Where Do I Even Start??..

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Re: Where Do I Even Start??..

Post by SpiritTalker »

You could...
. look into paths teaching what you want to learn & not what you already know & grow into the path
. make a spell kit: incense cones, matches, candles, olive oil, salt, water, palm-stone, herbs
. go outdoors & engage your intuitive senses to greet the genius loci, leave friendly offerings
. journal about your story, detail what draws you now, specific Qs & what you want to learn
. meditation is an ability to park the mind; so gaze at a candle flame & don’t wander
. grow & dry your own 🌿 herbs
. eat seasonal foods for pagan holidays & always share an offering with Nature
. do home cleanse spells with candle, salt’n sage, sigil spells
. create your own incantations
. use your hobbies in your craft
. get acquainted with the Elemental forms of matter in Nature 🪨💦💨🔥✨
. observe color 👀 and scent👃🏼effects on your feelings & thoughts to intuit their uses
. make an outdoor altar with Nature finds & then make one indoors from household finds; the object is to use what’s available free & buy nothing
. research Salt 🧂 - it’s chemistry and uses, and how it sustains Life
. research Water 💦 - H2O has daily & magical uses, & sustains Life
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