Unusual experience

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
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Unusual experience

Post by Annellin »

Hello. This morning, something unusual happened. I am quite new when it comes to wicca, so...I cant give it a name. I will try to explain it as best as I can. I woke up at...4:40am, or close to that time. My laptop was next to me, closed. I tried to sleep, but, because I didn't managed, I opened my laptop, and connected on Skype, to talk to my long distance boyfriend. We're in a long distance relationship since the beginning. Anyway...I spoke a bit to him, joked, etc, then I decided to sleep a bit more. It was already 6am. I asked him to wake me at 6:30 or 7, for me to go to school. He agreed. I wasn't sure that i'll be able to sleep, but I tried. I was relaxing, with the blanket on me, when suddenly, I started to feel...like floating, or more like...very cold, but warm, and floating. I was able to feel myself breating, but I wasn't able to move. I tried to move my hand, but even if I was able to hear the command in my mind, it didn't worked. I tried to talk, but the same thing happened. I was almost panicking. What made me able to command my body again, was my laptop announcing that my battery was 10%. I felt...strange for a few seconds, like I belonged there... but a little part of me told that I didn't. Sorry if it doesn't make sense
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Re: Unusual experience

Post by moonraingirl »

Hello, it may have been sleep paralysis http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/gu ... -paralysis
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Re: Unusual experience

Post by wiccanii »

It sounds like sleep paralysis. However, it also could have had spiritual significance. You could look into it by meditating, which would be beneficial even if it wasn't of spiritual significance.
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