I've been having problems concentrating for... so long! Visualisation became a big problem. Meditation as well. My doctor keeps suggesting i should try but it's like "i keep forgetting i wanted to".
If i relax (like when in physiotherapie session) i can defocus and meditate. My inner eye sees but i can't focus enough to see clearly.
So now i thought i'd just go to bed earlier and meditate.
Two nights ago i tried walking to my safe place and seeing what i found there.
My thaughts kept wondering about the squirrl in our garden. - i've never seen so many squirrls in my entire life, the six weeks we spent in upstate new york and canada back in 1991. There are squirrls in Germany but we really don't have a lot. So having one in our garden is pretty special.
Then i thaught. Maybe i will find the squirrl here in my meditation - but what i saw was a wolf. Looking out from between the trees. He just stood there, his head moved forward. Then he disapeared.
It wasn't quite what i remember third eve visualisation was like. The scenary was more like a feel and the wolf like a defocussed sight on the back of my eyelids. It feld odd...
Tried to check last night, but i fell asleep during relaxation and woke up 40 minutes later.
(Just to keep it complete...
I dreamt of sickness later that night. I went to the hospital. It was crazy full in the ambulance. Something was wrong with my stomach. I felt it but i felt ok. After waiting and waiting for a doctor i went home.
I went to my husbands aunts birthday by myself. She didn't look like her and the place wasn't her house but i feld comfortable. It started snowing 1.5cm big beautiful ice crystals.
The sun is shining this morning. The winds from russia blew cold yesturday. It is so cold outside now 21°f but it feels like 10 or less.)
((Sorry if confusing- sitting on couch with kids keep disturbing me))
Visualisation meditation third eye
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