius of Preston, Lancashire.
Would anyone be interested in being involved in this? I know it's a long shot asking on forums for contributors, but you never know until you try haha

If anyone is interested, feel free to reply to this forum post.
You can also email me at

I hopefully look forward to hearing from some of you, thanks and have a good day!

Peter Hennigan
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Re: Modern Witches Needed for Television

Post by Firebird »

Hi Peter,
Were approving this post, sounds like a good project though I don't think we have anyone in your immediate area currently.
What I would request from you however, is a link to the project and finished piece.
It would be nice to see responsible reporting. Perhaps you could get input to questions from here as well unless your focus is area based. Most of us are in the US, but there are several in the British Isles and other countries.

To all who would respond, Please take caution when dealing with strangers.

BB, Firebird
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Re: Modern Witches Needed for Television

Post by SpiritTalker »

I can recommend contacting George Hares (he has a trad witch YouTube), lives in the general area & is well informed.
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Re: Modern Witches Needed for Television

Post by . »

Hey Pete
firebirdflys wrote: It would be nice to see responsible reporting.
Yes, please when a witch says three sentences and last one is too outrageous, don't just cut the last one away if it changes the whole context of what the interviewed one was saying. TV here is cutting way too many interviews like that I'm afraid :evilwitch:

By the way, blessed be, your area is soaking with magic so it's gonna be real and wished-for :flyingwitch:
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