Attracted very negative energy— now what?

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Attracted very negative energy— now what?

Post by skytwinkle »

Hello everyone!
I feel like I’m in a bad place right now and don’t really know what to do.

For context: I meditated almost a week ago, and toward the end of my meditation I started to daydream about cartoon centaurs. When I was done meditating, I got a vision of a pretty realistic centaur (I wrote about my vision in more detail in my latest post). SpiritTalker then suggested I meditated more on the image, and so I did (or tried to).
A day later I meditated and tried to focus on the image, and visualized a *faint* image of the centaur just turning around and disappearing behind a large bush, and I felt like behind the bush was some kind of maze. Moving in the visualization for me was impossible without erasing the image altogether, so I couldn’t follow him. A night or two later, I had a fairly normal dream (I was shopping for plants/herbs), however, I felt a large invisible hand push me. I got pushed so hard by this hand, it felt as if my dream body “tore” its own reality and my waking body felt the impact. It wasn’t very scary, just surprising. The scary parts were when I was trying to go back to sleep and the shadows in my room starting warping weirdly and just felt very negative, but I managed to fall asleep.

The next night, I tried to meditate again (bad idea in retrospect). But, this time I couldn’t even relax and I was very tense and just had a bunch of negative emotions inside me. I looked at some large polka dots on a bed while trying to meditate, but these warped and looked like they had very sharp teeth on the inside of each dot. That’s when I called it quits, and I’ve been having weird feelings both in and out since then (feeling like I’m being watched etc). I’ve always been a massive magnet for this kind of stuff, and it frustrates me to have to experience it again after a while of having peace (worst experience didn’t happen too long ago either— saw a silhouette of a body hunched over atop a small ladder just staring at me). The image of the centaur in my mind was also replaced by a quite literally in-your-face centaur with a scary face and blown out hair. But, deep in me something tells me to dismiss this new image.

I’m still very new to meditation and even just paganism in general. I can’t visualize very well at all, so any guided meditation video talking about visualizing “protection” might as well be gibberish because it’s very hard to visualize anything and don’t even know what “protection” even means exactly. I don’t know of any rituals nor have any material that I know of to do them to purify my space and myself and get rid of negative energies.

Right now, the only one who I’m leaning on is Goddess Mari as practically by only thinking about Her brings me peace and tearful happiness. What saddens me is how I don’t know of any real offering to give to Her as most of the more advanced knowledge of the pantheon and individual deities were destroyed or demonized/tainted by Christians centuries ago (She is part of the Basque mythology).
Image ”The day is for the humans who live on Earth’s surface. Come the night, and this belongs to the souls and spirits of the dead to whom the Moon alights for.” — J.M of Bariandaran
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Re: Attracted very negative energy— now what?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Hey Skytwinkle - A dream is something that our minds create. Everything in a dream is there with our subconscious mind’s Knowing, even when responding to worries & fears. We are the author, director, film crew and actors in our own dreams. On occasion we may interact with others - living & disincarnate and possibly that’s when our brain wave frequency reaches theta - but even so our own subconscious mind has authority to boot out what isn’t welcome. Just so you know.

So-o, you have not attracted a random negative energy. Instead your mind used a dream & created an image that brought out a response you think of as negative. Your mind set the stage to tell a story. The message is in the actions, your feelings, and the story.

You’re OK (really ☺️) and don’t need to smudge the house & go thru each room with a white candle & chanting blessings. Just take a shower and refresh your aura or sit outdoors 10 min in sunlight. Even if it’s overcast the cleansing UV light gets thru; storm clouds, not so much.

And since you mentioned not knowing how to cleanse space this would be a good time to do a search of the spell section. I’ve read in my own research that thyme was used as incense in Old Greece to disperse neg energy and to honor the deceased.
Here’s an example viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24756&p=179818&hili ... se#p179818

A simple bowl of water - refreshed daily - is an acceptable offering for any deity. Maybe you have a pretty bowl or special cup you could use to make it personal. Deities appreciate that & it’s thoughtful to place it where the family cat won’t be helpIng themselves to a sip or two.😺

Here is a post with some meditation exercises viewtopic.php?f=16&t=28166&p=205741&hil ... ve#p205741
Edit - by the way, it just occurred to me ... do you ground yourself after meditation? It’s a way to stabilize our energy & almost every 2nd post around here mentions grounding and centering.
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Re: Attracted very negative energy— now what?

Post by skytwinkle »

SpiritTalker wrote: Sat Sep 26, 2020 1:58 pm Hey Skytwinkle - A dream is something that our minds create. Everything in a dream is there with our subconscious mind’s Knowing, even when responding to worries & fears. We are the author, director, film crew and actors in our own dreams. On occasion we may interact with others - living & disincarnate and possibly that’s when our brain wave frequency reaches theta - but even so our own subconscious mind has authority to boot out what isn’t welcome. Just so you know.

So-o, you have not attracted a random negative energy. Instead your mind used a dream & created an image that brought out a response you think of as negative. Your mind set the stage to tell a story. The message is in the actions, your feelings, and the story.

You’re OK (really ☺️) and don’t need to smudge the house & go thru each room with a white candle & chanting blessings. Just take a shower and refresh your aura or sit outdoors 10 min in sunlight. Even if it’s overcast the cleansing UV light gets thru; storm clouds, not so much.

And since you mentioned not knowing how to cleanse space this would be a good time to do a search of the spell section. I’ve read in my own research that thyme was used as incense in Old Greece to disperse neg energy and to honor the deceased.
Here’s an example viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24756&p=179818&hili ... se#p179818

A simple bowl of water - refreshed daily - is an acceptable offering for any deity. Maybe you have a pretty bowl or special cup you could use to make it personal. Deities appreciate that & it’s thoughtful to place it where the family cat won’t be helpIng themselves to a sip or two.😺

Here is a post with some meditation exercises viewtopic.php?f=16&t=28166&p=205741&hil ... ve#p205741
Edit - by the way, it just occurred to me ... do you ground yourself after meditation? It’s a way to stabilize our energy & almost every 2nd post around here mentions grounding and centering.
Hiya, SpiritTalker! Well, that’s good to know, many thanks! I was getting worried as I read experiences with spirits and they were quite similar to what I was feeling. Maybe that exasperated everything as well. Doh! 😖

However, thank you for the meditation and cleansing link too! I’m sure it’ll be very helpful. I’ll research some cleansing spells and start adding to my BoS. On grounding myself, I’m more successful than not, but there’s definitely more room for improvement, same with centering.

The water bowl idea is fantastic! Makes a lot of sense. I’ll try to find a nice bowl no one is using. And good call on cats! Mine is something else— he might take a sip and knock the bowl over!

Again, many thanks for your help!
Image ”The day is for the humans who live on Earth’s surface. Come the night, and this belongs to the souls and spirits of the dead to whom the Moon alights for.” — J.M of Bariandaran
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