I am brand new to witchcraft. Only a few weeks in and have learned a very few basics. I'm trying to learn everything all at one time and feeling overwhelmed so I'm focusing now on finding a god and goddess. I'm very appreciative that I've been accepted to this forum.
Blessed be! And thank you. *October's Moon*
October's Moon wrote: I'm trying to learn everything all at one time and feeling overwhelmed
I'll bet you are
Step back, breath...and go slowly. No one graduated college in a day a week or even a year. (That I know of).
There are many different traditions and ways of doing things and this may be why you're feeling overwhelmed. Spend a little time going through the different ideas about how witchcraft is approached, and don't be in a hurry either to find who your "God or Goddess" many of us have been on the path for years and years and don't have a patron/ess God or Goddess. We can resonate with many deities if that is our choice.
Feel free to ask questions in the many forums provided here to help you sort things out, and in the meanwhile swing by the intro section and ket us know a little bit about you.
Many blessings, Firebird
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
You let your patrons find you. It comes with time and exposure. In the mean time, let your mind acquire the concepts of Nature. As you get a feel for the Earth cycles and energies, It all will start taking shape and one day, it's smack in the face with a "doh!". So don't rob yourself of the pleasure by being in haste. Trust it.
Ok, I'm not sure how to phrase this, and I don't want to offend anyone. (deep breath) It may help, if you haven't already done so, to define within your own understanding, in you own words, what the Gods are. In the Pagan community, it's a wide open field. Defining our terms to ourselves helps root us.
Edit - My favorite book quote is from "The Far Pavilions" and the young boy is praying to the far mountains: "God, I know you are everywhere, but I worship you here. I know you are many forms, but I worship you in this form".
Many of us come from varius and sundry structured religious backgrounds, and it's giddy when the structures are removed and we are free to believe what we will. It takes a while to peel away the layers of our beliefs. There's no time limit when it comes to deities...they've got forever...well, if you believe they do.
How do you know when they've found you? It depends on what you believe. You'll hear this 10,000 times...there is no one right way in Wicca. It's up to you. It's what you decide is acceptable. That is why it is said witches take responsibility for their own actions, and the outcome.
When the concept of Deity that is in your heart speaks to you, you can't miss it.
And recommended reading is the Patron Deities FAQ at the top of this section. It's a good read.
I'm a huge hypocrite when it comes to this, but try to be patient.
Accepting the Pagan World and trying to make sense of it all is a lot if you try to take it all in at once. Try and take a step back and breathe. I watched a lot of videos at first on YouTube by some great Witches;
HerSpeak [Has no Patron, but still gives GREAT advice]
TheLadygravedancer [Knowledgable of spells, crafts, etc]
EmberHoneyRaven [Currently absent with Life Stuff. Waiting for her videos to come back]
TipToeChick [No longer active, but gave great beginner advice]
And day by day I'm still learning how to enchant, bless, cleanse, purify, and what the differences are. But we're not here to talk about those. We're here to talk about finding a Deity... In which you let the Deity find you.
You might try to at least study Deities from different belief systems and origins [Celtic, Norse, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Middle-Eastern, etc.]. This way when you walk your path you'll be able to recognize signs and symbols when one tries to communicate with you. You can also try to study the Gods/Goddesses by narrowing it down to what interests you or has interested you through your childhood. Sometimes they communicate with us this way as children without us really thinking anything of it until we find our path.
I've been walking the path for about 6 months actively now, studying and trying to communicate with Deities. It's a slow process, since they don't generally jump in front of us and declare their name. But sometimes a rarity will occur in nature [a rare stone, uncommon feather or creature will appear], or sometimes the signs will show up in your dreams.
You can always choose to work with a Deity without dedicating yourself to them completely as well. Such as you might temporarily appeal to Aphrodite for Love Spells you need help with, or Ganesha to Overcome an Obstacle. This could also lead you to your Patron Deity over time.
EmberHoneyRaven, ladyGraveDancer and TipToeChick have been my guiding lights. Adding to this is ShadowBuoy, who is Traditional, non-Wiccan. OK end ad.
I may hold the record for longest-running patroness hunter. It took me since 1988 until this past April to learn the name of the Goddess who first touched me, simply because nothing had been written on Her until about 5 years ago. So ... Sometimes it takes a while. And fortunately She is compatible with the God-name I chose at my dedication in a sudden moment of inspiration at the very point of making my declaration. So it worked out all in it's own time, as it should. I'm the poster child for "you can't rush the Gods." and it's every bit as sweet as anticipated.
This is something I am struggling a bit myself. I would say I've yet to find a deity who has seemed to "choose" me..But I do have deities that I "resonate" with and thus honor in my daily practices. For me, this is enough. And my main goal of worshiping deities is simply to have a form and face for what is ultimately, to me, an infinite and undivided Spirit ("God"). This makes my connection to the divine seem more personal, but it is really different for everyone...Maybe some day a particular deity will make themselves overtly "known" to me. But I am totally fine if not. I agree with HazelWolffe's suggestion to research deities from other cultures too.